Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1967 Inspired in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet ****** Contents ****** 1 Beloved Lord Gautama - January 1, 1967 2 Beloved El Morya - January 8, 1967 3 Beloved Kuthumi - January 15, 1967 4 Beloved Mother Mary - January 22, 1967 5 Beloved Chananda - January 29, 1967 6 Ascended Lady Master Meta - February 5, 1967 7 Beloved Saint Germain - February 12, 1967 8 Beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice - February 19, 1967 9 Beloved Lanto - February 26, 1967 10 Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 5, 1967 11 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 12, 1967 12 Beloved Orion, the Old Man of the Hills - March 19, 1967 13 Serapis Bey - March 26, 1967 14 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 2, 1967 15 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 9, 1967 16 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 16, 1967 17 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 23, 1967 18 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 30, 1967 19 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 7, 1967 20 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 14, 1967 21 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 21, 1967 22 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 28, 1967 23 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 4, 1967 24 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 11, 1967 25 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 18, 1967 26 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 25, 1967 27 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 2, 1967 28 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 9, 1967 29 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 16, 1967 30 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 23, 1967 31 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 30, 1967 32 Beloved Kuthumi - August 6, 1967 33 Beloved Kuthumi - August 13, 1967 34 Beloved Lord Maitreya - August 20, 1967 35 Beloved Archangel Michael - August 27, 1967 36 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 3, 1967 37 Beloved Mighty Hercules - September 10, 1967 38 Beloved Saint Germain - September 17, 1967 39 Beloved Lanto - September 24, 1967 40 Beloved Lanto - October 1, 1967 41 Beloved God Meru - October 8, 1967 42 Beloved Goddess Meru - October 15, 1967 43 Beloved Lord Gautama - October 22, 1967 44 Beloved El Morya - October 29, 1967 45 Beloved Archangel Raphael - November 5, 1967 46 Beloved Archangel Chamuel - November 12, 1967 47 Beloved Paul the Venetian - November 19, 1967 48 Beloved Archangel Jophiel - November 26, 1967 49 Beloved Archangel Zadkiel - December 3, 1967 50 Beloved El Morya - December 10, 1967 51 Beloved Archangel Uriel - December 17, 1967 52 Jesus Christ - December 24, 1967 53 Beloved Lord Gautama - December 31, 1967 ****** Chapter 1 Beloved Lord Gautama - January 1, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 1 - Beloved Lord Gautama - January 1, 1967 Help Me Hold the Banner of Peace The summoning of hope is an art of inestimable value. The relative size of the world order often proves overwhelming, tending to lose the individual in a mass of confusing elements. With hope let men summon the banner of peace and establish it within the magnetic emanation that surrounds the spine and the medulla oblongata. Let men think about the effects of their thoughts and feelings upon others - not alone in their immediate environment but also in the total world complex. Thoughts can be banners of truth, integrity, virtue, and loveliness benefiting a world order, or they can be swiftly flying arrows poisoning the atmosphere. Unfortunately the man-made concepts about Christmas are put away as seasonal ornaments, and with loud outcries mingled with fear and personal hope men pass through the fleeting portals of the New Year. While the pivot point of selfhood is for the moment occupying a relatively fixed position, the self-imposed expansion-tethers (which outline the field of possible individual attainment) are of varying lengths, affording the individual expression of selfhood the limited opportunity to roam at will the field of mortal and immortal concepts. The markings of each year signify the completion of an era and, viewed from mortal levels, can be taken with mingled joy and sobriety. Here in Shamballa where we have entered into a full discussion of greater self-mastery for all of mankind, we have determined to send out into the ethers, and with this epistle, a carefully thought-out program of expansion for each lifestream. It is a foregone conclusion that the nature of individuals and their sense of values range from mild doubt to repudiation and from a questioning acceptance to a burst of cosmic enthusiasm. Thus, from center to the right and to the left does the consciousness of mankind swing as a pendulum through both the yin and yang of reality and shadow. Among the most desirable hopes for every year is the glorious attitude that positively accepts the dictums of God, the blessings of his laws, the tenderness of his reality, the surging capacity of his love, and the radiance of his illumination as the cup of joy by which aspiration is translated into actuality. Beloved Saint Germain has declared that "joy is the motivating power of life," and I say to you today that without happiness in that which you are doing, the road would be extremely difficult. However men and women who seek deliverance from any form of bondage should ever remember that habits once learned can become difficult to discard. The part of wisdom, then, is to form benign habits that will stretch the being of man through the whole stratum of reality and hold it there until God can secure it for the beloved son, whose acceptance of righteous patterns then becomes enduring. The chaff of life often fills the air even at the time of harvest. Some perceive it as a cleansing, others as a cloak of darkness. We see it as the law fulfilling itself through the boundless cycles of being and providing highways of opportunity for young and emerging souls. These tender souls are coming out of dense human relations, karmic grossness, manifest coarseness of nature, and crude anomalies in their beings to a point of reference where, suffering what amounts to either mild discontent or extreme unhappiness with themselves, they desire to pursue the way that purifies the path of the future. Blatant self-condemnation and a sense of judgment for past errors is often a great deterrent to progress yet, under some circumstances, it can provide a prick upon the conscience which will help the individual to aspire to improve the nature of self and enhance its coming of age into its own beautiful light-reality. The hierarchy has discussed the sense of mortal density, the heaviness in the thought and feeling world of mankind today. The restless currents of the very young are not absent from the more mature, and the tendency of mankind to seek for their own personal good or that which they esteem to be in their best interests often carries them far afield from the realities which your beloved Jesus, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, and the heavenly host have sought to impart to mankind. In radiant reality these opportunities are beamed - sometimes momentarily into the forcefield of individuals or groups, sometimes as textual manifestations of truth as in the sacred, acceptable scriptures of the world, and then again in tangible manifestation through the lives of those saints who have truly expressed Christly, apostolic succession. Multitudes have been inspired to follow most of us who are known to men in the outer world, some choosing one expression of God and some another. Christendom basks in mass acceptance in the West, yet it is not without flaw. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, with other religious expressions, vie with one another in the East, yet they are not without flaw. The answer in the world domain, as we see it, is still the coming of God into manifestation in the world of the individual to produce the seeming miracle of Christ's reality. This blessedness of natural expression with its pristine purity requires the renunciation of mortal aims on a temporary basis in order that the aspirant may seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then trust in the natural order of divinity to mold and shape the perfection of the eternal world right around and through the lattices of human expression. While it is true that some do break through into the kingdom of heaven and lay hold upon and claim divine power for themselves to which they are not yet entitled, while it is true that there are in vogue and in practice expressions of what has been termed black magic, or witchcraft - running as a thread of shadowed substance through the human misuse of life's energies, carried on by those who seek to effectuate personal control over the lives of others and to serve on a cooperative basis with the negative forces of the planet in creating a miasma of confusion in society, politics, and religion - it is also true that, in ignorance, few of these know what they do. We can call for their forgiveness while pointing out that the truth of the laws of Almighty God embodies its own reward of freedom, its own code of integrity and honor, and the karmic grace of assisting each lifestream who practices the golden rule. "As above, so below," the enduring joy of clearing one's personal record from the spoilings of all past ages may be victoriously experienced together with the reward of the purity of salutary expression and salubrious assistance to the wretched multitudes in the grip of psychic forces, whose dangers they seldom reckon with because of a lack of right personal knowledge. The Council of India, the Darjeeling Council, and the Council of the Grand Tetons together with the masters in the Cave of Symbols, have had a series of joint meetings to assess the continuing problems of humanity and to seek further for a solution on both an individual and a collective basis. Our decisions can be of little assistance, precious ones, without the cooperation of our chelas and disciples scattered round the planet. The fervor and devotion for the universal cause on the part of many of the recipients of our weekly communications have provided the necessary spiritual climate for contemporary man, enabling us before the Lords of Karma to endorse new measures of assistance. Fervent causes, when supported, cannot and do not fail. The vital energies invested in such causes remain forever an expanding embrace of light for all men in all time to come. Tireless and sincere, the light emanations of the sons of God upon this planet are a mounting tide of celestial assistance whose untold, unheralded, and unsung records constitute one of the great love treasures of the world whose enduring worth will one day be revealed as the indomitable force of light's victory unto humanity. It is ever a source of amazement to the faithful of our unascended chelas to perceive the disbelieving attitude of some of those who have been exposed to the Sacred Host (Eucharist), the body of Christ-truth which constitutes ascended-master ideals, who then give their attention so freely to the peepings and mutterings of maudlin sentimentalities, self-glorification, and distortions of truth, uttered in the name of God but without his sanction. It is a foregone conclusion that wherever the rod of power is cast down before the court magicians of the darkened consciousness of a worldly pharoah, these sorcerers will perform their wiles, saying, "We do the same thing." Let it be known, then, from Shamballa that we have a more sure word of prophecy whose technique does spiritually generate those mighty light rays of immortal freedom calculated to lift the souls of men as with wings toward a higher expression of divinity. Likewise, there is a clarity and continuity to our expressions of truth which can never be gainsaid. One of the fallacies of mortal reason is embodied in the concept of universal love as it is misunderstood by humanity. We have said again and again, "By their fruits ye shall know them." Yet, these fruits are not always outwardly apparent and readily available to the knowledge of all. Then again, counterclaims spread by the harbingers of destruction are circulated supposedly against the persons of the teachers of truth, whereas in reality these are designed to discredit the truth itself. There is always a tendency on the part of mankind to embrace new and startling concepts simply because there is inherent within most individuals the sense of the miraculous and a lingering hope that one day a sudden burst of cosmic miracle will change the world into its full state of divinely intended beauty. Precious ones, the Infinite can scarcely hold back the manifestation of just such a joyous expression of longed-for divine reality, but you must remember that the sovereign quality of individual free will cannot be lightly dishonored even by the Deity. If men desire to express error, whether they are ignorant of it or not, they will do so and as much as it can be argued that the omnipotence of God gives him the power to overthrow human will, the fact that he has not done so is an indication in favor of the original premise - that man's free will is sovereign in his domain. But I declare for all time, this is a higher favor than men at first supposed, for it permits them to learn through their mistakes and to overcome by the intensification of their desire for righteousness, even as they have been overcome by a misplaced desire for unrighteousness. It is safe to say, I think, that many of the unrighteous have supposed themselves to be acting in good grace, and while the law has often expressed the quality of mercy to these, it is never possible to erase the blight of wrong sowings until the individual is finally given instructions either below or above as to what constitutes true right action. It would be simple for the Deity to expound a lie to mankind, for the lie would indeed be the truth as God sees it, and there is no higher truth; thus the Eternal could proclaim the victory of mankind even before it was manifest in outer expression, and while ultimate victory is no lie but the only truth of life, he has in effect already proclaimed it by his laws. It remains simply for man to accept the truth! In the world of form, as the laws of light strike the dense solidity of men's negative concepts, these laws will always cast their shadow upon the ground. Only when the being and body of man is purified by the vibratory action of the light itself will there be no shadow - no resistance to the fulfillment in man of the divine intent. Thus, the law has its counterpart, "as above, so below," and there is a jurisprudence administered by the Karmic Board which creates, in a manner superior to automatic processing, perfected directives to each person upon the planet showing how he might escape all error if he will follow these directives in minute detail even to their most subtle implications. Such instructions, however personal, are always centered upon the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Escape from the karmic round and freedom from all inordinate desire are the intent of God for every creature, but it must always be remembered that the bond of human sympathy is a shadowed, false counterpart of divine compassion. For sympathy always reinforces human bondage, while compassion seeks by the expression of truth to bring mankind speedily to his ultimate freedom. Now, inasmuch as the power of truth is ever mounting, inasmuch as the way of grace is ever being made plain, let all understand and feel that although the smoke of battle may not be cleared away from the world order for some time, although the destructive forces may often seem by their tirades and mass hypnotic control to win many a battle, all of this is but a seeming that which seemeth to be but is not and not an actualization. Thus the debris remaining in the world order will ultimately be cleared. Be comforted by the knowledge that your efforts are never in vain. Those who tell you so would deter all planetary progress and keep the seething, raging seas of mortal feeling in a constant state of fear mingled with hope. Our desire in this New Year message is to point out that each clearly defined manifestation of truth, each textual release of knowledge from our sphere, is a concrete manifestation embodying the hieroglyphs of true spiritual hope which are actually held before the inner sight. To lift the purposes of life into the grand and noble perspective which God employed in the construction of the universe is to show every man that regardless of his present state, the celestial cures remain active as life principles. These principles must be learned. These rungs upon the ladder of the laws of life must be climbed. There is no escape, nor indeed can there be, from the plan and simple way of the radiant Christ in manifestation within thyself. May the footprints thou dost make upon the sands of Life be his own as the light from within thyself shines through thy flesh form, sparkling with radiant ascended-master love, virtue, and honor and impinging upon all of life the grace that God is to thee. This thou shalt not easily lose. This thou shalt not separate from thyself. This will be thy transcendent faith replacing the "wings of Icarus," which, being affixed with wax, did melt from the heat of the Sun (of righteousness) causing him to fall to the earth. Thou shalt arise instead by a faith secure In the God domain that shall endure, And never be moved By mortal shadows upon the screen - No matter how real they now may seem - For in the light of days to come Compassionate works will be well done, And peace will reign in every heart Because the soul of truth imparts The shining wonder of the goal, Dispensing light to every soul, Proclaiming to thee, I AM shall be Thy being's sole reality. Help me hold the banner of peace. The staff upon which every ascended master's hand is placed has room for thine own. I AM, in faith, hope, and charity, the servant of God for the earth at Shamballa. LORD GAUTAMA ****** Chapter 2 Beloved El Morya - January 8, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 2 - Beloved El Morya - January 8, 1967 Forerunners of the Golden Age of Man Those who forget the benefits of asking the whys and wherefores and the querying in which they may have heavily indulged as a child do but rob themselves. As we engage now in reverie concerning some of the whys manifest in the physical world, let us include in our investigations the desert and waste places of life - the swamps, the vast oceanic bodies, the mountain fastnesses, and the wilderness vast; and let us consider the reason for their being. The frightful moral decay which in past ages brought down the wrath of heaven (after a fashion) resulted in certain cataclysmic activities which brought about a change in the landed surfaces. Some of the uninhabitable areas of earth are, therefore, the manifestation of a cosmic quarantine. So frightful are the records of ancient civilizations, retained in the akashic realms over certain of the desert places, that it is most desirable, because of the possibility of astral contagion, to keep the population of mankind from actually building their homes there en masse and settling in those areas. There are exceptions, of course (and the Gobi Desert is one that I may cite), for the mankind of earth are similarly kept away from the great retreats of the masters of wisdom by reason of austere climate. Thus the angelic hosts and master adepts are able to come apart from the world - as was the fashion of beloved Jesus - into mountain, plain, desert, or sea where, because of the dearth of humankind living there, there is a relative decontamination of the surroundings and the auric emanations do more closely resemble the natural state, uncontaminated by human effluvia. This type of quarantine is to "keep out" the impurities of the mass consciousness, whereas the former restrictions are effected to protect mankind from the records of their own past violations of the law. Just as there are natural questions concerning the physical environment of man, so there are spiritual questions concerning the interpenetrating spiritual magnets composed of ascended master ideals, thoughts, and feelings and the living presence of the master himself as he moves about the planetary body engaged in cosmic service. It is not essential that mankind shall see or perceive directly the ascended masters in order to become beneficiaries of their activities. Yet to some is vouchsafed this privilege, whereas others seize it by force, opening the doorway into the astral world which, like the physical ocean, has within it those denizens of the deep whose manifestations could strike terror to the hearts of the uninitiated. The increasing use of LSD upon the planet and of other chemical compounds calculated to induce the opening of the spiritual centers in mankind is far more apt to produce a condition of insanity, in some cases with the first use. All experiences that are considered to be beneficial to man that occur through the inducement of chemical combinations can be produced in a natural manner by spiritual means, and the use of spiritual methods is never harmful. I might add, while we are on the subject of the harmful effects of drugs to the spiritual centers, that the birth control pills currently in vogue do interfere with the spiritual activities of the pineal gland and, further, these pills when taken for a prolonged period may induce cancer. While there is much to be desired of a progressive nature in the unfoldment of true religious experience, the gilt-edged sinister doors leading man nowhere in particular except away from the truth should be carefully avoided. The intensely destructive rhythms of rock 'n' roll maneuvers now in their heyday, sponsored as they are by the powers of darkness, have as their aim not only the production of an atmosphere suitable for a release of entities of the Rasputin type{1} upon the planetary body (which I hasten to assure you are far more than mere hobgoblins to scare naughty children), but also they are now found by mankind to affect the hearing of those who engage in such orgies, eventually producing deafness. The continuing campaign by the merchants of Babylon to popularize the smoking of cigarettes in the face of an ever-rising incidence of lung cancer is another "why" which mankind should ask themselves. The steadily increasing statistics numbering from 22,000 to 60,000 suicides per year in the United States alone, the rising tide of crime, religious and political apathy, and the sinister strategies of unscrupulous knaves who deny the Lord that brought them and cast stones against the servants of God upon earth all appear as landmarks of misfortune to the planet and indicators of the need for a regrouping of the energies of mankind. I come with no old wives' tale and with no personal ax to grind, but to ask you, at the portal of the year, to ask yourself if the meaning of these signs in nature and man cannot spur a response intended to reverse the tide of negative magnetism upon the planet and marshal the forces of light in a fervent maneuver in order to preserve decency, sanity, honor, and justice among the youth of the world, that they may become forerunners of the golden age of man. The Christ consciousness is the sole panacea, the wide-spectrum cure-all for every dangerous human condition. Mortal vacillation and procrastination have taken a frightful personal as well as planetary toll upon the rate of progress exhibited by the earth herself. Measures intended to spur men to renewed comprehension of events upon earth, calculated to improve life upon the planet have, in many cases, gone awry as individuals, bowing to the edicts of personal condemnation, fall into the traps set for the unwary. A keen sense of balance is needed by mankind in order that they may pursue the narrow way that leads to safety; for individuals often slip on the rail and lose sight of the shining track as the fogs of indulgence and the stench of calumny rise to new levels of degradation, revealing the planetary plot against the expression of Christlike qualities in the desolated strata of human thought and feeling. One of the most deadly personal sins of men and women involves the "soupy" generation of self-pity, the mire in which far too many wallow. Even as the smog over the large cities has taken its toll of men's lives and must now be brought under effective control, so the impurities of the emotional stratum which bog down the highways of consciousness and impede the airways of the Holy Spirit must be cleared. We would generate strength in the children of the sun! - a strength that does not yield one inch of ground to the tyranny of the senses or the plundering negations spawned as a by-product of man's hypocrisy. The embryonic son of God needs not self-pity, neither does he require to have the deposits of sentimentality in his nature fed by mortal attention. A true son of God quickly learns to outspartan the Spartans. If the world shows dedication to false principles, the son of God shows greater dedication to true ones. If segments of the churches of men arise in awful hypocrisy to perform a rite of exorcism against the true saints whom they unknowingly label as "evil spirits," the saints are not exorcised. They simply withdraw from those who ignorantly spurn their proffered cosmic friendship which has so enduringly created an aura of hope in the consciousness of the genuine seeker for truth. An hour of greater unity is coming, but it must come because of steadfastness in the heart. When the weak ones are uprooted, the strong must remain faithful in the service of God upon the planet. Ours is a sacred trust, calculated even at midnight to arouse the sleeping ones. The banner of the LORD waves over the world, and it is the banner of the highest. Let those who cannot accept our call use the wisdom of nonrejection; for the LORD shall publish a new thing and the voice of God, heard in the night as a great light burst into sight, will at noontide provide greater illumination than the sun. Beware of darkness, for though it be an absence of light, there is another and thicker darkness which consumes the light in man because it is that darkness which has already absorbed the light and wrapped its own cloak of misqualified errors around the shallow shadows which imprison the splendor of the pure light within the dusty, moldy, centuries-old concepts of division and unsound judgment. As this is a year of great summoning, we are preparing our own Magna Charta. And we serve notice herewith that the rallying call is going forth from old plateaus to higher ground that we will do battle with the unrealities that enslave the mind of man, seeking to deliver the earth into the pains of golden-age rebirth. It is our heart's desire that all who run in pursuit of the Divine may read our message of freedom in time to enjoy the new and living way which will manifest in the intimacy of the soul who has entered into a closet to commune with God. For thus do the strands of a holy faith within his heart and mind engage the gearlike teeth of hope in the future of good will unto all. EL MORYA ****** Chapter 3 Beloved Kuthumi - January 15, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 3 - Beloved Kuthumi - January 15, 1967 The Mystery of the Christ Within While man accepts, almost as commonplace, energy in motion in the form of electrical and radio energy traveling on wire conductors and passing wavelike through the air and the amazing scientific aspects evolving within civilization, the pursuit of subtle electrical energy, per se - thought energy and the tangible release of mankind's emotions into the atmosphere - seems to many to be of little import by comparison to outer phenomena. This is unfortunate, for the key to the total world situation lies not in the visible but in the invisible world. For certainly it cannot be justly stated that the effects of man's thoughts and feelings as phenomena in the world cannot be visibly seen. One of the major problems facing our brotherhood of light today is the dissemination of truth in its pure form. Understandably, each outer religious, philosophical, or scientific orifice is somewhat prone to deem itself, even with all of its tendency to secularization, to be infallible. Our problem, then, is one of communication, and thus our letters of divine love released each week into the world of the student are a most potent, cosmic measure. Through the release of the Pearls of Wisdom, the thoughts and feelings of the devotees of Almighty God, his servants, the ascended masters, upon finding welcome in the world of the student, are amplified and radiated out in all directions through the "station" of his consciousness. Often this takes place in a dual way, whereby the forms of both thought and feeling are sent out through the student into his immediate environment. In other cases, by direct contact through various means, there is a dissemination or a diffusion of our radiation, our wisdom, and our spirit of hope which penetrates the densities of mankind and uplifts the general level of the world consciousness. For although the clouds of unknowing are thickly gathered around the ignorant upon the planetary body, there is yet a deep and subtle hunger within the souls of most men which thrusts them toward the light even when they sit in darkness. It would be well, in assessing the spiritual battle of Armageddon, to pause to consider the immense struggle in which the world is engaged in winnowing her way through the evolutionary process and to realize that this struggle is but a shadow cast against a cosmic screen from whence the glory and beauty of the total cosmic design is projected into the world of time and space. Thus, it would be well for every student of the ascended masters and each individual who seeks to find the light of his own Divine Presence to realize that the statement: "One day with God is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"{2} is the correct attitude for all to assume. Jesus long ago declared, "In your patience possess ye your souls."{3} While the negative forces seek to project discouragement in the face of each student concerning the total world schema, this is always a false picture, for it never takes into account the markings of genuine cosmic progress but rather attempts to hinder man from recognizing that he has in fact made any progress at all. While some maxims are very old and widely used upon the planetary body, even an ascended master does not hesitate under certain circumstances to employ them along with a bit of mankind's own humor in order to bring home a point of the law. Thus, the saying "Keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole" might very well pinpoint for the students the need of the hour. For where extremes of human thought and feeling are constantly being taken into account by well-meaning friends, their emphasis on human behavioral patterns is actually an intended guise projected at them by the negative forces. And these have no power if the student of the light will recognize the need to catch hourly the melodies of Life released in a series of incremental cadences from higher octaves of right thought. Taking each day as it comes and utilizing it to the fullness of each man's capacity to live and to understand will provide avenues of hope and peace, enlarging the borders of present perceptions and bringing the mind of man into direct contact with his own Divine Presence and the world of the ascended masters. Because it is a foregone conclusion that all embodied men continually require guidance from a higher source, it is our intention this year to stress the provisions of that guidance to those who can disentangle themselves from the very sense of entanglement and, in a moment of peaceful freedom, commune with their Divine God Presence, I AM, and then feel the flow of the holy wisdom which that Presence will release into the chalice of each ever-present moment. I can well recall a series of utterly engaging anecdotes taken from many of my embodiments. But your own beloved Jesus in his recent conversation with me has pointed out the need for a judicious release of such information lest we encourage the students to dwell overmuch upon entertaining aspects of the past, even as some do upon old photograph albums. While there is delight and instruction in these matters, and in due course of time we do intend to sprinkle our instruction generously with such knowledge presented in an entertaining manner, the needs of the moment are for clear-cut instructions that will set the course of the compass of life for the teeming humanity who is presently involved in crucial struggles upon the planetary body. The world stage has many exits as well as entrances, and the ever-changing stream of human personalities come into the schoolrooms of life in a multitude of states, many of which are almost entirely confusing. The great brotherhood of light desires to terminate, wherever possible, every avenue of confusion and to cut men free from that which causes them distress, providing them with ever-new vistas of blessed assistance whereby our light may serve as a catalyst to release their own light into manifestation. Quite naturally, we are also engaged in disseminating into the various world plateaus - the areas where men and women are making little progress across the span of the centuries - those thoughts and feelings energized with the "will to do" and to work such change in the world domain as shall make life more beautiful, not only for this generation but also for all succeeding ones. You do well to keep your hand in ours; for whereas with the coming of age men become more self-reliant, supposedly, there is at times a diminishing expression of this quality which the honest must admit, even as the dishonest cannot. Thus, while each one has within himself the seeds of greatness, the weeds of negation and smallness lie also within the hopper of the mind and emotions. Each control that establishes effective safeguards within the person to decontaminate the self from this negation assures the fallow ground within self a greater opportunity to play host to those seeds of light which, when expanded, will produce in consciousness the paradise garden of divine perfection. The narrow barriers separating perfection from imperfection are present within all. Through the development of the Christ consciousness - which is not conditioned by human attitudes but rather conditions mortal thoughts and feelings - the Master's statement "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved"{4} becomes the golden cross in the narrow room of self which we lift up to the heavens. Our goal is to that end, that all may see his name and love emblazoned in the wonder of progressive unfoldment highlighted by the mystery of the Christ within. Motivatingly I AM holding the reins of progress for you, KUTHUMI LAL SINGH ****** Chapter 4 Beloved Mother Mary - January 22, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 4 - Beloved Mother Mary - January 22, 1967 Alone with God Children of My Heart, Far, far from the madding crowd, man comes face-to-face, in divine quietude, with himself. And when this is accomplished, behold the man in whom dwells the Spirit of Truth. In mortal togetherness there is a way that seemeth to be brotherhood, but if you will examine the fabric of history, especially the record pertaining to those sons of God who came down to perform a service to the Cosmic Mother on behalf of her errant children, you will see clearly that each such a blessed individual came apart from the multitude and did enter into the closet of his being to commune with the one God.{5} Whereas there is much to be gained from the fellowship with friends and companionship along the way, and the gregarious nature of man is not without divine design, there is also a dominant theme active within universal principle - and that is the silent night of man's contemplation wherein he enters into the consoling vibratory action of the Divine Heart and returns to the world with the blessedness which that heart and that heart alone can give. It is well to communicate from time to time with one another, and surely it has been well said that men should not forget to communicate.{6} Be it so, I am concerned with the increasing tendency of individuals to seek without for that which is always within. There is not, nor can there be, a substitute for the doorway of Self; and surely the clamor and clash of the world and the world mind is designed, methinks deliberately, to tear men from the subtle fineness of the voice of the soul. As I come to you this week, then, and join El Morya at the portal of the year, it is to point out to all who would achieve their true celestial greatness according to the divine design that they must spend a certain amount of time alone with God. Oh, we do understand how mankind are caught up in a round of humanitarian ideals from time to time, and then the craving of self-expression looms large on the horizon while the pull of family and friends is often a strong call. Yet, we who are your spiritual family and who know that your real strength to serve better all humanity comes from above, plead now with you to consider the necessity for balance in all that you do. Just as it is not good for man to be alone, so it is not good for man never to be alone; for in the aloneness of self-communication there are woven giant strands of cosmic light substance which generate in the world of the seeker the tremendous God-impulse which can never be denied. The reality of this impulse to do and to further the Father's kingdom upon the planet is always achieved in the bright ray of spiritual communion between the beloved son and the beloved Father. Does it seem strange to you that I who am your Cosmic Mother and who mingle my energies with Cosmic Motherhood should express concern for each lifestream upon the planetary body, that they forget not to communicate with God? I hope not, for in this specific appeal there is the garnering of the strength for all of the body of God upon earth, which this very year can mightily produce those miracles of Christ-perfection for which you have long called. Just as we do not listen to the voices of outer-world negation and the unfortunate sense of myth with which the children of men at times surround us, so you can never afford to do so. This is an indulgence of destructivity. As Saint Peter said long ago, "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?"{7} Applying these words to this concept, if the ascended masters with their infinite power do not and cannot afford the indulgence of negative contemplation, how can mankind, caught in the net of mortal delusion, dwelling below the Son of the Presence yet subject to receipt of its rays, deny the splendid shining of those rays by clouds of mortal negation? They ought not to do, blessed ones - but, oh, they do. And it is a lack of faith in the power of the Presence of God that has denied so many individuals the required strength through past years and cycles. Will you not, then, this very year, as we enter into a greater impetus, renew your faith in the immortal doings of the celestial mentors? The holy ones from on high have drawn very nigh unto the earth, even in contradistinction to mankind's outer meanderings in the old and tired stream of human history. The dullness of repetition and the cycles of perfidy are timeworn, and the souls of men cry out for freedom from these nets. Let us resolve, then, that our faith - our joint faith, the faith of the children of God upon the planet - shall mount up as on eagle wings. Let us resolve that no thing, place, person, or condition shall have any power to alter the strands of that mounting faith as we carry them toward heaven for the victory of the rolling planetary body below. Oh, how many children call out to me daily and with what tireless energies. It often seems to me that the very combined current of their faith would be enough to provide the answer for the whole world, so beautiful and bright is it as it comes to me. Yet the pitiful neglect by the multitudes in communicating with their heavenly Presence, the angelic hosts, the ascended masters, and the divine ideals has rendered the earth spiritually impotent. The power of our grace is being magnified, hour by hour and day by day. Won't you resolve and do that which can establish in all things that you contact the vibration of hopeful renewal? Won't you rectify the crooked paths and past errors? Won't you maintain the hope in the appearance of my beloved son in human affairs? Mortal shadows have their long lines of despair, but the sunlight of divine Truth that is everywhere needs an opening in thyself. I AM the door, the open door that no man can shut.{8} In the bond of world need, I remain, your friend, MARY ****** Chapter 5 Beloved Chananda - January 29, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 5 - Beloved Chananda - January 29, 1967 Tall upon the Hillsides of the World - the Figure of the Nazarene Master The tremendous waste in the expenditure of energy upon the planetary body can be rightly controlled only by those who know how to govern themselves effectively. If we are to inspire a world of rampant discord and confusion, it must be by the magnificent power of divine example. Tall upon the hillsides of the world looms the figure of the Nazarene Master, serene and immovable through the centuries. While men have mutilated his image within themselves and while artists, under the direction of discordant energies, have created frightful distortions of images supposed to be like him, the diamond purity of his heart remains to the present hour a fountain of inspiration to a waiting world. The great misconception fostered upon humanity for centuries - that the power of the Christ lies in mere belief rather than in emulation - is a tragedy that touches the hem of the Infinite. If there is any regenerative power in the Christ, that power is the gift of God for every man who will live by it. No belief that does not become both motivated and activated into imitation can provide a suitable unguent for the ills of the world. As we have examined again and again the services of the avatars of light, the sons of God, who are periodically sent to the planet upon a mission of redemption, we see that in almost every case these blessed ones go unrecognized save by the few, until their mission is completed and they have risen to higher octaves. This has in no way distressed the blessed avatars themselves, although it often causes grief unto their followers who perceive in their messages and activities a panacea for world ills. It is never the intention of the Indian Council or of any of the councils of the Great White Brotherhood to provide misinformation to mankind. We seek to clarify old errors and to act as wayshowers to all generations. Individuals should understand, however, that the doorways to their minds and hearts are fashioned largely, and certainly in part, by early training in their present embodiments as well as through the carrying over from past lives the qualities of toleration, motivation, self-honesty, sincerity, and the universal desire to serve the immaculate concept. As we begin the summoning of the gentle yet dominant ones from all walks of life who will act in conjunction with the image of the Cosmic Christ to further our aims upon the planetary body, always and especially by providing a magnificent example to their contemporaries, we are reminded of some of the ancient historical moments when, sounding down the corridors of the centuries, the ringing tones of the words "Choose you this day whom ye will serve" 1EN were answered by the valiant. We must, then, be frank with all of our students and followers, with all who read our words, and say in complete honesty to you that many who have the opportunity to hear our words, to read our words, to have our vibratory actions directed at them are like dilettante bees, sipping nectar from many flowers and not always thereby providing the honey of purity and sweetness. In the main, individuals who do not perceive the need for one-pointedness are often guilty of permitting their energies to go forth in many directions. Now, we have a plan, a world plan and a personal plan, for each lifestream who will put his shoulder to the wheel and honor the burden of the law of Love. We cannot in one moment, even if the cosmic law would permit it, dip a sponge into the ocean of infinite purity and wipe the screen of mankind's consciousness pure and clean so that forever thereafter he will be able to see clearly. We require not one opportunity but many whereby our words, our thoughts, and our vibrations can reach into the world of the student, in the name of Christ's Love, and assist the student in preparing himself for the great Mission of his Life. This Mission does not always come at a given period when he may anticipate it. To some it comes at a very early age and to others much later. But whenever the Message comes, with it comes the desire for Purification of the Consciousness. Men desire to rid themselves of old hates, prejudices, and frustrations. They seek to open the windows of the soul to the fresh breezes of the Holy Spirit. However, there is a tendency toward excess introspection which must be governed, for after all, blessed ones, you can only bite off as much as you can chew with impunity. Thus, leaving one's hands in the Hands of God and in a spirit of chaste obedience, the soul who seeks to do the Will of God is often brought into the Gethsemane Garden, where Communion with the Father is established as a Ray of Pure Light, descending upon the head of the supplicant Son who desires to serve the Law of Love and see that the Bread of Freedom is available to all upon the planetary body. There is an earnest simplicity in that which We are bringing to you today, and it is a clarification which developed at our recent Councils. It does not matter what form of early training the errant Son may have had, as long as the desire today is to put away childish things, to set the house in order, and to expand whatever talents one has into many more, in order that Service to the Light be restored, regenerated, revivified, and expanded. In this Summoning, there is the desire only to unite the soul with the Presence of Life that loves the soul. The exoteric body of world servers, communicants of The Summit Lighthouse endeavor and of all endeavors truly serving the Light, will naturally, in an exoteric way, gravitate to the area of greatest Service and Love. Therefore, the esoteric, the inner strands of Holy Oneness, must be woven with the Divine Presence, excluding the vibratory action of all that seeks to lift up the little self into a position of prominence and enthroning on the Altar of the Heart the Divine Presence of God. Thus the pulsating badge of the Cosmic Honor Flame is called forth into action and the Divine Ideal expands without limit. As long as individuals are tethered to the idea of self as a separate entity, there will always be the tendency to go downward into delusion. When God and the Great Masters are recognized as Father-Presence and Brother-Servers of Great Light, Stars in the Holy Sky of the Body of God, there is hope that We can establish those links of spiritual magnitude which can serve to act as conductors into the world of form, of the Holy Energies of Freedom. These Energies, when ensouled and embodied, will invoke and evoke everywhere the responses that will change the world. And as in all past years, We stress that the world must be changed by itself or Nature herself will do it! We urge re-examination of motive, renewal of Communion, and love in Service and a search for the Grace of God each day. I keep the Vision for you, CHANANDA For The indian Council ****** Chapter 6 Ascended Lady Master Meta - February 5, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 6 - Ascended Lady Master Meta - February 5, 1967 The measure of one's own Love emanation ought not to be taken by individuals. Rather, should all seek to excel in the art of releasing those Great Tides of Love that exist in the Universe and which can be poured forth in unlimited quantities through any person or organization willing to act as a distributing center. How beautiful is the concept of the "Magic Circle" - the Golden Orifice of the Self, devoted in an unlimited manner to the doing of the Will of God. What folly it is, in Reality, for men to suppose that in doing the Will of God they cheat or thwart their own purposes. The Magic Circle is the opening of the lower self as a consecrated Being whereby the Higher Self may descend and take its rightful God-Dominion in the arena of world action. But here We come to the first roadblock which men encounter upon Earth. The cry, "I am not worthy," or the admission of guilt seems to be the great plague which causes individuals to dwell year after year in a limited state of consciousness simply because, dear hearts, they are actually brain-washed by their own residual human substance as well as the mass accumulation of mankind's degrading energies, which have polluted the total stream of history. In what at time seems to be an overwhelming configuration of the counterfeit creation, mankind can scarcely realize the measure of that which Man, in Reality is, whom God saw as victorious, taking dominion over the Earth and producing the miracles of the Garden of Paradise, right there where each individual manifests. There is a certain quality involved with spiritual perception that enables men to draw the Essence called "Prana,"{9} mingled with that substance which is so little known and recognized upon Earth - Cosmic "Fohat" - into vital manifestation as Divine Magnetism within the world of the seeking Son. When he attains self-mastery through the use of this Sacred Fire and becomes these Energies in action, then he, in this very day, can truly do not only the things which the Lord Jesus Christ did, but also even greater things as was the Saviour's promise to all who would follow Him in the Regeneration. (John 14: 12) How can We, then, engage in Service to mankind in order that they will truly understand the meaning of "Christ - I - AM - ity" as a necessary word to supersede that which has, through human distortion, failed to recognize its purpose: "Christianity." When Jesus long ago said, "Before Abraham was I AM," (John 8:58) it was not only an admission of the Source of His Great Power but also it was an Affirmation, later confirmed, that the Son would also bow unto the Father that God might be all in all. (Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:5-11) It is always God within you that conquers, but you must let Him conquer. You must surrender, and in that surrendering recognize the tenderness of sweet Communion between yourself and God which restores to you the Dominion and Authority which the Eternal Father longs to give to the Son when the Son, by readiness in all aspects of his Being, has clearly demonstrated that he is able to receive it. This is why Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life shall lose it," (Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24), for the greatest Cosmic Law demonstrated by the Master "White Magicians" of the world - by those who have literally raised the dead, healed the sick, and changed the world by their Light - is a resident Power within everyone who will learn the meaning of true Cosmic Love. Inasmuch as Love is actually the motivating Power that beats your heart, it should not be too difficult for individuals to obtain it. In the month of February, when the accent on Love is manifesting in the world at large, it is the desire of the Ascended Hosts this year to ride on the momentum of the appearance world and speak words of Wisdom from 'on High' that will set into a right perspective this integral Being of God, of Love, of Charity, of Allness. When My Father, the Lord Sanat Kumara (He was called the "Ancient of Days"; Daniel 7:9-28) long ago descended to the Earth planet and for so long did sustain its Light, it was a dedicated Service little understood by the men of that time as they moved swiftly into the picture and upon the world stage and then made their little impromptu exits. I but mention it today for the few as a point of Blessed Acknowledgment of His Service, and to the many that they may recognize that there are undreamed-of historical modes which form the basis to the present day of many of mankind's customs. One of the saddest manifestations upon Earth, and one that is far too prevalent, is the bigotry of false sophistication, and the exalted sense of those who think they know the answer to all things because they have been given the understanding of a few things. Those far below such individuals in station and in worldly wisdom are often able to see clearly the foolishness of presumption manifesting in those who maintain a closed mind. But the ones who need the Ascended Masters' instruction are often the farthest from it, and thus there is a perpetuation of ignorance in high places. Be it so, temporarily; it shall not continue! For God Himself has said, in the words of "The Magnificat," spoken through My Beloved Sister, Mary, "He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree" (Luke 1:52). Let not your hearts be troubled, then, O Mankind of Earth. The awful shedding of blood occurring in Vietnam, day after day, is but a continuation of a very old evil which has for far too long held the planetary body in a recycling and seemingly never-ending activity of the Law which is written in Heaven, "He who taketh the sword shall perish with the sword." (Matthew 26:52) The Law We are releasing here, though simply stated, is the Law the world needs to activate that It might become operative in the forcefields of the finite, even as It is in Universal Manifestation. Greater than the atomic bomb and all of the might and main of human thought and feeling is the Day-Spring from 'on High' that has visited mankind in the person of the many Avatars and Sons whom God has sent. Thus, it is Love and God's Love alone that can redeem the world now and at any hour when that Love becomes accepted, distributed, and comprehended as Law, perceived as Purification, translated into active Wisdom, and demanded as the Crown of all right endeavors. Representing the Motherhood of the Sons of the Flame upon Venus, I say to all men and women of the planet Earth who can manifest Faith in Our existence as Sisters and Brothers of Light, We do often gaze upon your planetary body, noting its twinkling, and wishing with a Mighty Fervent Hope that the bondages of humanity might be broken and discarded utterly and forever by all upon Earth and replaced by the Bonds of the Cosmic Heart. Moving in every man and woman and connecting all with their Source, the Threads of Divine Love would provide the impetus of upliftment, wedding Science and Theology into a "Technocracy of the Spirit"; a Hope for all future generations and for the endowment of Truth in action. Your Sister in Verity, META ****** Chapter 7 Beloved Saint Germain - February 12, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 7 - Beloved Saint Germain - February 12, 1967 Your Heart as the Altar of God Methought I would compose a sonnet, Valued by the world, A poem with light of love upon it - A challenge to be hurled. The "spear" I "shake" And now do make, A "Willing" of "I AM,"{10} To be the break That all may take O lovely God, I AM. For thou hast sought And to men brought Opportunity and plan, But men have thought And oft been caught By delusions in a jam. Now if the power Of Truth this hour Earth's freedom course must chart, There must be men, O valiant men, To rally from the start - To see behind The shams of men The fraud they have created, Attacking Truth And sons of light Whom they have oft berated. Now, I might add This "not so bad" Assessment of our friends Is bad enough Through lacking love - How they have underrated! But we who've been A part of earth And felt the lash Of tyrants bold, For freedom's sake We now do make A call to hearts of gold. Stand stalwart, then, And let your heart Be framed by fragrant flowers, Not earthly substance That will fade - Choose immortelles From heaven's bowers, And see thy heart As altar chalice, Loved by God and man, And holding forth forevermore Tripartite Flame ... 'Twill exalt the plan. You are never alone But always one With us who love you now, And as all came From Central Sun Our love's eternal, vowed. May I, on this occasion, speak of the heart to those of you who are perhaps familiar with the subject. And at the same time, inasmuch as many new souls are joining the ranks of those who read and love the Pearls of Wisdom, may I say to all that your heart is indeed one of the choicest gifts of God. Within the heart there is a central chamber surrounded by a forcefield of such light and protection that we call it a `cosmic interval.' This chamber is separated from Matter, and no probing could ever discover it. It occupies simultaneously, not only the third and fourth dimensions, but also other dimensions unknown to man. Thus the sacred altar of the heart serves as the connecting point of the mighty crystal cord of light that descends from your God Presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose, and cosmic integration. I urge all men to treasure this point of contact that they have with Life by giving it conscious recognition. You do not need to understand, by sophisticated knowledge or scientific theory, the how, the why, and the wherefore of its activity. Be content to know that God is there and that right within your heart there is a point of contact with the Divine, a spark of fire from the Creator's own heart called the threefold flame of Life, which burns as the triune essence of love, wisdom, and power. Each acknowledgment that you give to this flame will amplify the power and illumination of love within your being, producing a new sense of cosmic dimension for you, if not outwardly apparent then inwardly manifest within the folds of your most precious thoughts and feelings. Neglect not, then, your heart as the altar of God. Neglect it not as the sun of your manifest being. Draw from God the power of love, amplify it within your heart, and then send it into the world at large as the bulwark of that which shall overcome the darkness of the planet, saying: I AM the light of the heart, Shining in the darkness of being And changing all into the golden treasury Of the mind of Christ. I AM projecting my love Into the world To erase all error And to break down every barrier to the Light. I AM the power of Infinite Love, Amplifying Itself Until it is victorious, Worlds without end! With this gift of infinite freedom from God's own heart this Valentine season, I close this epistle with a never-ending promise to assist you to find your immortal freedom as you determine never to give up and never to turn back. Remember that as long as you face the Light, the shadows are always behind. And the Light is there, too, to transmute them all. Keep your gaze toward "the City"{11} and be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. For the freedom of all mankind, I AM Lovingly, SAINT GERMAIN ****** Chapter 8 Beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice - February 19, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 8 - Beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice - February 19, 1967 "I Deem Cosmic Justice to Be a Rock!" Love promotes wisdom, for wisdom teaches man to love. The layers of mortal creation, builded ignorantly in each lifestream, darken man's concept of the justice of Universal Love. Out of the depths of mortal ignorance men cry, "There is no God,"{12} and echoing back into their ears is the piping futility of their vain cry. How beautiful is the concept of faith in the law of Love. How great the law of justice when justice is seen as the immutable hand of God, weaving patterns of such intricacy as to be seldom perceived by man in his limited sphere. Self-limiting concepts encase man as in a mold of silt while the fragile beauty of reality, riding the crest of identity within the very being of man, seeks to surge forth and wash away in a torrent of light energy all the darkness and appalling sense of ignorance concerning the justice of Almighty God. I have long considered as to how it could be possible that I might relieve some of the awful tensions which are so prevalent upon earth. In the homes of the world even little children agonize in the outreach of their understanding as they seek to know where justice is. They ask themselves not "Is God dead?" but "Is justice dead?" and "Where is reality, purity, and the fixed, immovable quality of a law that can be depended upon?" Is it not right that not only the children but also all men should have dependence upon the Rock of Ages? Let me tell you, blessed ones, that I deem cosmic justice to be a rock! And it is a rock of great dependability when it is recognized as existing behind the facade of man's strange thoughts and peculiar sense of aborted justice. Let me say to all men everywhere, there is never any need, regardless of outer appearances, even to contemplate the idea that there exists injustice anywhere in the universe. Granted that mankind do perpetrate upon one another that which seems to be acts of injustice, how do men know that the same injustices which today are practiced against them by their fellowmen were not practiced by themselves against another in past times? And even if the individual were found to be free from the expression of this quality of injustice in the past, is it not possible that the mettle of a man should be tried by the ignorance of others as a measure of strength to himself and as a means of testing his qualifications for higher gifts and graces? Is this unjust? Is it unjust to provide avenues of progress for men? How shall the very excellent qualities of divine grace be tried except in the world of outer action where the ignorance of men causes them to react to the virtue and justice of others, thus building strength in the elect who should rightly consider the whole matter? Those who desire to escape from the barbs of frustration accompanying the concept of world injustice will do well to heed my word. A lifetime of freedom from the wrong sense of divine justice can be yours if you will only momentarily dwell upon the words I speak, put your attention upon me, and call unto me as the love of God is surging from my heart in order that you may be stripped of your fears concerning divine justice. There is never any injustice anywhere in the universe, for the moment error or discord is introduced into the strata of mankind's thoughts and feelings, the jagged lines of force which these produce are retarded in their penetration of his world; for upon contact with the light of God that is within the atom, this vibration (that is out of harmony with the universal atom) is thrust away from the white fire core by the natural seismic activity that returns the "fault wave" of man's disobedience to the law back to the surface of his world. There, once again, the tremor introduced by mankind himself cuts loose to vibrate in the atmosphere until it has spent its discordant energies and has no longer any power over form and substance. While I have used analogy and hyperbole, let me hasten to assure all that faith must be generated in yourselves about cosmic justice and maintained at all costs. The moment you begin to waver in your feeling world and to suppose that there is an injustice in the universe, you open the door to dense negative substance which comes in and fractures the calm of your being, producing all of the terror and destruction which you have seen as a fissure in cosmic substance. There are no fractures, fissures, concepts, or ideas in the mind of God that are unjust. The beloved Father wishes for the son the highest good, and each son of God should wish for all upon earth and throughout the bounding universe that good which God is. While we are on the subject, blessed ones, let me assure every lifestream who reads these words and all upon earth that the moment you make an appeal to the Karmic Board to take command of any given situation which may be troubling you, that appeal is always answered. In the name of heaven, blessed ones, how could any among our beloved chelas conceive even for a moment that an appeal would not be recognized? We do not say that the answer will always come in the exact manner you might prescribe, for God often disposes of that which man proposes{13} in a more virtuous way than men might have the capacity to recognize at first. Behind the screen of what may seem to be a very unfortunate happening, individuals often find in the end that there is a manifestation of improvement. In any case, God's divine justice is always accurate. This is the reason why no son of God or any individual upon the planet should ever foolishly seek to retaliate upon another, for either real or fancied wrongs. From time to time individuals become imbued with the idea that this or that person is persecuting them or in some way doing despite to their personal selves. Many times, these are only projections of negative energy directed into the forcefield of the God seeker in order to obscure the Christ image from before him and to distract his attention from the law of his being. In other cases where there is no projection involved but rather the direct malice of another, always remember the Master's way, "Father, forgive them; for they know not (they are ignorant of) what they do."{14} Be comforted, then, in the knowledge that God's love has produced God's justice, even as God's love has produced God's wisdom and his power. All the attributes of the Deity are always perfectly and harmoniously balanced. Therefore, when you "think on these things"{15} it assists your own forcefield and consciousness to let go of the frustrated sense of mortal justice and to replace it by the abundant sense of universal justice everywhere present. While the mills of the Gods may seem to grind slowly, as has been said, they grind exceedingly small.{16} There is no detail to which your Presence will not attend, for the whole is made up of a multitude of components, and the sum total of those components produces that divine wholeness which is your spiritual identity. Therefore, God is concerned with each jot and tittle of the law, that it might be fulfilled in the light of his beautiful sense of reality and justice. Know, then, that I AM your sister and exponent with Saint Germain of freedom from fear through the law of Love. PORTIA THE GODDESS OF JUSTICE ****** Chapter 9 Beloved Lanto - February 26, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 9 - Beloved Lanto - February 26, 1967 Discriminatory Judgment in Matters of Spirit Some men seek to preserve beauty in an external way, treasuring a vase from the Ming dynasty or an old Chinese print. Others seek to enshrine within the mind the wisdom of the ages gained from a perusal of the many manuscripts remaining upon earth and embodying much of the lore of man. Yet there is retained in the ethers themselves upon the priceless substance of akasha{17} all of the knowledge and beauty which has ever been vouchsafed to man from the heart of the Creator. Every thought and word of God which has come forth from the beginning is there awaiting mankind's acceptance of his unfailing blessing. It is most unfortunate, beloved ones, that whereas in dealing with physical manifestations of beauty, men are able to establish a criteria, a means of discriminatory judgment, whereby they place a value upon works of art which in their opinion have merit and grade them according to their best understanding, this is not so in matters of Spirit. Those privileged individuals who are truly able to penetrate the realm of akasha and to see accurately the recordings made there (men and women such as Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Edgar Cayce, and others) must, in many cases, be accepted on faith by the multitudes; for they themselves do not have the power of discernment, although they would often like to think they do. The very fact that this is so does make it possible for the charlatan, the pretender, and the self-deceived to say with considerable ease, "We are also able to read the akashic records." In reality, many of these so-called readings are but subconscious meanderings of the lower mental body, involving all of the unfortunate anomalies of the individual ego recorded in his own etheric body. Others who would act as mediums are often affinitized and attuned to nothing more than their own psychic rate which represents the sum of the individual's total experience patterns and puts him in tune with other forcefields, discarnate and otherwise, having a similar vibration. Because of the great generalization of knowledge about religious matters and the potent radiation of the Christ, pur et simple, imitation of the real can often be factually accomplished and fostered upon an unsuspecting group of individuals who, in subsequent good faith, support by their energies those endeavors which have no eternal validity. Many times individuals, under the guidance of psychic forces, will contact what amounts to a very malignant vibratory action, either superimposed or underpinning the released word substance which may appear to be benign. It is not our intention, in the name of cosmic justice, to destroy the faith of the chela in the real; rather is it our intent to ask the chela to examine over a reasonable period of time the veracity of those releases upon which he may pin his faith. Often the negative quality or vibratory action behind the seemingly benign appearance will be quickly transmuted in the reader's own consciousness by the power of the Holy Spirit which he has garnered in the framework of his thought and feeling world through devotion to God. However, individuals must recognize that they can rise no higher than the highest within themselves and fall no lower than the lowest vibration to which they give entrée into their worlds. Caution is always necessary in all that men do, for if the writings of the story of men's lives which they daily pen upon akashic substance are to bear the fruit of eternal worth and verity, they must be tethered to the beautiful simplicity of the Christ Child. The family of God, the intimate heavenly family, is always eager to assist the aspirant upon the planetary body who seeks to find his freedom. Yet the Great White Brotherhood has no desire to make even the simplest demonstration available to mankind where ostentation, display, or personal aggrandizement is the thought behind the manifestation. In the matter of genuine releases of light where a true messengership is supported by the great brothers of light, there is a certain inalienable quality within the substance of each release, an internal spiritual radiance which can be felt by those who have developed the sensitivity of soul to distinguish that which is of the light from that which is merely a substitute. Those who have not yet developed that sense may call to the presence of God within and to the hosts of light for their assistance in purifying and amplifying one's faculties of discernment - and know that the call compels the answer. Above all things it must be recognized that consistency is the law of the Brotherhood. It is never the desire of the Brotherhood to cater to the human ego or to give an embodied individual some unfair advantage over another. Every release that is brought forth through the Pearls of Wisdom and the publications of other authentic organizations is always tied to the unity of purpose which the Brotherhood represents. We do not desire conflict with individuals or to create a sense of distortion about life. Our wish is to permit the natural beauty of God as a luster of purity to shine through into the world of the individual and to change that world from glory unto glory by the Spirit of God and his valiant truth.{18} When individuals are impelled to do foolish things, to engage out of sheer loneliness in psychic contacts with the departed or in a desire to demonstrate that they have the "capacity" to contact the other world, it often results in a personal debacle that tears down the ministering beauty of angelic communication. When the course of an earthly teacher is finished and he graduates to higher worlds, he is given there a mission and period of instruction - a sabbatical, if you will. During this tenure between embodiments he does not need the attention of his chelas upon himself, but rather the freedom to continue his studies in order that upon his return to the screen of life he may be better equipped to instruct those who need to partake of the body of God as it is "broken" (made understandable) for them. All those who depart from the world of form should be released into their infinite freedom. Thus, if there is a possibility of their qualifying for the ritual of the ascension without reembodying, this can take place; and if not, the best opportunities can be provided for those whom God loves, even as you do. If one who was your teacher makes his ascension after the "change of garments" and he desires to contact you, he will do so as an ascended being. Of this you may be certain, that there is a vast difference between the "celestial overcomer" (an ascended master) and those who are yet searching to find themselves upon earth in its varying planes of consciousness. All are beloved of God and predestined for the same glorious opportunity of divine Sonship, but all have not attained at a given moment in relative time. Learn, then, to give your highest allegiance to your Divine Self, that the so-called peepings and mutterings{19} of phenomena will not serve as a lure to take you away from the glories of the true celestial teachings. There is only one power in the universe, and that power is of God. Yet the world often lives in a frightful sense of distortion. This lies within the psyche of man and is sustained in ignorance. It is the mission of every member of the Great White Brotherhood to see to it that the light of freedom and the light of knowledge abound upon earth more and more, in order that the coming of age of metaphysical movements, of spiritual gatherings will always be for the upliftment of the Christ image in all. In the name of common sense and grace, beloved ones, you do not wish to do things that will misbrand you as a member of a senseless or ignorant "cult." While the word cult comes from the word culture and embodies within it the ancient Chaldean word Ur, which means "light" - hence the true meaning of culture is "the cultivation of light" - it has become so distorted through abuse that mankind do not understand it. Thus, they consider the appellation "cult" to be a stigma of the first degree. How carefully our Brotherhood seeks to build a sense of integrity in its members, a sense of balance and judgment, and a wealth of spiritual treasure which will provide assistance to generations yet unborn. As the days unfold, may the lives of each one become more oriented around the building of the body of God upon earth in that sense of cosmic worth which is truly the essence of the Great White Brotherhood. I AM the light of hope triumphant, victoriously upholding the teaching, LANTO ****** Chapter 10 Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 5, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 10 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 5, 1967 The Initiatic Process: "The Light of God I See" While the mysteries of Christ have been contemplated by many, only the few have penetrated the depth of the wonders of his certain knowledge, his inestimable outreach, his power of ineffable light, calculated to part the veils of illusion and reveal the infinite capacity of God to externalize, not only in the natural order but also in the spiritual order, a kingdom without end. The more men meditate upon the Christ and upon spiritual things, which buoy up the heart above the restless tides of human thought, the more intense will become the light around them and the farther they will see into the internal mysteries of being. To relate the life of the Christ to the self is the Father's intent, for thereby the mighty molding board of the Spirit through his grace may sculpture the living soul into the fashion of the divine plan. The life-force in man must be governed, not just by reason and desire but by the pure potential of be-ness, the mysterious comprehension of the Light by itself. If the fingers of the law of God discover anomalies in the life pattern of an individual and the result be a chastening, it is always for the purpose of greater spiritual fruit and a more abundant life to the one whom God has desired to try. To know God is to be known of him, and the rule of order by law establishes in all dimensions a steadfast rise in the comprehension levels of spiritual grace. When grace is understood, it is perceived as the God-race - G standing for "God" and r-a-c-e for "race," hence grace or "great race." It is a race in the sense that it is a "contest" between the philosophies of men for the winning of "the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,"{20} even as it is the swift acceptance by the sons of God of the heavenly patterns for the establishment of the divine kingdom upon earth. Men may say, "I am a citizen - I am a native - I am a recipient of the power of a great nation." But when the desire for unity is stripped of all spirit of competition, there can be only a cosmic plan, a cosmic dream, the thoughts of the Infinite One. The lesser images fade into obscurity or to the background, so great is the revelation of the pure intent of the Father. Men must seek to raise themselves before they can come to the point of transfiguration. To raise the self is to bring it to a point where the power of the light can penetrate the substance of their own world, not only by their request but also by their invocation. Examine the word raise. The first two letters refer to the power of the Son of God, the power of light itself, the power of Ra (see the Egyptian word Ra, from whence comes the word ray). Then take note that the I (Eye) or lumen, the organ of vision, or the ego of being, is the third letter in the word. This is followed by se (see). The full meaning of the word, then, becomes, in all of its glory, "the light of God I see," or "raise," which is synonymous with "rays," denoting the extension of the power of the sun from its center out into the field of darkness. As it was stated by John the Beloved, "The light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."{21} The purpose of our work in this day and age is to see to it that men do comprehend the light and that they walk upon the path of faith. The meaning of raising the self, then, is to bring the self to a place where it is capable of discerning the light. When the light is discerned it cannot help but reveal the shadows that exist in the lower self. Whereas some men have said to themselves before the light shone in the darkness of being, "We are very good," after they have perceived by the power of the light the conditions they were in, they were ready to cry to the mountains, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne."{22} Yet punishment or estrangement is never the divine intent, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and His mercy endureth forever.{23} By the power of Truth the exposure of the darkness of the self takes place and then mankind is able to bring the darkness to the light in order that the light can transmute and redeem that darkness. We deem this the process of the resurrection. It is a re-surging of the uprightness that is now and always has been within man - within the Spirit of man. "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."{24} The hour has come when the devotees of the laws of God upon earth can no longer afford those indulgences which in the past have been so lightly taken for granted. If the initiatic process is to be externalized in a lifetime, it must be recognized that each day is precious. Therefore the ritual of the resurrection signifies the raising up out of the darkness all of the shadowed substance that has been superimposed upon man, to bring it to the light, and to transmute or change its nature into the nature of the light. This is the emergence of the "Corpus Christi," the body of Christ, out of the tomb of materiality. It is the rolling away of the stone of matter which signifies the calcination of the carnal mind with all of its densities. It is the purification of the countenance, the refusal of the soul to be enslaved by the legions and tribunals of Caesar or the power of the Sanhedrin. This denotes that the soul must be freed from all banal influences of either church or state, for both church and state have come under the influence of nefarious powers from time to time which have made them instruments of a diabolical sort, even as they have been instruments of great good; hence, the soul can no longer afford to brook the tyranny of family, friends, or outer conditions of temporal power in any of its forms. This does not mean that men should not be subject to the laws of the land or that they should fail to recognize legally constituted authority. However, it does mean that they should recognize the superiority of the heavenly intelligences and not permit the tyranny of mortality to put a yoke around their necks, denying their God-freedom. By releasing their light into manifestation through the presence of God which dwells in man as the Holy Christ flame within the heart, they "rise from the dead" of corporeal substance, of the paper world of illusion that has far too long held man in bondage. The tangible reality of the radiant living Christ blazes through them because they have willingly and lovingly invoked it through their consciousness and through their flesh forms. They are able, then, to summon by the power of the spoken Word the mighty angels who assist each emerging Son to "roll away the stone" and to "come forth from the tomb - victorious." In addition to this, they stand at the portal of transfiguration and are ready for the second initiation into the reality of be-ness. That which is within man, that which is the active - Divine Principle, the Spirit, the Animus, the Divine Ruach{25} - all in complete harmony, will prevail and man will ultimately reestablish his relationships with God and humanity from the viewpoint of the initiatic level. There is a difference between the natural man and the spiritual man. This was clearly demonstrated in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His outpicturing of his transcendental ministry was ordained by the grace of the Eternal Father through my hand, and I stand ready to assist all who would experience the beauty of the Resurrection Spirit in their lives this year.{26} Each individual can come to a point of conscious knowing of the wonder of the light and none will ever regret it, as they have often regretted mortal passions. Now, then, let us go and see the place where the Lord lay.{27} Within yourself envision the threefold flame of Life and God- intelligence, sealing you in his grace daily. I AM your mentor in Christ, MAITREYA ****** Chapter 11 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 12, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 11 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 12, 1967 The New Covenant Is for All The ritual of the transfiguration, while it is usually considered to occur before the resurrection, is in actuality the result of the Resurrection Spirit functioning within man. It is part of the triune triumph that culminates in individual victory by the power of the ascension currents. I am come, then, preceding the Easter season to vindicate the thoughts of our Father concerning ourselves. Men have thought to put me apart from themselves, and they have referred to my finite self, Jesus the Nazarene, as "the Only Begotten of the Father." That Spirit of the Christ within me - which is also within thee - is, was, and forever shall be the Only Begotten of the Father, "full of grace and truth."{28} By manifesting a complete unity with this one Spirit, I clearly demonstrated the victory of the transfiguration and all of the sacred mysteries to which God led me and in which he assisted me unto a victorious triumph. As was done for me, so would I do for thee. It seems to be such a difficult task and concept for men to relate the reality of the New Covenant to themselves. One of the reasons that they have so frequently deified me, even my outer self to their own hurt, is because there is a false sense of humility in mankind. And thus they are just as ready to accept that false sense as they are to misinterpret the statement "In sin did my mother conceive me."{29} While they are quick to remember that "the first man is of the earth, earthy," they easily forget that "the second man is the Lord from heaven." As they are born in the image of the earthy, so shall they bear the image of the heavenly Father.{30} The New Covenant is for all. When I spake and said, "Let him that will, drink of the water of life freely,"{31} it was because it was the expression, and still is, of the Divine Father Eternal that all men should come and partake of this kingdom of life, share the high adventure of the Spirit and the experiences through which I passed, by walking with me in the regeneration. Never does a day pass that I am not at hand by the side of all who seek me. I have multiplied my luminous Presence again and again, breaking the body celestial that was given to me as I brake the loaves and the fishes in the desert place.{32} I have shared my allness with the billions of lifestreams upon the planet, and none of these luminous Presences which are projected to those who call unto me diligently are without the full conscious awareness of my Divine Self. My promise "Lo, I AM with you alway"{33} was a statement of my surrender to the Divine which made it possible for me to multiply my being and to break the bread of substance which I AM, sharing all that I AM with ye all. There is never a need to fear concerning the mistaken concept of absorption into God's heart. If he had desired to absorb you, he would not have sent you forth into the realm of freedom and independence. If God had desired to see you become a puppet to his will, he would not have given you your own will. Yet his will is supreme. There is no will greater than the will of God, and as ye drink into his will, harmonizing your own will with it and manifesting the beauty of individual ideation, you are but perpetuating a divine intent that lavishes upon each individual the precious quality of his own identity. While men have made their identity an "i-density," we are projecting out of the love of our hearts into the world of form the spiritual presence of regeneration, transfiguration, resurrection, and even the ascension flame in order that men may share all that we have done. There are men and women today walking upon the earth who have shared in the healing ministry which we performed so long ago. It is good to raise the body from its infirmities so that the soul may function in a more radiant manner and manifest greater mastery in the world of form. But those who are able to raise not only the body but also the spirit of man to a place where he can see even a small glimpse of the divine plan are indeed serving the cosmic law of Love that abundantly goeth forth in this time. There is such sweet simplicity in the old ideas as they manifest in the newness of life, in the fragrance of the divine concept, that I cannot help but rejoice with you again and again in those moments when divine laughter rocks your souls with the joy of the angels. And this is no mere worldly emotion; it is a calm, beautiful knowing that embodies within it the wonders of the Magnificat and the concept of the Holy Family. There are no orphans in the kingdom of God. There are none who are bereft of friends or advocates, who are alone and defenseless. The heavenly hosts and angels of record have assisted men and women who have fallen to the very depths of degradation, for heaven seeks to save that which is lost.{34} I have often reveled and rejoiced in the parable of the ninety and nine,{35} and I recall that in one case I chided myself during an entire night concerning this very subject, for it seemed to me that the ninety-nine faithful ones also had moments in their lives when they needed me. And I vowed that I would serve the needs of the faithful as well and that one day I would reveal my thoughts about all of the sheep of my pasture, even as I am now doing. There are also sheep in your pasture, beloved ones. There are assignments which God has made, based upon spiritual law, concerning your own lifestream and its desire and capacity to serve. When we pause to consider the billions upon the planet and the great flood tides of awful, blackened ignorance which surround them, when we reckon with the negative forces that are arrayed against the light and consider that our modern cosmic empire is in the fragile hands of flesh although watched over by the Spirit and its strength, we cannot help but hope that everyone who hears our voice will respond and, in some measure of love and the fulfilling of the law of their own being, seek also to save that which is lost and to enter into the confraternity of Christ by spreading abroad these wondrous teachings and the message of the hierarchy that are today reaching the world through the Pearls of Wisdom. It is not a question of partisanship, but it is a question of contact. Men do not wish to partake of chaff. They desire and they deserve the blessed wheat that they know will feed their souls and help them spiritually to expand their light. I AM radiating forth this year a magnificent expansion of the resurrection flame throughout each day and night. Wherever the sacred fire burns in the hearts of men, wherever there is a sense of hope for eventual triumph, that flame shall blaze. Consummate communion will proceed to enlighten men as to the process, the exact process, whereby they may partake of the bread of heaven. The law has been flaunted, blessed ones, and you must recognize it. This is why there is a process involved in the search for God. It is that the order which is heaven's first law may first perfect itself in its outreach to mankind, and then perfect those who desire to manifest that perfection among men. We can well bear allegiance to the fact that all men need that perfection. But inasmuch as there is still a matter of human bondage to consider, we pray that the great light will speedily dissolve the nodules of human selfishness and misunderstanding in order that the cords of spiritual love may bind all of the chelas together in a wondrous sense of divine gratitude and appreciation for all that the laws of Love and Life mean. I AM the Good Shepherd and my mission continues; but it continues best in those who serve me best. Lo, I AM within you always. In the name of the Eternal Father whose strength will save, I AM your elder brother, JESUS ****** Chapter 12 Beloved Orion, the Old Man of the Hills - March 19, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 12 - Beloved Orion, the Old Man of the Hills - March 19, 1967 Love Is the Triumph of the God Flame Love is the triumph of the God flame. Love is the ineffable mystery of the holy will. Love is qualitatively and quantitatively the allness of the Absolute. Love is disseminated in myriad ways and works - its splendid achievements, wondrous to perform for all of life - fashioning itself according to the requirements of the moment so that all may share in the cosmic drama of being. I am acting under the direction of the cosmic hierarchy for this system of worlds, which seeks to release into worded manifestation these admonishments concerning the nature and power of love: First, let us expand on the concept that "God is love."{36} If love is the nature of God and in reality is God, then all who share in the power of love are sharing in the power of God as it is disseminated throughout the universe. The sharing of the power of God may be likened unto the assimilation of the Sacred Eucharist whereof the Eternal Christ spake unto man and said, "Take, eat; this is my body, which was broken for you."{37} In the wonderful thought of the breaking of the body of substance as a sacrifice for mankind, men of vision can perceive the whole nature of God as one of a vast, eternal sacrifice. The words "Drink me while I AM drinking thee," spoken by the Christ of every man, embody the thought of God surrendering unto that which surrenders to him. There is far more to be caught of the divine idea of love and the nature of love in the thought of God as the Great Donor, giving himself unto man, than there is in the concept, beautiful as it may be, of man surrendering unto God. In the former, we have the picture of the all-knowing One, surrendering unto the seeking monad - the Infinite surrendering unto the finite. We see the Greater surrendering unto the lesser in the drama which Christ portrayed just before his great ordeal upon Golgotha when he took a towel and girded it around about himself, poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet. His words to Peter, who objected to the ritual, were, "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me," and his teaching to all, "The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him."{38} This precept was truly outpictured by the Eternal Father who broke the body of himself into splendid splinters of his embodied will, which possess and hold within themselves the key to individualization through the sovereign gift of free will. The mediatorship of the Christ consciousness (the gift of God to man) - the release of the saving emanation, which was the selfsame Logos or Word of Love which went forth to frame the original creation - is also an activity of divine love. Is it any wonder that John the Beloved saw the Church (symbolizing the sea of all men and women who have ever loved God and sought to return to him), coming down from God as the bride of Christ, adorned for the bridegroom who indeed cometh?{39} What an act of love and sacrifice is involved in creation! Yet the sweet sophistication of mortal intelligence does so easily deny the Lord of Creation and all that he has done for man, for want of that which they interpret as physical "evidence" of his existence, albeit God has loved those in the depths of self-degradation - even those who, in fact, have denied their own reality by denying the presence of God. His infinite capacity to be long-suffering, his travail as Nature, who abhors a vacuum, seeks to adjust and balance world karma, is also a cogent example of his forbearance. Yet love can be magnified, for the Infinite possesses the capacity of self-magnification. This propensity to transcendental greatness lies not only within the natural order of things and within the kingdom of God among men, but also within the great Godhead itself. The very nature of all creation, which was destined to be a creation of love, is to possess the powers of expansion in order that men might drink to the last infinite drop the never-ending spiritual joys of cosmic purpose fulfilled. "Where shall we go from here?" men and women ask from time to time, as they pass some milestone of mortal achievement which they think to be "the ultimate." In the infinite there is indeed opportunity without end, and it is all surrounded by the power of love. But I must herein make a plea to every reader of my words, to all who will assimilate the great cosmic truths which I am releasing, to recognize that love, even as we understand, it is not love as God understands it. Throughout the hierarchy there is a continual series of successive revelations on the power of love, the nature of love, the steadfast existence of love, and the permanent intention of love for and on behalf of the creation. "What love is," as the Brotherhood has stated it so clearly, "is what love does." By the actions of men, love bursts into manifestation. Love in bloom is the flowering of all the natural goodness of the universe seldom perceived through a cursory examination of the outer nature of man. In order to see the power of love in action within individuals, the law requires - and I refer to the Great Cosmic Law - a more thorough and penetrating examination of a situation than that which is prompted by the human ego because of its expectation of personal gain. Those who search for love because they are searching for God in humanity help to produce that love into manifestation. They fan the flame of the Divine upon the altar of the being of their friends and they serve the Christ in glorifying each of these little ones about whom they can hold the immaculate concept of divine love. Can we do less for any human creature - seeing mankind as we do, encompassed round about with such a sea of mortal terrors - than to consider each one to be a child of the Divine, to amplify the divine nature within them, and to recognize that the divine nature is the nature of love? We do not intend, blessed ones, to let this subject rest with just these few words on "love." The blessed hierarchy have discussed at some length as to what is the greatest need of the world today and they have all concurred unanimously that it is for divine love. One of the angels of record who keeps the scrolls for over eighty percent of the people upon this planet (that is to say, among his other duties - he fulfills this responsibility with a great deal of assistance which is provided for him) made the statement that after examining almost all of the individuals upon the planetary body who possess religious inclinations and Godlike aspiration, he found that less than four percent had any real concept of just what the power of love is. If you stop to consider for a moment the meaning of this, you will see that there is a great need for us to write on, to speak on, and to expound the power of love in order that men may think upon it in a more independent way and forget themselves in the remembering of that love that gave them birth, that raises up all the avatars who have ever sent their light to the planet, and that stands for them in the courts of heaven as a mediator between the divine power and the divine wisdom. Love begets mercy and mercy can very well beget obedience. Let us move forward now in cosmic humility and willingness to do that which is necessary to promote the high adventure of the cosmic world in the lives of all upon the planet. May divine love enfold you as never before in the completeness which I AM, ORION ****** Chapter 13 Serapis Bey - March 26, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 13 - Serapis Bey - March 26, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 1 The Reality of the Inner Walk with God Unto You Who Remember the Ancient of Days: Greetings from the Brotherhood at Luxor Who Keep the Memory of His Sacred Name The sling of David shows what man can do when he is wedded by faith to his own latent divinity.{40} The mimicry of humanity abounds in the world, and while imitation may be the highest form of flattery, the question before the Hierarchy is, "What do the current models offer?" Men must return to the pristine, to the reality of the inner walk with God, to the high temple magic embodied and captured by living Truth. The world media proclaim the wares of mankind that material treasures maybe bolstered, but seldom do men hear the voice that cries in the wilderness proclaiming to make straight the Way of the Lord.{41} Almost forgotten are the sweet lispings, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."{42} I, Serapis, then, do come in memory of the Ancient of Days{43} and in memory of the heritage of mankind, which is not crucifixion, albeit men die daily,{44} nor resurrection, although some men are transformed daily, but is that splendid finale of the ascension. When men sail, going abroad, those upon the shore gaily wave to those aboard ship. With the moving out of the ship to sea, there is a happy separation and thought of reunion. So should it be with those whose departing does leave behind them golden footsteps pointing toward Cycles' heritage. Not death, not even separation is reality, but ascension's currents residual within all men in whom dwells the seed of God. Is it not clearly recorded that upon the Tree of Life twelve manner of fruit should appear?{45} And is it not recorded that when the Master Jesus anointed the eyes of the blind man that His first impression was, "I see men as trees walking"?{46} What is the mystery, then, of the spinal tree behind the spine, of the sympathetic nervous system and the ganglionic trunks over which flow the currents of immortal life? How is the Deathless Solar Body fabricated and from whence is spun the substance of the wedding garment?{47} Does not all come through the alchemy of the self, and in a very real sense did not God ordain that every man should become his own Saviour? Oh, We are not talking about paltry mortal flesh and blood. We are not talking about the finite man. We are talking about the God-man, the Presence of Life that is the individualized reality of every soul. The Presence of God individualized as true being is "I AM." This is that flaming Spirit - deathless, birthless, uncreated and yet creating - that spake to Moses out of the flaming fire in the bush, saying, "I AM THAT I AM."{48} The mystery of the ascension, then, is attained by partaking of the Tree of Life and the twelve manner of fruit thereof. It is attained by the realization of the Real Man. Men do not gather grapes of thistles and no matter how many wolves may parade in sheep's clothing{49} and sing forth high-sounding phrases which become no more than a "tinkling cymbal,"{50} the Law of God cannot be broken with impunity and the watermarks of man's rebellion and confusion rise high in the astral record, signifying man's lack of emotional control. Some have met with our lieutenants, our codirectors at Luxor, who greet the young neophytes as they arrive. Some have commented on what they have termed the lack of feeling, the lack of emotion, and even the lack of love our representatives have expressed. They have not understood that love is not just a feeling, an "emoting" that desires to swallow up the object of its affection. Those who hallow space understand why the planets are placed in orbits allowing lebensraum (living room) for each orb to circulate in the dignity of self-manifestation. True love is love for the God flame and holds no other desire save the expectation of the amplification of that flame as a tangible, divine feeling that sweeps the world pure and clean "with the washing of the water by the Word" invincible.{51} The purification of the soul in the ritual of the ascension must be recognized as the manifestation of that pristine and original ideation of God which men call the `Soul.' The real meaning of the soul is "Solar-El," which references the latent Power of the Divine Angel within Man.{52} (I do not expect that all of My Words will he interpreted correctly nor that they will be understood by all, but I must state the law in order that those who have been initiated to a level of comprehension suitable for the revelation inherent within this mystery may then comprehend it.) The Solar-El is the infinite idea of God projected by the divine light through the so-called seven densities of creation, including the angelic realm, and evolving within man as the evolution of divine energy intended in the beginning. One of the saddest ideas in connection with the ascension is that those who are accustomed to rock 'n' roll, Wiener schnitzel, egoistic bolstering and the suave distinction and glorification of the lesser self may actually fear the abolishment of that which they hold dear as spelling an end to their individual worlds. These live in a lilliputian world which has meaning and depth to them because of their habit patterns of long standing and their mimicry of that which seems to be a pleasant idea to the mortal mind. We seek to raise the veil upon the wonderful world of Cosmic Magic, the Magic of believing in the Power of the original Intent which may then be blazed as the all-consuming love of God through the entire warp and woof of the self. Changes will be wrought, of course. They should be expected, but we who know every step of the way say to you all, they will be welcomed changes, once the soul becomes acclimatized and the consciousness adjusted to its new environment. Naturally, there will be a space, an increment of time between the opening of the first seal of Reality and the fulmination of that magical potion, the elixir of Life, into the test tube of the human soul. How could it be otherwise? For certainly that which men deem to be life and hold to be real, while it holds a semblance of reality, is not the reality with which God will bless mankind. Nevertheless, men must understand that the springboard of the present life is a platform upon which the cosmic astronaut will be launched into higher dimensions. We at Luxor are not without a "contactual" love for everyone who comes to Us and seeks to amplify the ascension currents. We simply dare not recognize the stratum of the human emanation that layer upon layer has imprudently builded out of pure light substance, causing shadowed enclosures to surround the Self of man in concentric rings of error. Error produces pain and suffering. We who understand the correct use of energy must, then, greet the chela in what appears to be an impersonal manner but which in actuality is an intense focusing of the God flame within ourselves in the God flame within the aspirant. We have seen cases where for over forty years we have focused this flame within an individual before securing results. Then in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, a God is born!{53} Some have within a period of forty days of purification come to the position of Christhood and readied themselves for the Ascension. Let love, then, be indeed without dissimulation{54} and be not carried away by those who gush over mankind in order to win him over to mortal thoughts and feelings. Our laws are perfect laws and they can never be flaunted. They are embodied within the Spirit of the flame at Luxor. May I carry on in the coming week and tell you more? For your Freedom and Victory, I AM, Your Brother at Luxor, SERAPIS ****** Chapter 14 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 2, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 14 - Beloved Serapis Bey - April 2, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 2 "When We Have Shuffled Off This Mortal Coil" Unto You Who Recoil Not from Ascension's Coil but Would Be Recoiled in the Sacred Fire - I AM Come to Transfer the Compressed Energy of My Causal Body In continuing my dissertation on the ascension which is the gift of God for all, I take you now to the Shakespearean plays and to the statement made To sleep! perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: Seekers for freedom and truth, know that the play of the emotions and the fire of the mind are determinant in creating the record referenced in Hamlet as "this mortal coil." for around the body and being of man, energy, compressed energy, like a giant spring wrapped, in some cases, unmercifully tight and in other cases, loosely knit, does exist. This coil governs the amount of time and energy required by each lifestream actually to cut himself free from misguided effort. Because individuals, by divine grace and mercy, have hidden from their own eyes the extent of the degradation to which they have fallen in their total schema of past embodiments, I would suggest that it is preferable for everyone to feel that the weight of his karma is less rather than gross. For when individuals, who have what We would call a heavy karma, become obsessed with the idea of that karma, they create a certain lethargy in their feelings and an almost unwillingness to begin paying off the karmic debt, feeling that it is too overpowering even to contemplate. When individuals believe their karma to be very light and they enter into the spirit of releasing it swiftly into the sacred fire, there is a great release of joy that flows through their beings. The action of joy has a tendency to create malleability in the coils of energy, a relaxing of the tensions inherent within these energetic coils, and the freeing of the individual from restless tides which have, over the centuries, proved to be his nemesis. In seeking, then, the ascension in the light, the power of love must be recognized as a fervent heat which will cause the elements of mortal creation to melt and the very being of man to meld into a great pool of cosmic light and love. Now, because of man's intently conceived ideas about life and love, there is always the danger that individuals will overpower the truth that lies behind the worded symbol by their own shallowness of concept, and thus fail to acquire the power of the word that went forth on behalf of their own freedom and quickening. The giant storings retained within the heart of the Christ, as he lay within the tomb, were the results of no idle effort. They were the power of universal law and life, of enormous concentration of resurrection's flame and of the receptivity of the chalice of his great heart of faith that in olden days did in golden cadences sweetly say, "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer thine holy one to see corruption." Men must come to understand that it is the poison of mortal concepts that has created the sting of death; that the strength of sin lies within the law and that this Law man has made to read, "In sin did my mother conceive me," while denying the immortal birthright of the heavenly Father who can justly say of all his creation, "ye are my offspring." If you are the offspring of God, then there should be resident within you the "dayspring from on high," the energetic coil of the Spirit of the Resurrection and the ascension out of human density and patterns of lethargy. While it is unquestionably true that a plant can split a rock by the power of life within the root of the plant, it of necessity requires greater energy for it to accomplish this feat. If the rock is not in the way, then, only the gentle earth needs to he moved. Thus, let me clearly declare that the stripping away of the coils of negative energy surrounding mankind, the yielding up of old and residual ideas that have not brought to man his freedom, and the substitution of great positivity of mind does help to remove the crushing weight of human effluvia from the soul and prepares the way for Christly vestments to be placed about the shoulders of the neophyte, of the seeker for greater Light. Candidates for the ascension understand the plan that surely as he has measured the everlasting hills, surely as he has prepared a place for those who love him, the way is made plain that men either continue to dwell in the darkness of mortal concepts and misunderstandings, culminating in the death of the body and the release of the soul, or they accept the opportunities which life offers them and become candidates for the ascension. Those who do so welcome the surge of the ascension flame through their minds and bodies, for they understand the need for regeneration even as they understand the need for generation. Certainly, first has come into manifestation that which is of the "earth, earthy," and then has come into manifestation the second man which is "Lord from heaven." As man has borne the image of the earthy, so must he now bear the image of the heavenly. But the weight of the burden of the Christ Light, which is in reality no burden at all but only the powerful essence of freedom concentrated within the soul, must he accepted as the sole reality of life, as the reality of the Solar-El that makes man to understand, indeed, the meaning of the words, "Ye are gods." If, then, men belong to God and, in the possessive sense, are God's belonging unto Him, they also, as His offspring, must be Sparks of the Parent flame and thus not only belong unto God but also, in truth, themselves be Gods. What a lie has been fostered down through the ages and slyly slipped into the religious patterns of the world. Men have then come to accept as truth, in the name of God, that they are vile and, in the words of Saint Paul, "altogether gone out of the way." They do not understand how to "break the scriptures"; they do not understand that he was citing, as the scriptures have cited from time immemorial, the negative patterns into which men have fallen. This is the ditch into which the blind lead the blind, but those who have the power to see understand that energy must follow the thought and the thought must manifest the idea of its freedom here and now. For men to continue to wallow in the mire of despair or fear is a tormenting thing which denies the soul the power of the love of God. The love of God infuses life! The love of God frees life! The love of God is inherent within life! It was the energy of that love that raised the Christ from the dead, set him on high, and ascended him into the heavens; and a cloud indeed hid him from the sight of mortal men. "All, then who follow me," he has said, "in the ritual of the ascension, will be hid with Christ in God." The triunity of the spiritual experience forms a star of victory. There are three points in this triunity of the divine, and there are three points in the triunity of the human; when all are welded together and the victory of the ascension is won, the star of victory shines in the firmament of that one's being and he becomes a victorious star in the heavens of God. In their messages of love, the stars in the firmament of God's being are telling all below, "Peace on earth, good will toward men ... For unto us a Saviour is born, which is Christ the Lord." Christ is Christos. He is the light of the world and in him there is no darkness. All who, then, dwell in this Spirit of the Christ become joint heirs with him of the Ritual (the right-you-all) of the ascension. How the Brotherhood at Luxor are chanting the anthem of the ascension! Hour after hour the rolling cadences and heavenly melodies pour upward as a white smoke, signifying a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, telling all the meaning of these words, "Where I AM, there ye may be also." Lovingly, I remain, SERAPIS ****** Chapter 15 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 9, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 15 - Beloved Serapis Bey - April 9, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 3 The Triangle within the Circle Unto You Who Would Walk in the Footsteps of the Masters Who Have Transcended Karma and Reincarnation - the Scientists of the Spirit Teach the Law of Self-Transcendence As the fig tree puts forth her sign so does the dawn of Cosmic Prescience in the Divine Aspirant manifest the signs of the Divine Appearing within the human monad. There are gusts of Hope, laden with the balm of summer and the portent of good things to come, yet men must stabilize the consciousness during the time of testing. The deviations from Perfection occurred not in the flash of a moment but, in most cases, they were the result of a gradual weakening of character, less and less acceptance of responsibility and the desire for mortal ease. Just as flabby muscles occur from a lack of exercise, so do the Spiritual Senses grow dim when the loud outcries of a maddening world are heeded affected by mortal doings. Men pay respect to science for they feel it has brought them "the good life." But without the scientist of the Spirit there would be no Life whatsoever upon the planet, and all would dwell in darkness or in the shadowed state of groping even for physical sensory perception. The lumens of the Spirit have softly caressed the darkness and pushed back the shadows as the Will of God which is Good has magnified His Purposes for His Created Sons. Men lament the pains and sufferings occasioned by their own karma. But what of those karmaless Masters serving in Hierarchy Whose Hopes are blighted again and again by unresponsive men? These are asked to stand as bulwarks against the hordes of mortal, shadowed substance and to intervene for and on behalf of mankind; whereas once men have received the little satiety of lesser purpose for which they crave, they sometimes quickly turn again from the Light and immerse themselves in darkness as though their hopes lay within the turmoil of the world. We ask Ourselves at Inner Levels, "Is it because they doubt, and when they are convinced, is there no permanence to their conviction? Must they be reassured again and again as to the Reality of the Octaves of Light?" What more shall I say than that God hath wrought the miracles of His Perfection which are the momentary and eternal Perceptions of the Ascended Masters' Consciousness? Ours is a forte of Immortal Rejoicing, and the trumpetings of Our Hopes echo even over the human sea. Men speak of Serapis with awe and reverence. They honor El Morya and the thrust of Power. They "oh" and "ah" over the Beauty of the Consciousness of Paul the Venetian, but where are the Legions of God upon Earth and where are the staunch ones applying to Us today for Initiation into the highest steps here at Luxor? Returning again to the Science of the Spirit, let Me release Knowledge whether or not there are any to hear, to appreciate, to appropriate or to revere. When men fail to progress it is always because there is imbalance in the Threefold Flame of Life. The Life that beats your hearts is a triad of motion, consisting of tripartite Energies. The Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of Body, Mind and Soul, of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, of Love, Wisdom and Power, is also the Pink, Blue and Gold of Divine Consciousness. The Will of God is a predominant third of the whole, but lacking the Wisdom of God, the Golden Illumination of His Supreme Knowledge, even Power is stifled of action; and without Love, Power and Wisdom become but the brittleness of self-preservation. The balance of the Threefold Flame creates a pattern of the Ascension for all. Dominant emotions are controlled by Love and by the Power of Love in action. Because the wisdom of men is foolishness with God, they perceive that not in the psychology of the world but in the balance of the Energies of the heart do men bank the Fires of the Ascension against the day of their victory. The furnace of Being, heated white-hot, must needs manifest the colors of the Sacred Fire and the coil from the serpent's nest rise upright, being lifted by wings of Faith, Hope and Accomplishment (Faith, Hope and Charity) until the Christ-Man is enthroned in all. This is a scientific victory of the Spirit. Not without precedent was this Universe created. No idle experiment was behind the program but the ageless Wisdom of the Infinite Creator Whose Purposes are dimly perceived by men of lesser vision. Emotions controlled by Love in balance with Wisdom create a sharp etch of Power which Life cannot resist. Progress stems, then, from attunement with all of the Triune Aspects of God in perfect balance. Blessed ones, if your tendency is to excessive study and the feeling of egoistic wisdom, gleaned from the world's storehouse of knowledge, remember that with all thy getting, unless thou hast Wisdom, thy knowledge is but a tinkling hell or a clanging cymbal. And if the Love which thou art manifesting is a love in expectation of return as a dowry from the beloved, thou art not cognizant of the Will of the Great Giver, Whose every desire is to give the Allness of Himself unto the Beloved. If thy Power is as a flood or a raging fire which covers the mountains and the plains, or consumes that which it seeks to benefit, thou must then master Holy Wisdom and Holy Love that thy Power may be within the reins of the Trinity of Balance. Classification is not so complicated as men imagine. The opinions of the mental body concerning the self, the overly-protective aspects of the emotional body which often expends itself in beating the air as Don Quixote and his windmills, the strenuous appeasement of human physicality as the satiation of every human desire and thirst is placed above the Spirit, the flagellation of the self by the memory body as self condemnation mounts over a trifle, all take their toll of human happiness while defeating the Divine Purpose. Men must summon the Energies from the Heart of God that teach them, by communion and friendship with the Divine One, how to govern the three and fourfold aspects of Being until the seven bodies of Man manifest the Sevenfold Plan of Perfection according to the Law of the square and the triangle. Then the Cosmic Circle of Life remains unbroken and the triangle within the circle becomes the symbol of personal victory. The Circle can be placed within the square and form, then, becomes comprehensible as a schoolroom of the Spirit and the place of consecration where the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of God becomes a reliable forte for the ascending soul. Your consciousness is a priceless tapestry. Each day you weave upon it a motif of the Spirit which is forever, or a jagged pattern, in a relative sense, which must be meticulously disengaged and rewoven as heaven intends. We are staunch and We remain the friend of all who earnestly, honestly, seek to serve our cause and to find their freedom in allegiance to universal law which is universal love. In the sense of divine commeasurement, I remain SERAPIS ****** Chapter 16 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 16, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 16 - Beloved Serapis Bey - April 16, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 4 The Banner of Humility Unto You Who, Following Him, Would Be Initiated from the Beginning of the Law of the One unto the Ending of the Mystery of Life: Welcome to the Disciplines of Our Retreat To embark on the Path toward Mastery, Achievement, victory and the Ascension is an initiatic process. "Whom God loveth He chasteneth" (Hebrews 12:6). The few in ages past have walked through the Gates, whose narrow markings may not be too comfortable to those overstuffed with the vanities of the world. It has been said, and well said, that no man can serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13) Again and again We perceive a wanton disregard for Spiritual Law by those who consider themselves to be Initiates upon the path. Why do men choose to ignore the Spiritual Laws which gave birth to the Universe and feel that they with impunity can completely escape from the Law, whereas their neighbors must come under the hammer thereof? There is a dual mission involved in attainment. It is to be mindful of the Great Realms of Deity, Hierarchy and the Friends of God, as well as the octaves of delusion. Here vain men compete in the market places for earthly prizes while the sands of time slip through their fingers, moment by moment, and eventuate in lost opportunities, many times never regained during their allotted span. Now We come to the stern business of accepting those who have desired and asked for a dossier on the Ascension that will give them the victorious patterns, stern though they may he, by which they may win their Wings of Light and attain to the stature of the Immortals. We are well aware of the fact that individuals, whose chief motivation is but an idle curiosity mingled with pseudo intellectualism and carnal sophistication, will, as dilettantes do, garble the most precious Concepts and gingerly pick over those Pearls of Great Price which come to them as Opportunity and are cast aside as that which "I already know." Many desire to assess the spiritual stature of others, yet they have no median lines or markings upon the fabric of self which indicate that attainment by which they might at least suppose they could make a reasonable assessment. Imagination is their measuring stick, and the conversations of others their guideline. These often feel that they must lean upon the arm of flesh and cannot tell the Real from the unreal because they yet lack that Holy Experience which they tell themselves they ought to seek. I feel no need whatsoever to pamper the selfish, the greedy, and the carnal-minded. These have pampered themselves far beyond the fashion of ordinary men, and their dabblings in the realm of the spiritual will become an insult unto their own selves unless they achieve the greatest prize which a chela or seeker for God can have - Humility. It has well been said, "God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble." (James 4:6; I Peter 5:5) Therefore, as We begin to reveal to the students those cardinal virtues which are the very Nature of God and are as compass points, indicating the True Path, We trust that souls in bondage to mortal convention will recognize that there is an Octave of Freedom and Light, Mystery, Initiation, and manifest Power which is above and beyond all the idle conceptions of men or the books that have been written on the Masters of Wisdom or the Ascended Masters. Truth, beloved ones, is indeed stranger than fiction, and when men are willing to cast aside the ties which they themselves have made, that have not brought them, no, not in an entire embodiment, the freedom for which they secretly long, they will understand that pride must go, or go before the fall. (Proverbs 16:18) If pride goes, then the altar is swept clean for the Gifts of Divine Humility. If pride remains, it doth indeed go before the fall of that individual into numerous pitfalls. These pitfalls are subtle, involving the character of the self. In order to outpicture in the world of form the intended God-design, the individual must take up the crude block of rough-hewn stone, cut out without hands, into which he has cast himself and, using the hands of Spiritual Idealism and the model of the Divine Image, he must seek to bring forth that Holy Sculpturing of Identity which is identified with the Christ Reality that, as the Word, went forth from the Universal Heart. What is the value of reading our Words and meditating upon them? The value and the benefit lie in the acceptance of the charge of Light which We put into the Words and behind them. These Words, then, as glowing coals of Holy Truth from the Altars of God, from the Altars of Initiation, and from Our Temple at Luxor, are Trines of Light intended to stimulate in men the knowledge of the Holy Symbols that reveal a Goal-Quality to Man. I recall full well when the Master Jesus came to Luxor as a very young man, that He knelt in Holy Innocence before the Hierophant, refusing all honors that were offered Him and asking to be initiated into the first grade of Spiritual Law and Spiritual Mystery. No sense of pride marred his visage - no sense of preeminence or false expectation, albeit He could have well expected the highest honors. He chose to take the low road of Humility, knowing that it was reserved unto the Joy of God to raise Him up. To raise an individual is a glorious thing when that individual lies prone in Hope, in Faith, and in Charity, awaiting an Act of God to reconsecrate the self to the simple quality of Humility. For there is an act of false pride which manifests as false humility and causes individuals to appear humble, whereas in Reality they reek with pride. This false humility is often manifest in subtle ways and it is a mockery of the Real. Shun, then, all that is not Real and Virtuous, the thoughts of thine own heart, and mend the thoughts of thy heart if they seem to be trifling with Eternal Purpose. You came forth for one Cause and one Cause alone, and that is to manifest God's Light. No greater purpose has come to anyone and no lesser purpose. While Our Mastery stands as a Rainbow of Promise to unascended men, this Promise can never remain their guiding Light unless they shed human pride. Quite frankly, many individuals on the Spiritual Path use their contact with Us as a means of attaching importance to their own egos. They but harm Our Cause, for the Awful Majesty of the Divine Light is able to probe men even to the depths of their very bones, and the Flame of Divine Penetration that tests men before their Ascension reveals the very naked recesses which are often unknown to individuals themselves. I urge upon all, then, that they seek the Banner of Divine Humility. If the Masters and the Divine Presence of men, through the Mediatorship of the Christ, have ever recognized any of the errors of men that have hindered them from becoming that which they long to become, They have recognized their pride. Pride takes many forms and true Humility but one. True Humility must be worn eternally. It is not a garment you place upon you for a moment, for a day or year, or when passing a test. It is an undergarment with which God Himself is clothed, and unless it surround thee, thy hopes of attainment are slim indeed. In My present series of discourses on the Ascension, I AM determined to give in this dossier some of the disciplines which I measure according to your capacity to receive and your present need. Rest assured of this, all who will accept this Teaching and bind It upon themselves as an act to do, an act of Divine Grace, will benefit immeasurably from It and from all that I AM about to release as receptive hearts, like open flowers, become Chalices of God's Hope renewed in Man. Forward into the Light, I say unto ye all! I AM SERAPIS ****** Chapter 17 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 23, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 17 - Beloved Serapis Bey - April 23, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 5 Purification of Memory Unto You Whose Will Is Harnessed to the Absolute Desire for Soul Purification - I AM the Purifier and the Refiner's Fire And I saw the furnace of trials heated white hot, and I perceived the testing of the matrices of Divine Love. I said unto God, O Lord, Thou hast measured the Infinite by Thine Own Strength, and Thou hast placed the measure of the Infinite within Man. And as was spoken in Genesis, "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let Us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." (Genesis 11:6-7) Thus has the Cosmic Law acted and proscribed the borders of Man's habitation to keep the way of the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:24) and its fruit for the eating of those whose consciousness identifies with Divine Reality, Happiness, Bliss, Purity and those Qualities that are native unto God. Those who feel that the lure of the world is greater than the Magnetism of the Divine ought soberly to consider the fact that all things were made by Him and that it is clearly recorded in Scripture, "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of Man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." (I Corinthians 2:9) The mark of the beast must be perceived as the mark of a man, but the tracings of the Divine are everywhere apparent. (Revelation 13:16-18) There are none so blind as those who will not see. Therefore, in searching for the Ascension men must examine the Motives of God. To do this properly, men must seek to enter the Consciousness of God. There is a pulsating sound throughout the Universe which has been described as the Holy Aum or Om. Others have referenced it as the "Amen": It is the Infinite, moving through the cusp of the finite and quivering with the Infinite Life of the Eternal. We come now to the place where memory must be cognized as the individualized akasha of a lifestream. Without memory, identity would fall. Without memory, purpose would not be perceived, nor would there be any integration of purpose. The gift of memory is intended to be a purified faculty designed by God to enable men to rise in awareness, step by step, until self-mastery is gained. Every Ascended Master has passed through the Ascension Flame here at Luxor, but long before the possibility of that event had any validity for them, They first passed their memory through the Flame. The infestation of mortal thought and feeling, the variance from Divine Measurement and the awful putrification of mortal ideas, accompanied by greed, vengeance, egoism and the desire to expand the ego, have wrought havoc with the tender folds of memory. Not only are individuals themselves full of dead men's bones and iniquities, as the Lord Christ spake long ago, (Matthew 23:27); not only are they full of hypocrisy, fawning upon those whom they feel will do them good and cursing by silence those whom they despise, but they are also forgetters of their promises. They remember that which they ought not to remember and they retain not that which they ought to remember. I do not intend to spare those who desire their Freedom, for unless they are aware of these things, in which all men have engaged more or less to some relative degree, the necessary Purifications cannot be accomplished which will enable them to enter, through the Mediatorship of the living, loving Christ, into that God-Flame which is called the Ascension Flame and which acts to perform the final rite of Absolution and Purity, uniting Man unto God. Books have been written, courses have been given, and people have sat for hours at the feet of gurus; rituals have been performed, spiritual exercises, long readings and meditations; but there is no substitute in any of these for the Purification which the Soul must willingly invoke and undergo. The "heat" of this "Fire" is not always comfortable, nor is it intended to be so, for even Saint Peter has said, "The elements shall melt with a fervent heat," (II Peter 3:10), but the Glory of the latter (the Fires of Purification and the results they afford) is not unworthy of the submission of the former (the elements of human creation) that bears the Soul to its haven of Eternal Refuge. Those who do not choose to take the instruction which I give may remain in the world and let the world be their guru. They may be taught by the harsh cadences of the world and beaten into submission for a purpose of lesser attainment than can come under Our direct instruction. It is memory, then, I say to those of you who remain to listen, that must be purified, not only of pride but also of all of the negative qualifications and habits of misqualification which it has absorbed through the centuries. Even in the dream state individuals are often thrust into the astral plane unless they of necessity protect themselves, for there they frequently absorb the negative qualities of individuals who have no interest whatsoever in pursuing the Divine Path. When I speak, then, of Purification of the memory, I AM referring to a memory purified to the uttermost, and the Purification of the memory will be an awakening unto Christ Identity and Godhood. Every lifestream has dwelled in the very Bosom of the Ascension Flame before It ever descended, and this is why it was spoken by Saint Paul, "He that descended is the same that Ascended." (Ephesians 4:10) The Soul came forth with a thrust of purpose to do the Will of God, and the human thought-patterns which have been externalized have been an awesome blight upon the Radiant Patterns of the Soul beneath. The human overlay has opaqued the Light, and the travail of spiritual birth has yielded to birth in matter and the misqualification of substance. The contamination of substance upon memory has made it a frightening thing, an object of horror, whereas God would have it an object of Celestial Beauty where the Elysian Fields can be perceived in their true Reality and the world seen as but a figment of mortal illusion. When this occurs, when the flames of Purification extend themselves into the memory body, it creates a spiritual magnet around the aura of the individual which draws him up into such Christ Magnificence as he has never, even in his greatest moments of Divine Attunement, understood or envisioned. I AM urging upon you, then, the recognition of the need to purify your memory body of all the sordid details which are stored there, of all patterns whatsoever that are of negation, of all activities that are distinctly anti-Christ which may lie as obsession within the Soul, and of all beneath the surface of consciousness which is not the Purity of the Supreme Consciousness of the Christ Mediatorship of your Higher Mental Body or Holy Christ Self. Some have sat before Me at Luxor when I have given this very same lecture and they have said, "Send me back, for my consciousness is but a sewer of human mason and I am without hope." To these I have turned with a look of withering scorn and spoken these words, "You have disgraced Divine Purpose for centuries and now you stand at the Doorway of Freedom, this by Divine Grace. Would you return, then, to the turgid sea of human emotions and frustrations without receiving the benefit of Our Instruction when you stand nigh unto the portals of a complete escape?" Out of an entire class I have seen no more than one, then, turn back. And frequently, as that one has lingered near the portal, he has silently slipped back into his seat and gone on. Do you see, precious ones, it is all a matter of perspective? Those who minister in the world to men's spiritual needs do so from the standpoint of pleasing men. We act solely from the standpoint of pleasing God. Our desire is to get the job done, to show men how to find their Freedom. Men require "spunk" and a straight spine. There is no question they have pampered themselves, and that with illusion. Straight talk and straight thought will do much to clear the way, and it will not place any individual outside the Citadel of Hope but wholly within It. Men stay on the merry-go-round of human thought and feeling because they fear lest they fall off. But it will keep on going. So jump off the round of delusion and the mad whirl of human confusion. Come to Luxor, to the place where I AM. Lovingly I continue, SERAPIS ****** Chapter 18 Beloved Serapis Bey - April 30, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 18 - Beloved Serapis Bey - April 30, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 6 The Awareness of Man's Union with God Unto You Who Would Understand the Mission and the Movement of the God Flame upon Earth I Say, Learn of Me and My Contact with the Fire of Contact and Make It Your Own Where is the Dwelling Place of The Most High God? This seeming mystery, answered by some as "God is everywhere," is not clear to the minds of many who seek their Ascension. To the masses many of the great cardinal principles of the Cosmos are yet but a babble of voices with no tones that are clearly predominant. Let us move aside the curtain and show the Light behind the veil. First must come the concept of "hallowing space," then of desecration by misqualified energy. The idea that God is everywhere is perfectly correct, viewed from the standpoint that all things exist by His Grace and Life. If God is everywhere, then, where is the mobility of His Spirit to move upon mankind and upon the Creation which He has made?{55} Gradation of concentration of consciousness, then, must be recognized; and it must he understood by the devotee that any point in space (that exists in self-conscious awareness and an awareness of the "I AM" Presence) may draw upon the very Essence of the Godhead and cause the filaments of its awareness to glow with a greater measure of Divine Energy as that Energy is invoked. Where the Energy of God is consistently invoked and the intervals of ordinary consciousness, interspersed between the concentration of Divine Energy at a point in space, are lessened, a greater Transmutation occurs. Let it be clear, then, that responsibility for opening the Door to Divine Manifestation is every Man's own. Just as men are responsible for taking the pure stream of Radiant Energy which is their Life and misqualifying It with wrong thoughts against others, whether they deem such misqualification justifiable or not, so they are responsible Divine Plan. This is accomplished by drawing upon the creative Presence of God released through His Energies, which are poured out in the limitless emanations of Himself into the world of the individual. These emanations are known as the "Fire of Contact" that will consume the dross of mortal thought and feeling and build, according to the Cosmic Design, a complete sense of victorious Enfoldment by the Godhead. One of the Great Teachings that was released at Luxor, when Beloved Jesus attended our School of Ancient Mystery, was the Unity of the Father and the Son. The proclamation, "I and My Father are One,"{56} has been heard and read by many who have never entered into the meaning and experience of it. To follow the Christ in the Regeneration{57} is to follow the Light of the Eternal Spirit of God in Man and to make of the living Soul a continually renewed creature. For it is the very nature of the Soul ever to transcend Itself as veil after veil of misqualification drops and reveals the Transcendent Light, streaming from out the very Heart of the Eternal Father into the Heart of the Son - that One Who is the real you. Individuals often have a sense of struggle about spiritual things just as they do about material things. To "let go" does not mean to let go of responsibility: it means to transfer one's personal sense of responsibility to God and then to cling to the vibratory emanations of the Godhead with the Divine Design held in mind. Too often students permit a sense of vacuum to occupy their minds in connection with letting go. To cease the sense of struggle does not mean that the Divine Effort Itself will cease to work as an active Principle within the Soul and Spirit of Man - for his Perfectionment as well as his Enlightenment. Precious ones, knowledge, itself, when it is not used can easily pass from the consciousness. When an individual understands that that which he has called "reality" is unreal, whereas that which has seemed nebulous and afar is very nigh, he will be taking the first step toward the realization that God can, at any point in space - including the precise area of the individual's own present conscious existence - draw very nigh unto him and completely change his darkness into Light. Jesus said, "If the Light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"{58} He was referencing, of course, the misqualification of the Light that an individual at one time or another has received from God. The consciousness of an atheist or an agnostic is in a category by itself. To deny or question the existence of the Deity may eventuate in the denial of the individual by the Deity, but the fact that Man does exist and is aware of self and others is proof of his own present Opportunity to receive the Divine Gifts and Graces of God. One of the problems, of course, inherent within present-day man is that he finds it difficult to believe in a God made in his own image, and rightly so. There is too much identifying by mankind of the Godhead with human foibles and human qualities. Even the human figure, the physical form of man, is often misconstrued with the Deity Who is a Spirit. Simply because a Spirit can and does take form or ensoul it, does not in any way render the Power of the Spirit of less effect, nor does it give mankind the right to think that form itself has the power to control Spirit. The Spirit is the animating Principle of Life and It is intended m control the form. Men must learn to bridle the destructive elements of human thought and feeling within themselves. As has been said, the well intended have often led their unsuspecting fellows down the primrose path that seems to have the lure of mental greatness about it, and thus they reason away the blessed spiritual Opportunities afforded them. Those of you who are preparing for your Ascension or who are just getting used to the idea that this Divine Ritual is both a possibility and a necessity for men and women today, should understand that nothing in the world is so effective in producing the proper attitudes toward the Ascension in the Light as the Awareness of Man's Union with God. Unfortunately, men cannot unite with that which they do not know or understand. Therefore, when one studies to show one's self approved unto God, {59} it is in order that the Nature of the Godhead may come more clearly into focus in consciousness. It is certain that Happiness and Peace are Qualities of God. It is a further certainty that to produce vibrations in the world or even in the mind that are not conducive to Happiness and Peace is an offense against the Purposes of the Deity. It is never a question that the Deity Himself is offended by men to whom He seeks to impart only the highest Gifts. Retribution comes, rather, from the impersonal Law that, seeking to bestow Grace upon Man, encounters the personal acts of men and finds it necessary that these acts be tossed to one side so that the path-way of the individual may he cleared of obstacles. Men and women are often inclined to feel that Divine Justice them understand that the Laws of God are the Laws of Life and that it is death or the opposing factors to the fullness of Life and the Abundant Life that is the enemy of Man. ("The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."{60}) The Great Cosmic Law, then, in clearing away these obstacles, produces, because of the wrong acts of men, an act of Retribution, or "vengeance, " which belongs to the Law in the impersonal sense of Divine Adjustment and, therefore, "is mine, saith the Lord."{61} Without this clearing action of the Law, men could go on forever in a round of sense consciousness, vain competition, and destructive manifestation without ever bringing the self or this planet or any planet on any systems of worlds into the fullness of the Divine Design. Inasmuch as the planet itself seeks to be raised and to Ascend, the Victory of each individual contributes to the Victory of the whole. Won't you please concentrate, for the sake of your fellow man, as well as for yourself, upon producing in your world greater Awareness of the Presence of God? It does not matter how close you may feel to Him, the filament of Being is capable of holding a greater Glow in the Infinite. As long as you are unascended, there is room for improvement. Ever upward! SERAPIS ****** Chapter 19 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 7, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 19 - Beloved Serapis Bey - May 7, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 7 The Divine Right of Every Man Unto You Who in Your Striving Would Know No Gain but the Fruit of God-Realization, God Has Ordained the Aegis and the Guidance of the Great Master Teachers The concern of man for his immortal inheritance may not exceed the infinite concern of God nor equal it, but it is just and wholly possible that the concern of man within the relative sphere of his devotion can approximate the concern that every ascended master had prior to his ascension. One of the principle problems involving the monadic consciousness is the insistence by individuals - when they allow themselves to come under the influences of the carnal mind{62} that they use their own God-given free will to protect their individuality at all costs. Individualism is positively not correctly interpreted by the masses of mankind, nor even by many among the spiritual seekers for greater truth. These confuse what we may term "human rights" with what we choose to call the "divine right" of every man. It is true - and the world is proof of it - that human rights are being employed by mankind, and the mess of human pottage ladled out as enticement to the Esau consciousness continues to defraud the firstborn sons of their eternal inheritance.{63} But the divine right is another thing. The divine right is the immortal plan for universal man. The Monadic intent - i.e., man's God designed individuality and his natural gravitation toward the oneness of his True Self - is its first principle or foundation stone in which the inherent pattern of unique Christ-manifestation is self-contained. Individuals seek without for that which is already within. Just as the entire pattern of nature is manifest in the seed, so in the divine seed the living Word is the inherent God identity, Christ identity, and soul identity of every man. This is what is truly meant by the statement "No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."{64} The human master has attempted to enslave its own latent divine identity, which is the source of all life; and thus the human master has created a self-serfdom which holds individuals in bondage, not to their divine Presence nor even to the True Self, but to myriad world patterns whose end is always transition and change. The changeless patterns of the divine identity are the best assurance to every lifestream that the course that man is running will be victoriously fulfilled. When the statement was made, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him,"{65} it was intended to serve as a bond of understanding between God and Man which would bring the blessed assurance of the divine intent into focus in the consciousness as a guard against the tendency of individuals to destroy themselves needlessly on the rocks and shoals of life. In order to create that essential spiritual fabric between self-conscious Identity (that which clearly can accept that I AM that I AM as the True Self) and the universal Presence of Life, it is needful that the seeker understand to the fullest extent permissible under Divine Law the difference between the vacillating aspects of human life and those God-guided patterns which will render unto God those things which are God's.{66} It is a great pity, in truth, that millions who seek for spiritual treasures do so out of the instinct of self-preservation, motivated by a desire to be good in hopes of a reward for so doing. Those who are motivated by divine love reach a place on the road that leads to God-identification where they recognize the supremacy of divine ideals as Abraham did, who heard the voice of God saying unto him, "I AM thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward."{67} As long as individuals seek to master the world of illusion by themselves, they will lose their souls or be castaways from the kingdom that is not of this world.{68} Ever and anon, souls have sought to glorify outer-world conditions and to glorify themselves against the background of its facades; thus they have pursued a temporal crown right while they seemed to be pursuing the spiritual path. One of the problems today, and the principle one involving modern orthodoxy, is that while it is far better to have and to hold some form of religion than to have none at all, the concepts of mortal error about holy things are, to the present hour, very great and subtly concealed beneath a surface of apparent Godliness. This prompted Saint Paul even in his day to declare of apostasy, "They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof."{69} Religion has become a cloak to be worn as a badge of merit in the eyes of one's fellowmen, whereas the seeker for truth and for contact with the hierarchy of light and the Great White Brotherhood must, of necessity, come directly under the aegis and guidance of the great master teachers. This God has ordained in order that all that is conveyed to mankind may strip the shard of error from their concepts about cosmic law. Then, through truth, progress can be made and the soul will reflect its pristine purity as motive after motive is transferred through the absorption of the nature of Deity. Thus, rather than seeking humanly to qualify life with a spiritual pattern which seems to many to be a hurdle over which man cannot jump, he places himself in the arms of Divine Love and lets God unburden his soul. God has never forced man to accept any spiritual exercise as a requirement for attainment albeit these have been ordained by Him and are available to the seeker that he might shorten the days of his earthly travail. God has indeed provided a beautiful link between reality and illusion through the concept of hierarchy and universal Christhood. As long as men and women think that only one man on earth could ever manifest the perfection of the divine plan, they will feel the lash of the Law and perceive themselves as weak and ineffective manifestations, steeped in the degradation of sin. When sin is replaced by sincerity that recognizes the majesty of the Cosmic Creator, man will perceive with God that nothing that God has made could ever be ought else but good. And thus, inasmuch as man was made by God, man was created good. If there be any fall, then, from the goodness of God, it has been within the consciousness of mankind; and it is the consciousness that has fallen, then, that must rise until once again it unites itself with the goodness which was its natural origin and will for all time become its means of salvation to the uttermost. Because the ascension in the light is the goal of all life upon earth, whether or not the individual parts are aware of it, it is essential that life should cognize that the fruit of striving is God-realization. There is no need to have a sense of struggle about this but only a sense of acceptance which was stated by Saint Paul: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt he saved":{70} which is to say, "Believe in the power of this Infinite/finite example as attainable by thyself, cast aside the sense of sin, sickness, and death, and enter into the beauty of wholeness (holiness) and Christ idealism." If God so loved the only begotten Son, the Christ,{71} and if the Christ is the divine image, then this is the image of God in which all men are created. Hence this image is the divine right of every man. A return to this image need not be a complicated maneuver or a dogmatic charisma but it can become, through the simple consciousness of the Messiah, the means whereby all may enter the kingdom of heaven that is within.{72} So will thy consciousness become refined and ascendant toward the unity into which all life must merge. Progressively we move forward as little children into the kingdom. I AM your Brother, Serapis ****** Chapter 20 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 14, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 20 - Beloved Serapis Bey - May 14, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 8 Step by Step the Way Is Won Unto You Who Hold the Sense of the Invisible Bond of Hierarchy and Who Would Grasp the Meaning of the "Thread of Contact" I Say, Let the Soul Be Restored to Its Original Divine Image That Its Eyes May Be Opened Now that we have viewed and reviewed the nature of God and man, we come to those disciplines and tests which precede the manifestation of the ascension currents by which men are literally raised into the God-domain from whence they came. When the statement was made, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God,"{73} many heard it and apparently they accepted it. But the admonishment that was given unto John the Revelator (now the Ascended Master John the Beloved) when he asked for "the little book" must also be considered: "Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey."{74} Thus of old was the declaration made to show the incongruity of the flesh and the Spirit and the necessity for the sweet acceptance by the flesh of the Spirit's burden (cosmic responsibility) and the manifestation of the living Word as the only cause for action. Again and again individuals have been swayed far too much by outer circumstances. The weight of human opinion is also held to be of great import by many who profess to search for the kingdom but in reality seek the approbation and favor of men. If the eyes of men were opened and they possessed the quality of true perception, there would never be any question whatsoever as to what course they would take. Countless examples of this truth exist in the holy Scriptures. There is the story of Balaam, the son of Beor, who was rebuked by the dumb ass speaking to him with a man's voice.{75} There is the account of the disciple Thomas, who said, "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe," and Jesus' answer to him, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."{76} There exists in the world today a very dangerous sense of earthly sophistication which is wholly rooted in personal pride; in the grips of this pseudoreality, individuals consider themselves qualified to be the arbiters of their own destiny. In the main, those who become muddled in this connection are those who have studied widely in various fields of religion and philosophy. It is as though men were convinced that by much studying they should enter into divine truth. In order to study to show oneself approved unto God it is not necessary that individuals should become complete masters of human theology or comparative religion. In fact, it is often true that the more men study the less they know. And thus the words "Except ye become as a little child ye cannot enter in"{77} have great meaning when it comes to accepting the sweet sense of the invisible realities of God. If I should choose from among the candidates for the ascension as to who would be the most apt to attain, I would always take the sweet childlike person who could accept divine truth with the light of joy in his eyes as opposed to the overly cautious, distrustful, and suspicious ones whose menacing countenances most often prove to be a threat to themselves. You may wonder why I speak as I do. It is solely for the love of the Creator's own beloved sons whom I seek to resurrect through divine awareness into the great tides of cosmic grace. For these shall bear them upward and onward over all obstacles, sometimes at a dizzying pace and then again in the calm sense of knowing that holds the hand of God with the trust of a tiny child. What child is this? Who is this Holy One? Who is this dedicated son who has the sense of the invisible bond of hierarchy? Let such a one grasp the meaning of the "thread of contact," as Morya calls it. For this "bond of hierarchy," this "thread of contact," denotes the fragility of the divine experience when man is yet identified with and wedded to mortal form and consciousness. If men and women could enter into the etheric consciousness of God, the essence of the creation would be made known to them and there would be no need for the veil that presently exists in the temple of being between the Holy of Holies and the outer consciousness of man. Because the fashion of the times demands it, individuals seek to follow the styles and trends of mortal thought and feeling. What a fraud is mere existential "know nothingness" that seeks to raise itself up in the eyes of the universe and says of a life that is here today and gone tomorrow, "See me, I exist; and because I exist, I am." There is a long trek across the parched deserts of self-testing and tribulation before the promised land of God-realization can be attained. The fires from on high must transmute and try the works of man{78} who seeks to become that which God already is and which God forever holds as the perfect plan for every man. Why am I speaking thusly, beloved ones? Some say, "One minute Serapis blows hot and one minute he blows cold, and he tells me what I already know," while others say, "Never have I heard one speak as this man." All this vanity of conversation has no purpose but stems only from personal motivation and personal ignorance. When Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,"{79} he spake of the multitudes who passed through the wide gate. The narrow gate must exclude the paltry errors of men, but they must be willing to recognize the fact that they have erred and to come to that contriteness of heart whereby we can impart to them safely and in divine measure the commands of the Infinite over the finite mind and being. The psalm of David "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul ..."{80} shows clearly in its comforting vocalization that the soul must be restored to its original divine image. Many men and women are not actually aware that the soul has been swept away from its eternal moorings. They feel that the soul has been temporarily lost and that of necessity some thaumaturgic process, spiritual formula, or doctrine of salvation must be accepted and put to use by their lifestreams in order that they might obtain their eternal freedom. They seek, therefore, for a religion with a pattern that they can accept which will provide for them, for all time to come, both forgiveness of sins and the gift of divine grace. Men do not realize that they themselves have lost their way and that it is they who must therefore find it again. They do not realize that their specific consciousness is involved in this losing of the way and that the consciousness which they have lost is the consciousness of the Divine One which they must personally regain. No litany or magical formula or even an imploration to the Deity of itself possesses the fullness of the power of realignment of the four lower bodies in conjunction with the balancing of the threefold flame. Realignment is attained through the simplicity of the Cosmic Christ mind that ever refuses to acknowledge that it has in any way been involved in a state of consciousness beneath the dignity of truth and the majesty of the Godhead. The sickening beat of clenched fists upon human chests, intended as a manifestation of abject humility to the Deity and the invocation of his mercy in time of trouble, where the true spirit of repentance is lacking are of little effect in producing the state of God consciousness and divine awareness that the law requires. The true internal sense of Cosmic Christ identification is one of beauty and rejoicing. It is the beautiful acknowledgment and perception of the laws of love and mercy; it is the acknowledgment of the tender intent of the Deity to raise the soul up the cosmic ladder of creation. Step by step the way is won until each one beholds for himself the pure longing of the Spirit that seeks to become one with the created being which the Spirit has made. There is no room for speculative theological argumentation in the Godhead, for God is not aware in his pure consciousness of man's frightening descent into mortal involvement. Only the Holy Christ Self has this awareness and acts to mediate, in his advisory capacity to the Godhead, the total world situation. And so the present rebellion of the elementals against the impositions of mortal men continues, and the wails of those lost in the sophistry of false supremacy will continue even as heaven continues to beckon the sons of God onward, step by step, until through their attention on God their consciousness becomes the sole reality which the ascension flame is. In freedom's name I remain Serapis ****** Chapter 21 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 21, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 21 - Beloved Serapis Bey - May 21, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 9 The Reawakening of the Divine Sense Of You Who Come to Our Abode to Be Disciplined of Life, We Require Purification of the Muddied Stream and Meritorious Deeds That the Soul Might Know the Holy Spirit through His Gift of Regeneration Lonely millions fail utterly to see the link to God-reality that connects the finite with the Infinite and flashes forth meteorlike into their own souls to illumine the darkest night. The flow of God's consciousness, like an endless river, wends its way through man's numerous experiences which embody the sense of desolation as well as the thrill of exaltation. When purification of the muddied stream of human thought occurs and the fount of his energies becomes a crystal one, reflecting light and cosmic energy which buoy up the four corners of the mind and so beautifully reveal to the soul consciousness the wonders of divine reality, the soul is indeed blessed. Our disciplines are always for the purpose of regeneration, for without this gift and activity, which descends from the Holy Spirit, man could not attain to immortal life. Life is God, and he himself is the Tree of Life that stands in the midst of the Garden. Every manner of manifestation receives its life from him. Yet his masterful concepts as they appeared in the pristine universe, observed by man according to the immaculate concept, would quite naturally evoke from the heart the splendid cry "It is good!" So simple and childlike are the attributes of the kingdom that men overlook them and thus they pass them by. The blessings of God are all around life everywhere. Life is replete even as it is complete with the most wonderful shadings of bliss which could be enjoyed by the Godhead himself; yet in men the power of perception - the sensitivity to perceive life itself - seems to be lacking. "Having eyes to see, they see not; having ears to hear, they hear not."{81} Neither do they sense nor touch the reality of God. One of the greatest blessings that can ever come to an embodied individual is the reawakening of the divine sense and childlike wonder which so many had in manifestation very early in their lives. I would like to say in this connection that there are souls presently in embodiment upon earth in whom the karmic pattern of their lifestreams has been so utterly desolate and rebellious that even as babes they manifest a defiant and virulent hatred. While mankind may deplore the manifestations of these rebellious ones, it must be remembered as a mitigating point to all life upon earth that many of these individuals have been separated from the planet and from the life evolutions of the planet for countless generations, awaiting a dispensation of opportunity for reembodiment. While it is true that there has been a certain definite action of punishment involved in their long separation, it is also true that they have been unable to work out any substantial measure of their karma while awaiting reembodiment. These souls, then, with all of their seething rebellion, resentment, and self-appointed misery, need a certain amount of understanding on the part of the devotees of truth that will afford them a measure of opportunity and an understanding of the goodness of the universe. It has been said that whatever a man measures out will be meted unto him again, but it has also been said, "His mercy endureth for ever."{82} Therefore, while there will be plenty of opportunity in mundane life for these individuals to come face-to-face with the flood tides of rebellion which they have created and which they have made their dwelling place, it is up to all of us to understand and to grant them, even as a part of our own discipline, some measure of Christly mercy and grace. The savage energies which play upon these individuals must be warily watched, and those who work with them at any time should ever be alert to protect themselves by the power of light against the riptides of human aggression and shadowed energy which these individuals wield. I have included this subject in my Dossier on the Ascension because one of the problems of spiritual discipline involved in winning the ascension is the tendency for individuals - after they have manifested a great deal of self-control through their contact with the ascended masters' disciplines - to become overly aloof and insensitive to mortal conditions which they must surely face until the last trump has sounded.{83} We have seen numerous cases where individuals have performed all of the necessary rituals and spiritual disciplines which the law requires in order to merit the ascension in the light. Then through some unguarded treatment of an individual they have created a karmic pattern which has hindered the progress of their ascension for the balance of that entire embodiment, necessitating their return to the screen of life contrary to their own desires. I wish, therefore, to point out that even an act of justified aloofness toward an individual can sometimes be a hindrance. Quite naturally you must be exceedingly careful not to permit your energies to become involved with any part of life in a wasteful or purposeless manner. But by a like token, if an individual seeks the milk of human kindness (which, when properly administered, is divine kindness), it would be well not to withhold it from him; for after all, it should always be borne in mind that we pattern after God and "his goodness endureth forever."{84} Fear not what men may do unto you, but be the master of your own worlds by letting the God within hold high the standard of his love. When you give your loyalty to God, it does not mean that you despise anyone in his kingdom who may be manifesting a lesser understanding. The fact that individuals upon earth are occasionally disturbed by someone's adoration of a minor angel or cosmic being (minor, that is, in the consciousness of the observer) often provokes what you would call a "titter" in heaven. These objectors would not mind if Archangel Michael or Jesus were honored, but conceivably they find some fault because an individual might pray to Mother Mary or one of the "lesser" saints or even to an angel unknown by the masses. I think heaven finds it a bit amusing that the laws of science are so highly honored by mankind and yet so poorly applied to spiritual things. Is not the whole the sum of all of its parts? And who can put his arms around all that is and embrace it? Is a grain of diamond dust any less a diamond than a ten-karat stone resting in the turban of a Mogul emperor? I cannot refrain, however, from commenting on the fact that by ignorance as well as deliberate misdirection, the mankind of earth today, in the main, are far from the beaten path of the spiritual devotee that leads to the narrow gate.{85} Religion, intended to be an implementation leading to the soul's attainment, has become the means by which the enemy has blackened the consciousness of men and cast them into outer darkness.{86} In God's name, beloved ones, it requires more than just the wish to serve Him in order to do so, and it requires more than the wish to attain in order to attain! If you would be an instrument of God upon earth, you must stand tall and be willing to be counted as an adjuvant of God's cause upon earth. There are far too few who understand the mysteries of living truth that make men free from the delusions of the world. I implore you on behalf of the hierarchy and in the interest of winning your own ascension in the light to look up to the realm of beauty and love, of harmony, security, and eternality, of joy, strength, and divine wonder - and live! There are many steps ahead. Your teacher, Serapis ****** Chapter 22 Beloved Serapis Bey - May 28, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 22 - Beloved Serapis Bey - May 28, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 10 Memory and Residual Magnetism Unto You Who Will Remain with Me to Be God-Taught I Say, Watch and See How We Shall Burn Up the Shroud of Error and the Residual Magnetism of Death by the Living Consciousness of the Ascension Flame I would deal now with old residual magnetism. The law of gravity, beloved ones, keeps your bodies attached to the ground for a purpose; likewise, all of the components of natural law, wonderful as they are, are overflowing with infinite purpose. The depth of the wisdom of God, when contemplated even in part, can evoke squeals of joy even as a small child, putting his feet into the cold water of a mountain stream, responds with happiness and delight. The law is most impersonal, blessed ones, as it expresses in nature. A part of nature is the faculty of memory. For example, thorns did not surround the rose in the early days of the earth. Certain destructive activity on the part of mankind resulted in the outpicturing by the tiny elementals of what men have called protective barbs; and thus long, sharp thorns were created as mankind's fears and doubts were etched on nature's memory and then lowered into the physical octave. Religion, in the main, has supposed that God has created all things that are in existence; however, mankind have not taken into account the influence of their own thoughts and feelings in the acts of creation which occur daily within their own domain. Indeed man was given dominion over the whole earth, {87} but they have not reckoned with the concept of free will or with the longevity of the lifewaves who have inhabited the earth, supposing the span of the earth's existence as it correlates with history and civilization to cover a little bit more than five thousand years. The many evolutions who have inhabited the earth have had ample time to change many of the outer conditions of nature and to bring forth from Universal Life many patterns which were never a part of the original creation. The race memory and the memory of nature is divided and subdivided again and again into such minutiae of manifestation as to put to shame the minds of the greatest scientists. We who see from the inner behold sublayer after sublayer of the creation that has not yet been split by the sharp blade of man's penetration. There is the memory of the individual to consider, the memory of self - names, faces, places, concepts, recepts and precepts. But there is also another type of memory with which we are here concerned. Omar Khayyám wrote, The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.{88} Of men's acts and thoughts this may be said: that they are all recorded, each one. Every subtle shade, every nuance of meaning, finds its way into the storehouse of the subconscious memory. These are literally interred with the bones of man, and they survive transition after transition; each time man reembodies they come with him again, composing his life record. When the life-giving accuracy of this record is pondered for a moment and the effect of beautiful thoughts is considered with the heart, the need to rise to angelic levels of perception ought to occur to many. Why should men live in the dark, dank cellars of their human creation? Why should the subconscious knowledge that men have stored about themselves be tumbled out upon psychiatric couches? Is this what we may call therapeutics, or is it the putrefaction of old ideas disgorging themselves upon the consciousness of present-day man? The panacea that men crave, if one can justly be said to exist, is within the domain of the same memory that holds the thoughts of negation; this the world has filled almost to capacity with the sordid nature of the carnal man. Now let them learn, if they would ascend, to eradicate this image by filling the folds of memory with the soft, gentle, beautiful ideas of the resurrection and resurrection's flame. Nature has provided beautiful imagery, as environment, all over the world; and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before. The greatest boons to the ascension are the immaculate concepts of God. His concepts about everything were benign and thus he said, by the power of the living Word, "All that I have made is good." Consider, beloved ones, the meaning of discipline of thought that demands the immaculate concept about every part of life and refuses acceptance of the patterns of error that as residual magnetism cling to the consciousness of mankind as a shroud. We shall see as we proceed - and I say this to those who will remain with me to be God-taught - how we shall burn this shroud and consume it to ashes. We shall see how God shall transmute and change carnal purpose into the splendid manifestation of the living light of his Presence. We shall watch as men and women today, in emulation of the Christ majesty that rides forth to give a new sense of victory to mankind, shall be born again, even through the study and application of this dossier that comes from the living, flaming consciousness of the ascension flame. We must be practical men when we deal with these problems. We ourselves cannot possibly be ostriches, even though our consciousness is in the clouds of the immaculate glory of God. In order to serve mankind, we must meet you at that level where you are and point the way toward your emancipation. The future is what you make it, even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it; and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of the ascension flame. Cause, effect, record, and memory of all that is incomplete, of all that is darkness, and of all that is intransigent must be willfully abandoned by the soul who aspires to the freedom of the ascended state. If you are content merely to wallow in episodes of your personal history, to seek for an intrapsychic declaration of your past records, you can have it by pursuing it diligently enough; but it will be only a conglomeration of banal circumstances from which, like a bad dream, you will one day seek to escape, or it will become an astral lure, as pretty trinkets and sparkling baubles, to distract you from the track that leads to your immortal freedom. In order to ascend, you must abandon your past to God, knowing that he possesses the power, by his flame and identity, to change all that you have wrought of malintent and confusion into the beauty of the original design which, by the power of his love, did produce the fruit of eternal goodness. Cast aside illusion, then, veil after veil of the "personal person," and possess the willingness in the name of Almighty God to change your world! Thereby we shall be able to change the world into a place that will receive the masterful presence of the living Christ in a Second Coming of such dimension as to produce a race of Godly men, of God-fearing men, of God-loving men - of men who will build a pyramid of truth upon the plains of the world, which pyramid will stand the tests of erosion, of time, of mortal acidity, and of human nonsense! The flame must not be lost. It must not be canceled. It must not go out. The flame must be upheld at all costs. And the flame is yours, for God made it so. God gave it to you, and it is yours to light the sphere of your identity that pulsates all around you, to push back the darkness until the glow of reality clears your world of fear, doubt, dishonor, and lack and provides you with everything that God intends his beloved Son to have. Keep on, valiant ones. Lose not sight, for a minute, of the ultimate goal while keeping your hands upon the moldings of the present, for we shall prevail by unity with God and with one another. With strength itself we shall overcome, because God wills it so. Your ascension is God's desire for you. In deepest love, I remain Serapis ****** Chapter 23 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 4, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 23 - Beloved Serapis Bey - June 4, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 11 Doubt, Debris, and Deleterious Concepts From the Heart of the Great Pyramid of Life, I Speak to You Who Have an Ear to Hear: By the Flame of Your Own God-Reality, Consume All of Your Doubts of God and His Emissaries Sent by Him to Save Your Soul, Then Enter the Halls of Luxor and Behold the Flaming Science of the Ascension Standing now at the portals of reality, we wish to dispose of one vicious human concept which has deposed many an individual from the throne of grace and has swerved more devotees from the path of righteousness than any could outwardly conceive. I refer here to the manifestation of mortal doubt concerning the reality of the ascended masters, the reality of the Great White Brotherhood, the reality of our outer endeavors, and even the reality of the individual seeker. There is a doubt that is born of pride which causes individuals to shrink from anything which they at first deem to be unprovable. This doubt dispels faith, throws the consciousness into a state of trepidation, elongates confusion, and terminates the fruit of faith. No man wishes to be the victim of a hoax, and his personal pride tells him that unless he is wary he may very well be. Thus the sophistication of earthly reason overrides the great tangible realities of Almighty God which dwell in the invisible realm and are functional in all outer manifestation. The wind blows and men see it not, but the manifestation of its effect is everywhere apparent. I do not presume that by a mere wave of my hand those who do not believe in my reality will suddenly be transformed into true believers. I choose solely to cite the law, to warn most sternly, and to reveal the treachery of this enemy of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God; and therefore with faith and by his grace all things become possible, for "he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."{89} It is lingering doubt that has lurked in the dark folds of human consciousness to become the seed of infection, spreading as a cancer throughout men's consciousness to their own destruction. Again and again doubt has robbed men of the birthright of their ascension and of all the divine happiness which the Father has desired to bestow. In the name of common sense and reason, beloved seeker for truth, what is it that God has asked you to do? What is it that the ascended masters have asked you to do? Is it to tear yourselves away from the little games of life for a moment in order that you might view our thoughts and ideas? Is it to drown yourself in a sea of perdition or a gulf of confusion? I tell you, nay! It will always be your spirit of acceptance and your own nourishment of the seed of faith that will determine whether or not you can have the fruit of striving here and now as well as in the hereafter. In reality there is no past nor future. There is only the present moment which elucidates from the hearts of the faithful the response of an uplifted chalice. It is God and God alone, through the hand of every ascended master, every angel, every chela of the light, and every soldier of the cross who desires to fill the chalice of your waiting consciousness with all of the gifts, graces, attunements, and measurements of a cosmic brotherhood of light beyond compare. At times the Great White Brotherhood stands as a silent sentinel in the world of form, and yet the multitudes do sense the presence of this sentinel of the Most High God. Now and again they view it as an avenging angel that seeks to punish both church and state for those errors which are unthinkable in view of the nobility of life that has been made manifest in the true culture and progress of the world. The present outpouring of vicious hatred between brothers the world around, manifesting as warfare and wanton murder, bears witness to the lack of influence which the major religions of the world have had upon the people. Men's motives and acts bear testimony to the fact that in all the times that have passed, that which has endured is the paltry manifestation of commercialization. Did not the Apostle Paul clearly state, "The love of money is the root of all evil"?{90} Behind the screen of the manifestations of war, then, are always the corruptible gains which men who cover themselves with the veil of sanctity often put forth in complete denial of the virtuous claims they make for themselves. If the world does not soon awaken from its lethargy and communion with error, if it does not soon break through into the octaves of light and the realm of the ascended masters to perceive cosmic truth, the awful charades in which men now engage themselves will culminate in a holocaust of frightful destruction. We are giving out our Dossier on the Ascension at this time in order that the faithful who receive it and transmit it to others may have the benefit of our thoughts, our feelings, and our release of the ascension flame into tangible manifestation. We have much yet which we plan to convey of inestimable value to every seeker for self-unfoldment on the Path, but the debris must be swept away and the current problems disposed of. Men need not fear one another, for worldly men can but kill the body whereas the life of the soul is in the hands of God.{91} But we are, it is true, concerned with the life manifestations upon this planet and the opportunities that are being presented to them spiritually. In every century the passing travails of the world have been most difficult for those who have been embroiled in them. But the way of escape to every man is the path of the ascension, and this is the gift of God to each one whether men realize it or not. The reason so few in every age have come to us here at Luxor in their spiritual bodies, as well as physically in some cases, is because the ritual of the ascension is the final initiation whereby an individual may earn his freedom from the bondage of the flesh. Freedom from the bondage of karma can come only when the law of cause and effect has been fully worked out. Jesus himself revealed this law when he said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" and "neither a jot nor a tittle shall pass from the law until all has been fulfilled."{92} I have had laid upon my heart, before I could further reveal the greater laws and mysteries of the ascension which this dossier is intended to convey, the almost brutal fact that I must dispose of some of the deleterious concepts of men before I can expect to give the full advantage of the current offering unto those who read.I urge, therefore, that all will pause to consider the motive behind my release. I want neither purse nor person. My only desire is that you should imbibe the nectar of the Divine One, transmute your difficulties, and find release from earthly bondage. I do not propose that men unascended should seek an escape from service but an escape only from those things that hold them in bondage so that when the trump of victory sounds for them it will be an ascendant victory. There are many who have come close to the portals of the ascension who have been turned back by reason of some of the matters I have discussed in this and previous releases. Even the physical senses can be vehicles to the Divine; and therefore the keen and observant mind should never repudiate the existence of the Deity, of the soul, of the invisible Brotherhood, or of divine opportunity on the basis of either the reasoning intellect or the testimony of the senses. For it is all here. It surrounds the world. It is a swaddling garment of great light. The unperceptive see that which they wish to see while seeking to disprove, by hasty decisions, the glory of the ages that they do not yet dimly perceive. I urge upon all the weight of cosmic consideration. Ponder the manifestations of life that are shown to you through the avenues of your physical and spiritual senses. Ponder whatever God has given to you of glimpses of the Infinite. Realize that something cannot come forth from nothing and that Infinite Mind has created man in order that he should expand his consciousness toward the mark of the Infinite. The finite is but a leap across the chasm of a blind reality to the security of the domain of actualized proof. Men prove the law by doing the law. They see truth by becoming truth. They ascend by faith and not by doubt. Out of the depths of the infinite wisdom of God and from the heart of the Pyramid of Life, I have spoken. Let him who has an ear to hear, hear. Serapis ****** Chapter 24 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 11, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 24 - Beloved Serapis Bey - June 11, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 12 The Adaptability of Man and Nature The Penetrability of the Sacred Fire of God Students Who Would Be Made Ready for the Seraphic Hosts Who Are Ready to Become Teachers of Men: Commune at Luxor with Those Higher Intelligences and Savants of God and Enter the Very Fiery Nature of God and of the Divine Symmetry The nature and identity of God is fire. " ... Our God is a consuming fire." {93} The center of the minutest particle of substance is but an electronic ball of fire. Mankind have identified with the flesh; they have not understood the resurrection of consciousness from dead works. The concept of dead works implies that all that men do is a form of subservience to the transitory and carnal nature of man.{94} The new and living way of the Spirit that involves the whole man here and now is calculated to bring about a transformation not only in the outer realm of flesh but also in the inward parts of the mind - of consciousness in particular - and an infusion of the vital energies of the Spirit. These have been deterred from manifestation because of the insulative barrier composed of mankind's dense electronic patterns whose absorptive qualities prevent the interpenetrating God flame from passing through the barriers of human thought and misqualified feeling and thus making contact with the God flame within the center of each cell, of each atom, and each electron. We shall consider then for a moment the subject of cosmic penetrability. One of the qualities of nature which it is vital for men to understand is the quality of protective adaptability whereby nature, when challenged, provides through its myriad manifestations an immediate reaction, or "defense mechanism," on its own behalf. The interplay of these qualities of adaptability and their automatically instituted changes in form and life-waves resulting therefrom, which continually impinge on man's thoughts and feelings, create many strange patterns in the consciousness of mankind that interfere with the original and pristine intentions of God. The Garden of Paradise, when taken as an allegorical concept, presents another aspect of divine reality. That aspect is the quality of nature to produce at all times beauty, love, and perfection in all of its manifestations which stem from the original God design. Even a mutation, if it is guided by the intelligent spark of the Creator of all life, would endow form with an ascendancy rather than a deterioration factor. Therefore individuals must recognize that it is this same quality of adaptability in nature and in man which, when operating in reverse, builds defenses against the very progressive aspects of the original intent of God. Thus many times individuals do not ascend simply because they have created an inverse order throughout the natural manifestation of themselves, seeking self first and God last. I think the domain of consciousness can be one of the most deterrent factors to mankind's progress when it is wrongly used. Consciousness is often the product of happenstance molded by environment, but it soon learns to override even its hereditary factors. As each succeeding generation creates a new fashion, retiring some of the old and preserving others of the traditional nature of man, the state of his consciousness becomes, in the main, most destructive because it pursues no cosmic constant but carefully yet haphazardly entertains a multitude of human fashions. The effect of this process upon the consciousness must be considered by the aspirant as he begins to denude himself of the sheaths of grayed mental and emotional substance which, like globs of protoplasm or the hard surface of an alligator, make difficult the penetration of the light. Consciousness has its own strange forms of protection. The world is iconoclastic, yet it has a multitude of taboos and peevish traditions which it is not disposed to lay aside. Like a room filled with stuffed animals, the average individual who seeks for a renewal of consciousness has many "treasures" and "lingering mortal perceptions," carefully preserved in the storehouse of his memory body, which he finds difficult to cast aside. Suddenly to bring in the great God flame with all of its tremendous power would uproot not only the traditions but also the sanity and balance of individuality. We prefer, then, that all who would make their ascension recognize the need for renovation, for a cleaning up of the body temple and a complete renewal and purification of the mind/ consciousness. It is best, although it may seem to be a bit difficult, for individuals to decide that they will throw out all of their mortal traditions and pet concepts in order to prepare the way for the coming of the great God consciousness which is able to renew the capacities of the soul and restore the active boundaries of the living temple of God. ("Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"{95} The idea of renewing consciousness is itself causative in creating a desire on the part of mankind to open the windows of the soul to the original purity of the God design. Most men are aware that their personal measurement is almost totally that of a man. They also know that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God";{96} yet they know that the abundant life, the eternal life of God, was bequeathed to every man as his immortal inheritance. There is a tendency among men, which is encouraged by the brothers of the shadow and the sons of Belial who masquerade at times as angels of light, to postpone the salvation of the soul to some distant tomorrow or to the life hereafter. This "mańana" which never comes is a furtive attempt on the part of men to excuse their traditional sloth that will not make the necessary adjustment here and now in that era which God has intended them to utilize for their own freedom. As long as men are in a tunnel of mortal limitation, they cannot behold the valley of Shamballa or the wondrous hills of Shangri-la. They must first emerge from their own darkness and from the cocoon of ignorance into the light of the spiritual Sun behind the sun. The fires of God-regeneration are actually manifestations of the triune nature of God - of faith, hope, and charity; love, wisdom, and power; even of body, soul, and mind. Yet these similitudes including body, mind, and feelings must be purified - cause, effect, record, and memory. Therefore we begin with the consciousness, and this renovation must admit the fire of the divine idea. The idea of the ascension must be considered as pertinent to the individual lifestream and not something designed wholly for another who may be more spiritually advanced or more capable of executing the will of God. Each soul must consider for himself the value of the love of God that gave the radiance of his only begotten Son unto the Manchild of his heart, in a very personal way. I, Serapis, say to you, when the consciousness is imbued with the divine nature and that nature penetrates to the very base of that consciousness, it will, like a helium balloon, rise to the highest heavens of thought. Now must come the penetrability of the divine fire into the emotions. The energy of joy and happiness, which is the great motor of life, must be engaged on behalf of one's self as a manifestation of the Christ consciousness. And last but not least, when mind and feeling have embraced the fire of God and the wondrous essence of his nature, the penetrability of that fire into the physical form - the brain, nerves, muscles, and organs - must come with a view to the elevation and the ascendancy of the whole consciousness. At this stage, healings and releases of tremendous spiritual power may occur to those whom you contact. The use of the fire of the divine nature and the tangible fire of creation which removes the dross of human thought and feeling from the four lower bodies of man is a must; for if individuals will not consider in their consciousness the possibilities of that which God's life will do unto them, how can they receive the outbreathing of his ineffable love? In our retreat at Luxor there are periods of meditation when for weeks on end just one of the divine ideas which I have given to you in this dossier is meditated upon consistently for hours and the full complement of its meaning is invoked from the heart of God. I propose, then, that all who receive these instructions shall consider them not as a release designed to be thought upon for a week but as a most precious treasure of our infinite intention for and on behalf of all who would find their way back unto the Father's Home. Certain spiritual exercises will, in due course of time, develop within your own consciousness as you pursue this course of study to its fullest. After all, the specific exercises and instructions which we give are always derived from the very instruction which I am giving you here, for it is created in the similitude of that which we give at Luxor. There is a little difference, of course, in that instruction which we give at Luxor and that which we give through this spoken, printed medium; and that difference is primarily one of the timbre, or nature, of the students who come here directly. Those who come to study at Luxor are already dedicated to the idea of mastering life and winning their ascension and freedom from mortal consciousness and form. They are not concerned with the trivialities and petty differences of life. They have already renounced the world and the things that are of the world. They come stripped of worldly yearnings and full of celestial hope concerning that which they expect us to do for them. They quickly learn otherwise and they begin to demonstrate for themselves, based on our instruction, the necessary steps of purification and preparation for the divine consummation when the soul itself enters into the consciousness of its Creator and the walk with God begins anew. To those of you who can understand exactly what I am saying here and now I say, "Bravo!" for your souls will all the sooner attain the goal that we seek together (for we seek for you that which we ourselves have already received). A word of caution is now in order, for the instruction which shall come forth in the next few releases will be dictated from the highest seraphic levels. We urge upon all of you who receive this material to prize it with your hearts, your minds, and your beings. Give gratitude to God for it, for it represents a vast and sweeping change in the initiatic system of the planet. It places in your hands some of the great treasures of the divine art which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.{97} Yet the responsibility for its receipt rests with you. What you shall do with the material, how much value you shall derive from it, will depend a great deal, of course, upon your own willingness to forgo the questionable joy of seating yourself in the seat of the scornful{98} and, like a dilettante, selecting from the smorgasbord of the religions of the world those little tenets of faith that please you here and there. Here you will be given a firm dictum, an effective and tested release, a measure of divine grace incomprehensible to the untutored. Quite naturally, then, there will be a tendency on the part of those who are not fully aware of the intricacies of simplicity to disregard or override the holy treasures which we will make known to you, and we have already passed on to you a great deal more than the ordinary mind can with a glance comprehend. Pursue this course wisely and well, then, for the seraphic creation of God stands ready to become teachers of men and, as in our temple here at Luxor, the rising stature of the unfolding soul shall be made plain to you. You will commune with those higher intelligences and savants of God, servants of the divine will who ministered unto Christ and minister to you today in the only way that Divine Love can, by reflecting the radiance of the very fiery nature of God which overthrows all trifles, baubles, pettiness, and confusion and brings in the stalwart nature of the divine symmetry. God is your victory and your life. So we pause to honor him daily. Your humble servant, I remain Serapis Faith in Divine Purpose In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind and beloved Archangel Michael and Faith, I decree: O Archangel Michael, being of Faith, Through my God Presence all doubt now erase Open my eyes, my vision renew Make of the many God's chosen few. One by one we step through the door Of greater faith than we've had before Cast out our sin and our doubt in the Real Help us to sense truth, God's Presence to feel. I AM, I AM, I AM a friend of God I AM, I AM, I AM uplifting his rod Of implicit faith in my purpose divine By thy blazing Reality now I do shine. And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM! ****** Chapter 25 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 18, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 25 - Beloved Serapis Bey - June 18, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 13 The Great Electronic Fire Rings Seraphic Meditations - I Unto You Who Would Engage Your Consciousness with the Beings of Fire, the Seraphic Hosts, unto You Who Would Be the Pure in Heart and See God - I AM the LORD Thy God, the LORD Thy God I AM And I beheld the great electronic fire rings of the Central Sun.{99} I saw the surface thereof as of molten gold, blending with an azure blue. The sky became a sea and, behold, the soft glow as of pale pink roses of living flame bubbling upon the surface beneath, translucent and then transparent; a white-fire core that pulsed and rose and fell with a holy radiance inundated my soul. My eyes I sought to shield from the glorious wonder which I knew to be Reality, Infinity, and Love without end. All Knowledge, all Power, all Love going on forever and having neither beginning nor ending were before me. And I saw the naturalness of home, of friends, of family, of all that ever was and is or is to come. Ribbons of interconnecting glory from this gigantic orb spread into space from galaxy to galaxy, from star system to star system, and the song of the music of the spheres moved upon the strings of my heart as a lute of fire. I heard the turning of the seemingly silent spheres and the tones of the cosmic fires, of dead and dying worlds, blended with the nova, the eternally new, the children of space, interstellar systems moving outward into the far-flung deserts where the fractional margins spread apart, yet they were engulfed in the love of the Center. My soul was separated from my body, and I understood that all that I had felt to be a tether of solidity and of identification with an integral, "dyed-in-the-wool" consciousness was no more. I roamed through spiral nebulae, through gossamer veils of light, through the flaming hair of the seraphim. I saw the places of the Sun and the turning of empty worlds as well as those that were overly populated with a progressive order of humanity. I understood the message of the elder ones and I knew that the consciousness of a little child was the consciousness of the innocent of heart. I knew that the pure in heart should see God{100} and that the sophistications of the earth were a curse to my own reality. My heart burst as chunks of ice melted and became a warm liquid that revived all of the hope within my bones. O Divine Love, thou wouldst not separate me - no, not for an instant - from the experiences of eternality. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?{101} I know now no tethers to keep me from Thy Presence. Thy majesty with me is every man with me, and I with every man pursue the course that leads to Thee. Consciousness can move. It can penetrate. It can fly. It can break tethers. It can loose itself from the moorings of life and go out into the sea, the briny deep where the salt tears of my joy are a spume of hope, renewed again and again. I am gladdened as never before, and there is no remembrance of the former conditions. These are put aside as finite, as trite, as a passing fancy of the mortal mind. Now I engage my consciousness With the beings of fire, With the seraphic hosts - Now I see God's desire To be the most intense, Glowing white radiance - A furnace white-hot Whose coolness is my delight. I see the shadows and the veils Of human thought and human foolishness Melt and evaporate, Vanish in the air; And all that I AM is everywhere And everywhere I AM. Consume in me the dross, O God, The impure substance of the sod, The dingy state of mortal fame - Consume it all, O Mighty Flame, And take me by the hand right now And lead me to thy light that glows. My soul as fairest, sweetest rose Emits the perfume of creative essence. Lo, I AM mine own God Presence - Taken from the flame of Truth, My vital energies of youth, My infinite strength is holy proof That as thou art I, too, shall be - Removed from all impurity Until thy very face I see. I AM the pure in heart, For the pure in heart shall see God. And as I join hands With seraphic bands, I know that out from the world of illusion, Confusion, commercialization, Unrealization, intense prudery, And retreating fear of the light, I AM come! I have overcome fear and doubt. I stand now clothed upon With a garment spun of the Sun - My flesh is clothed with an Electronic Swaddling Garment: It electrifies my entire form; It renews my mind, My identity with its original self, And the glow of that Star That is within me and on my forehead Is one of hope for the ages. I come under thy dominion And all things come under my dominion. I AM the Lord thy God, The Lord thy God I AM - For between the shores of our being There is oneness, The oneness of hope that does evoke A release from all that is not real. By thy grace, O God, I am made to feel I am made to heal! I am made to seal myself And all that I am Within a garment of electronic light Whose impenetrability, bright radiance, Shining down the dawn of foreverness, Refuses acceptance Of any mortal thought whatsoever That limits my soul, For by thy grace I am made whole. Out of the light I am come And with Thee I am unified to see Shining down the century, The corridor of years, of light Of pralaya, of mantrams, prayers, And ended human tantrums - The celestial manifestation Of God terrestrial Raised unto the heaven world Where the ascension currents, As electronic essence, Pursue in me every dark chasm And intensification of mortal passion Until they are milked - Placed in the violet-fire caldrons - And purified as substance of shining light. O God, here am I, here I AM! One with thee and One to command Open the doorway of my consciousness And let me demand as never before My birthright to restore. Thy prodigal son has come to thee{102} And longs once again to walk with thee Every step of the way Home. So ends this section of the Seraphic Meditations made for and on behalf of those among mankind who yearn to find their way back to the arms of God. Grateful I AM for the opportunity to serve, Serapis ****** Chapter 26 Beloved Serapis Bey - June 25, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 26 - Beloved Serapis Bey - June 25, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 14 The Sea of Glass Seraphic Meditations - II Men of Good Will Who Would Enter into the Domain of Creative Essence: Experience in the Coming of the Flaming Seraphim the Intense Need for Purification and the Magnificence of Transmutation And I saw the sea of glass, of molten white-fire substance cooled into light manifestation. And behold the crystalline beauty thereof spake of the need for purity. The purity of gold, of jasper, of chalcedony, of opal, and of every precious stone revealed to my eyes the magnificence of transmutation.{103} How came the dark, dank smoke of millions of chimneys, black clouds filling the lungs of little children with the grit of sharp silica and magnesia? From whence came this rasping, this cough of desolation and the lethargy of men like molasses with the tenacity of glue? How came it into manifestation before us as impediments? How shall we extricate the beautiful soul from the stranglehold of delusory reason?{104} I gazed downward and then I gazed upward, and I saw the flaming seraphim coming; the need for purification within me was intense. As an adjunct to their ascension in the light, men of good will must enter into the domain of creative essence, separate and apart from the individualistic consciousness. The recognition and affirmation that "I AM my brother's keeper"{105} as a natural outgrowth of divine love will enable all individuals who accept it to see that every human problem must be taken into account by the Great White Brotherhood and no situation or involvement can ever be considered as one's own business. On the other hand, embodied mankind by cosmic law are given rights which are protected even from the spiritual forces of the planet. Therefore, in order to invite the heavenly hosts to take an active part in assisting mankind, it is necessary that some part of life somewhere shall appeal to the ascended masters and invite them to help this planet in solving its many problems.{106} Because it is the nature of God to assist his own creation in obtaining freedom from self-created bondage and every form of distortion that is hurled at mankind by the demoniac forces and sinister strategies of the brothers of the shadow, men must perceive that in descending unto the planet, as Christ did, and crying, as he did, "Lo, I AM come to do thy will, O God,"{107} one and all must without fail seek to alleviate the distress that manifests on a planetary scale. The road to the ascension is paved with many facets which require individual attention. Yet none of these facets must dominate or draw an unwanted amount of cosmic energy from the aspirant to the ascension. We turn again to the seraphim: "And I saw the maelstrom of human thought and feeling, the flashing of its colors, and the spewing forth of debris. Invective after invective were hurled against brother by brother. The awful struggle for deification of the ego, to raise the ego into prominence, was apparent. The seraphim came and they were as flaming streaks of fire passing through the atmosphere, and I knew that they possessed the quality of cosmic penetrability; like cosmic rays they could pass through the flesh form of man, through his thoughts and feelings. When penetration occurred and the seraphim flew through human consciousness, what residue was left behind or what absorption was accomplished? "I saw clearly that absorption was accomplished and that residue was left behind - absorption by reason of instantaneous transmutation of all substance that came nigh unto their trajectory. I noted also that the residue left behind was of intense white-fire devotion, charged with a yearning for purity. I perceived that this quality lingered within the consciousness of many; and yet, unless it was fed or accepted by them, its decay rate in their consciousness would be of relatively short term, for a disassociation of these ideas would cause the lingering sparks of the seraphim to pursue the parent body and leave their temporarily unwelcome home." I trust, then, that the chelas of light, whose hopes rest in God and in the power of the ascension, who are mindful of the intercession of the angelic hosts and who recognize that the angelic hosts can and do enter into their consciousness, will also understand that affinitizing with the angelic consciousness - that is, with the consciousness of the seraphim - is tantamount to retaining the benefits of the seraphic hosts. I know of no power more valiantly capable of assisting anyone into his own ascension in the light than the transmutative efforts toward Cosmic Christ purity which are emitted by the seraphic hosts. In our retreat at Luxor, the meditations upon the seraphim are a very important part of our spiritual instruction. Jesus himself spent a great deal of time in communion with the seraphic hosts. This developed in him the superior power whereby he could cast out demons and take dominion over the outer world of form. I am fully aware of the fact that the intensely involved and deep instruction appearing between the lines of this release and others may cause some distress to those who do not fully grasp its principles. Be not concerned, beloved children, seekers for the light. Did you expect when you began to search for God that you would find him without mystery? Did you expect that a study in Truth that is progressive would be without involvement, without commitment, and without the need for responsible action? Understand, then, as I give this Dossier on the Ascension that its sole purpose is the raising up of God-magnificence in the consciousness of those who read and understand. We are compelled, then, by cosmic law to give you those techniques and points of the law that are best designed to consummate in you a burning desire for spiritual progress that "will not take no for an answer!" In heaven's name, blessed ones, you cannot expect to move forward into the light by following the same old familiar ways of the flesh and the mortal mind which you have long known. If new ways of thought and feeling are to be made, they must be produced at times by a shattering and abrupt departure from the old. The disciplines of the ascension require your unswerving devotion and your utmost attention. You cannot produce the necessary changes in consciousness that will fit you for our cosmic band unless there is a willingness on your part to relinquish ties to human foolishness. Vanity is always indicative of vain effort. Conversely, those who invest their energies, securing for themselves a position of spiritual triumph whereby their victory can significantly assist the evolutions of the planet, will be filling a needed manifestation for and on behalf of the original God design. If man was created by God, then that Goodness which is the nature of God should and ought to manifest in consciousness, not just according to someone's opinion, but according to the original plan. There is more science in this dossier than any among mankind will be able to perceive by a casual reading. The science we have placed here is calculated to perform an act of great blessing to those who read in order that they may truly understand.{108} In the steadfastness of cosmic progress I remain Serapis ****** Chapter 27 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 2, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 27 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 2, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 15 The Predication of God Seraphic Meditations - III Little Children Who Would Enter into the Place of the Son of God, the Consciousness Where God Is: I AM and Because I AM You Are, We Are, They Are - It Is. Therefore Enter Thou the Open Door of Paradise to Come Concluding the Seraphic Meditations prior to a higher step in our dossier, we release the thoughts of the Captain of the Seraphic Bands, Justinius: I beheld the predication of God, the First Cause, unsullied, magnificent in brightness, qualifying each monadic release with the intensely glowing similitude of the Divine. What a delight of sameness, defrauding none; jealousy was unborn. But the fire remained not tiny and not finite. It was a growing spiral of concept. From the dot, the circles emerged and, as the hands of a clock, spun a cone in space that, like a golden ladder, scaled the heights, probed the depths, and unified the diverse. Where is division, then, among us? It is not. All that divides is not among us. All that seeks to conquer is not among us, for we are enamored by His love. And the blush of a flower petal is translucent unto us, for His light streams through the substance as a window lattice of exquisitry. Naturally endowed and endowing nature, thy omnidirectional rays flood forth translucent superiority - transparency - revealing as translucency, concealing and variegating the motif of a child's eye delight. I AM and because I AM you are, we are, they are - It is. All comes into focus as a thrilling, throbbing unity of purpose at work - action with no room for reaction, for all is automated to express individuality, purpose, action, heartbeat, unity, fire of purpose, and continuity. Continuity and immortality are one, and all that endures is of worth; and all that is of worth endures to repair its highest glory behind the veils of ever-receding transcendency. No ultimate save ultimate purpose. No end save new beginnings. No frustration but never-ending revelation. Youth and newness, friendships and light expansion as God's vision beholds manifestation, as manifestation by God's vision expands vision as an adjunct to creative re-creation. And limitation is perceived as imitation, schooling the manifestation within the microcosmic domain until, by reason of soul advancement, the imitator becomes the limitless Imitator. The soul is raised to higher dimensions of service as God goes into action to graduate the lesser manifestation of himself to complete the glory of his plan. "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."{109} The surreptitious consciousness of man, like an ink cloud or the spew of a giant squid, opaques the atmosphere of reality and holds man submerged. Now we break the bonds with all of their tenacity, and we feel the magnetism of the world being exchanged for the magnetism of heaven. Liberty is born in the soul - No more will man be satisfied with lesser goal. The baubles and trinkets of the world Have their place, But the place of the Son of God Is the consciousness where God is. The place where God is not Or where lesser images of him hang As useless icons upon the walls - This no longer holds the soul Which seeks to fly the realm of mortal delusion And neath the canopy of Good Will See and entertain the reality of the angels, Of the ascended masters, Of that cloud-capped realm Where the soul, with childlike laughter, As a bubbling stream Moving toward the Sea of Identity, Feels the freedom of the wind And the power to stir the zithers Of lesser consciousness With a sense of beauty and of the subtlety That hangs like a brilliant bubble Whose watery, airy veil Drapes the transparency of mirrored iridescence To the waiting eye. The realm of angels is not without delight And ascended master reality awaits the flight Of souls who yearn to break the bonds Of hopelessness that defraud the world situation From the wonders of God's radiant intent - Captured so penuriously Within the fabric of ritual, prayers, and dogma But held so beautifully As pulsing flame of threefold God-delight - Love, wisdom, and power Within the heart and soul. And now as I await the expansion Of the great Macrocosmic world Within the microcosmic realm of self, I see that born in me Is the power of limitless expansion every hour. O God, I thank thee for the shining hours That come composed of minutiae Of minutes, seconds, and of micropause, While mind does turn to record forever Thy immortal laws. What is this pearly door before which I stand! Is this some realm of dream Where lurks a shadow band? Nay, for that face I see so clearly now, Peeping out from behind the open door, Is an angel face That I have known in long ago before. My thoughts slid down the finite spout And all the light of hope went out - The rope I broke And fear of icy desolation seized me round Till I was then completely bound In all delusions' cords and vanities. Now once again I rise, Pulsation toward the skies Where God and home as fires of love do glow, Renewing courses raised to sources All divine. My soul begins again to climb The stairway ladder where Each meaning comes So tender, sweet, and pure - It makes me to know That God's own plan secure Will hold me when the world Seems nigh to fall apart. For after all there is but one great Heart Which beats our own, And we must rise to fairer realms Where we atone, At-one with all that really lives, For paradise is Life that gives Nobility of efforts just To counteract the concept of the dust From which God did make in hope A living soul - And through the fragrant mists Reveals the goal Of paradise to come. Yours in the name of the magnificent God Flame, the Captain of the Seraphic Hosts, Justinius I trust you have enjoyed this release and conclusion of our meditations with the seraphim. Next week we begin a vital journey into the Infinite. By his grace I AM Serapis ****** Chapter 28 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 9, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 28 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 9, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 16 The Great God-Emanation of Life within You For the Student Who Would be in Rapport with the Teacher and Thereby Secure a Portion of the Teacher's Progressive Advancement: Now Is the Time When You Must Turn the Great Will-Key in the Door of Cosmic Opportunity To be in rapport with the Teacher is to secure a portion of the Teacher's progressive advancement. Even an ordinary schoolteacher knows that a daydreaming child or one whose attention wanders will not absorb as well as those who are attentive. Some have carelessly read our instruction on the ascension. Others have sincerely and with diligence sought to understand all that they could. Some have bypassed our words as though they emanated from an ordinary human source. I wish to emphasize that many souls have journeyed on the path toward God under the most strenuous conditions and through the road of tears and travail in order to come and hear a less formalized instruction than that which I have offered so freely to all. Now as we come to the point where I shall impart unto you the lesser and greater mysteries of the ascension, I wish to disengage my energies completely from the personal level. In order to do this may I remind each student that all that I have given before - that is, this total instruction - is knowledge for which you individually will be held accountable. Those who have not read it at all but to whom it has been sent also have a very definite responsibility. Those who have read it casually without understanding have an equal responsibility. Inasmuch as this offering of the ascended masters is joyously and lovingly given, it ought to follow that those who receive it should likewise do so in love and grace. I say this in departing from my personal contact with you that I may identify totally with the great God-emanation of Life that is within you and that is the source of all of the Life you have been given. It is essential that your mind should not wander, that your consciousness should not waver, that you should not engage your attention in lesser things during the time that you have set aside to seek to understand these greater things. In God's name, beloved ones, if the instruction on the ascension were so simple, which in one sense it is, and so easily mastered, which it also is, why is it that in every generation so few are able to win this precious gift of God that is intended for all people? According to the Karmic Board, the fault lies neither with the instruction nor with the Teacher. If the fault lies with neither Teacher nor instruction, where does it lie? Strictly at the doorstep of the average individual who is so serious about trite and trivial things which seem of great moment to him that he scarcely realizes how very important the invisible glory of the kingdom of God is. This invisible glory, which is brought to you weekly as the tangible offering of the ascended masters, is the most serious and gracious gift of Life that man could ever have - aside from the original momentums of his Great God Self which lie dormant within every son of God. These momentums of personal glory await the kiss of the "Prince of the Realm" {110} who will bring the "Sleeping Beauty" of the Divine Self into manifestation and quicken in you every good thing in order that all that has been dormant and inactive may be safely raised up in the service of the King (the mighty I AM Presence) for your own freedom's sake. I thank you for such attention as you have given and for that capacity of divine service which you have offered. We can ask no more, nor do we. Your Divine Presence will always be the illuminator of the self, and the lesser light can but reflect the greater light. It behooves each individual, then, to understand the great part that the conscious will must play in the release of the self from all outer circumstances into the glories of the immortal kingdom. The drill which we give in words may seem repetitious to the outer mind, but it is absolutely needed in order to counteract the tremendously repetitive and definitely luring attractions of the outer world which seek to engulf man and his total energies into a waste of Cycle's opportunity. Men flit from this to that and from that to this. They struggle everywhere to find some solace to a wounded egoistic consciousness. Their basic insecurities are legion, and they know not which way to turn. The way of the Divine is the only way that leads Home. All other doors and avenues are blind alleys for which each lifestream must one day give account. Sweet surrender to the Presence of God is initiated first of all in the will. The will is the key whereby the human self has its say.{111} You have willed lesser images. You have willed imperfection. You have willed subservience to others and to the world order. You have closed your eyes to the truths of God that stand glaringly apparent, even to a child. You have owned and allowed that there is more to life than meets the eye, admitting an infinite yet an unknown purpose. The schemes of men are all in vain. The tracks are there, but where's the train? Men say, "Choo, choo" But choose not right - They backward go, away from light, And chug along in sense immersion While seeing not Life's great dispersion - Energies, like centipedes A-stealing time and Godly needs From men and women God has made To be both courageous and unafraid - To stand up and be counted, then, To master all that should not have been And in a state of one accord To learn in truth to love the Lord - Now comes the time when the great will-key Must be turned in the door of cosmic opportunity; Now comes the time when the old Must be renewed, When all that is invisible Must once again be reviewed. For God is one, His flame is love - He longs to raise man up above Where gazing downward he can see The beauteous pathway of the free, Wending from the plains below - God's life is always on the go. Through men he flows his wisdom wise, The power to see and televise The joys of heaven to all men, Seek cosmic leaven once again, And raise the loaf of Eucharist By keeping always sacred tryst, A vigil of Communion flame That keeps the faith in God's own name. His honor is untarnished light, 'Twill 'luminate the darkest night And make each hour a shining one Where Victory's light from Cosmic Sun Can raise a banner for everyone. O Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men,{112} Begin in me and in all men To rend the veil between the night And the beauty of the light, To set me loose from all that binds, Remove the blinders from my mind, And let me now and ever be Enamored by thy love for me. I AM thy son, O Lord divine, I stand before ascension's beams - Thy flame will make me ever climb On the ladder of our God; I joy to walk beneath his rod And by instruction of his Word To wield the power of his sword. A truth that can only be adored Will speak to hearts the world around About the Peace I now have found And see that clouds of glory will Surround me now, my cup to fill. O Peace, be still{113} and let thy joy Flood through my heart, As of thyself thou dost impart A greater measure of thy power To mould my victory every hour And help me when the going's tough To know that God does never bluff But keeps his Word "I AM IN ALL" To be an answer for each call. O come, beloved Holy One, By flames of great ascension's sun And weave the garment of thy flame Around this temple in God's name - A wedding garment for thy feast{114} When strife is ended, war shall cease; The wall is down, the way is plain - I rise - I nearer draw By Christ Obedience to thy law. Serapis ****** Chapter 29 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 16, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 29 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 16, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 17 The Great Deathless Solar Body O Thou Mortal Who Wouldst Put On Thy Garments of Immortality, O Thou Son Who Wouldst Return to the Father: Call Thou upon Thy God to Commence the Weaving of Thy Deathless Solar Body Spun Out of the Light of the Sun The parable of the wedding garment is indicative of the great Deathless Solar Body which man must weave.{115} The anchor of man's identity which he must willingly cast beyond the veil is symbolical of this wedding garment. Just as your tube of light is woven of the great redundant God energies which answer every call, just as the violet flame pulses through all who call upon the name of the Lord and visualize this beautiful flame, so does God answer the call of man to commence the weaving of his Deathless Solar Body. This body of light is begun in the heart of your God Presence and it is spun out of the light of the sun of that Presence as man below consciously invokes the holy energies of God. These are sent to him (where they are focused in the threefold flame within the heart) and then raised back through the top of his head up the silver cord into the hands of his Holy Christ Self for transmittal to the heart of the Presence where the garment is gradually woven as the wedding garment of the Lord.{116} In order to comprehend the meaning of the ascension flame, men must understand the meaning of the Deathless Solar Body as well as the meaning of the possibilities of their own ascension. Only the purified energies of their hearts can be returned to the heart of the Presence so that God may actually create a garment of pure light with which the aspiring soul may be clothed. Therefore only those energies of the Presence which are retained by man in purity and in love are a worthy offering which may be returned to God for the preservation of man's immortality. This garment of light possesses the power of levitation but it also possesses conformity to the outer and Inner Self. It conforms to the Inner Self because it is spun from the energies of God and the original pristine pattern of God for each lifestream. Embodying within itself, therefore, the principles of victory, it holds with the Presence and with all God-magnificence; possessing also conformity to the human, it is able to conform to the highest in man of the divine nature which he has externalized in the world of form, and it finds an anchor point in the human octave through all of the qualities and character of man which are congruent with the Divine. Men find, however, that for the most part their behavior patterns are the result of selfish human activity whereby they regard their human rights as so sovereign that they conclude they are incapable of doing wrong as long as their actions remain within the bounds of these so-called rights. This is just as dangerous as the notion that they are incapable of doing right, which is equally treacherous. The correct attitude is to be found in the distinct realization that, when called upon, God can act in man and that all that God does in man will be according to His plan. If men's lives are lived according to the divine plan, then conformity comes not as the result of struggle but as the result of happy and joyous submission to the Christ ideal, to the God design. The soul of such a man is always happy and joyous to receive even the little treasures and gifts of divine grace. He searches not of necessity for some great philosophical or theological statement which will exalt his mind within the human domain. He is pleased with the formation of the clouds, with the shape of the leaves upon the trees, with an expression of hope in the eyes of a child or one of ripened years. He finds not the need to criticize mankind or himself but only to epitomize the divine ideal by loving and joyous obedience to the Christ or God design. Recognizing that he came forth from the Light, he seeks to return to the Light and he desires no longer to walk in the darkness of human reason. Man, then, understands that the anchor that he has cast behind the veil is the anchor that he has sent from his heart and soul as an activity of love unto God. This activity of love flows up the lifestream to the Holy Christ Self and is carried by the consciousness of the Christ back into the heart of the Father. It is this anchor behind the veil, this deathless sense of identification with God, that enables mankind actually to function at the Divine Monadic level. There, when man functions under divine direction and activity either in or out of the body, he takes the energy dispensed to him which in ignorance might have been misused and creates instead a great body of light called the immaculate seamless garment of the living Christ which will one day become the great spherical Deathless Solar Body. Born of the energies of the sun and of the energies of the Sun behind the sun, the Deathless Solar Body becomes a magnet. The magnetism of the Divine is a lodestone that will transmute shadow in the human octave and transform the consciousness of the ascendant one so that little by little there will gradually occur in his world a lessening of the tenacious ties which mankind over the centuries have woven to persons, places, conditions, and things. Simultaneously there will occur a renewal of the ancient covenants of the soul with the Father whereby the Son recognizes that the return Home to the heart of God is most imperative. Thus the divine lodestone and Deathless Solar Body are activated and, because there is a response mechanism created in the consciousness below, it becomes an occasion whereby the Father, through man's own freewill choice, now has the authority to choose the hour when the Son shall return back to himself. Unless, however, the pathway of the flame is created in the caduceus{117} fashion, the soul will not be able to make its winged flight back to God. The caduceus takes advantage of both centripetal and centrifugal forces. It utilizes the energy known to the Hindus as Brahma and Shiva, the Creator and Destroyer.{118} Thus are mankind made aware of the forces of the negative, or minus, polarity which flow counterclockwise and bring basic structure back to Spirit; and of the forces which flow from Spirit clockwise into the positive realm of manifestation. The caduceus action gives man victory over both hell and death, and with the ascension the last enemy, or death, is destroyed.{119} The wings at the top of the caduceus symbolize that the holy and vital energies of both sympathetic and central nervous systems around the spinal column have been raised toward the spiritual eye of perception. Here the wings of spiritual perception raise the individual and trigger the cosmic mechanism of the ascension. Thus the flame above (in the heart of the Presence) magnetizes the flame below (the threefold flame within the heart) and the wedding garment descends around the silver cord to envelop the lifestream of the individual in those tangible and vital essence currents of the ascension. Tremendous changes then take place in the form below, and the four lower bodies of man are cleansed of all impurities. Lighter and lighter grows the physical form, and with the weightlessness of helium the body begins to rise into the atmosphere, the gravitational pull being loosened and the form enveloped by the light of the externalized glory which man knew with the Father "in the beginning" before the world was. This is the glory of the ascension currents. It is the glory of attainment which Jesus demonstrated on Bethany's hill.{120} This may be experienced by each individual when fifty-one percent of his karma is balanced and he has made the other necessary preparations which make it possible for the Karmic Board to grant that his records be stamped "Candidate for the Ascension." This does not mean an end to life for that individual. Such an individual has been given, as was Elijah in the "chariot of fire,"{121} a glorious means of transport out of human octaves into the octaves of light far above the psychic realm in the heaven world of the ascended masters and cosmic beings. We shall continue to unfold the greatness of the ascension next week. Valiantly I AM Serapis ****** Chapter 30 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 23, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 30 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 23, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 18 The Ascension Must Be Desired Unto You Who Desire Your Ascension and Desire It Ordinately It Is Given to Believe in the Ascended Master Consciousness Which You Would Make Your Own by Your Attention to That Cosmic Process and Service Which Will Restore You to the Former State That You Knew with God Before the World Was Saint Paul long ago said, "Some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:.."{122} His rebuke to the Galatians concerning the following of the letter of the law instead of the Spirit of Christ was also to the point: "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the Truth. Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?"{123} The course of man's victory leading unto his ascension, then, does not come about because of "human goodness" or mankind's pursuit of "accepted social norms." It goes without saying that karma must be balanced. Individuals cannot continue to flaunt the laws of brotherhood and justice; they cannot continue to disobey the infinite laws of God with impunity. It is unrealistic, then, for any man to imagine that he can follow a collision course with the Karmic Board and the heavenly hierarchies by ignoring his spiritual responsibilities and the need to desire the highest gifts and graces which God has already prepared for him. The ascension must be desired and it must be desired ordinately. It must be desired not as a mechanism of escape from responsibility or from worldly duties. It must be desired as the culmination of a lifetime of service in the will of God, and men must be willing during their final embodiments upon the planet - the time of their escape from the round of the centuries - to give the very best of service to the light and to help usher in the kingdom. I have known of many individuals who have been so involved in the battle of winning their ascension that they have completely ignored their responsibilities toward their fellowmen and toward the hierarchy. In God's name, beloved ones, you do not need to be like Nero who fiddled while Rome burned. You must take into account the awful treacheries that are abroad in the world today and the extreme pain and suffering in which mankind are enmeshed. Wherever possible, you must seek to draw down into the world the wonderful regenerate energies of the light as a healing afflatus, as an act of mercy and grace, as a joyous experience when you can, by the consummate skill of your Holy Christ Selves and through God's grace, draw forth light in men of lesser understanding. Let us, then pinpoint in this dossier the fact that the Brotherhood at Luxor is not seeking to strip the planet of all of its cream. We do not desire to draw to our temple every illumined soul upon earth and then to ascend them all to God, leaving the world bereft of those who hold the balance of light and power and render spiritual assistance unto their fellowmen through the chain of hierarchy. We desire to draw only those whose course is run and who have recognized that they are nearing the fulfillment of their divine plan. We are also aware of the fact that millions of people today who have been exposed to the higher teachings through this Dossier on the Ascension can and will begin to weave patterns of light in preparation for the fulfillment of their missions in their final embodiments. Then if they fail in their present lifespans to reach the mark of the high calling in Christ,{124} they will have at least, by their right actions, set the stage of cosmic opportunity and the cosmic timetable to the point where adjustments of a karmic nature will be possible in their next lifetimes. The ascension currents can hurt no one. Everyone who receives this flame of regeneration from the heart of God will understand the need to anchor the ascension currents in his own world here and now, even as man draws nigh to God by casting the anchor of his identity beyond the veil of mortal reckoning into the great sea of God's body of light. Thus the ascension in the chariot of fire is always preceded by the magnetization of man's solar energies which by the consent of his conscious will are raised to the heart of the Divine Presence. You need not expect, precious ones, that as the swoop of a great bird of paradise, heaven will come down to you and raise you instantly up into the light. Each day you weave a strand of light substance back to the heart of your Presence by the shuttle of your attention; each strand strengthens the anchor beyond the veil and thus draws you into a state of consciousness wherein God can use you more as an effective instrument for good. Let all understand, then, that the ascension is won just as much by good works and devotion to God, by service to your fellowmen, by service to the light, by decrees offered for and on behalf of mankind, by healing service to those who require it, and by the many avenues of the Brotherhood as it is won by a direct study of the mechanical process involved in the final ritual of the ascension itself. We have known of a few cases of devotees who spent so much time in studying the mechanics of the ascension and seeking to prepare themselves for that gift that they actually triggered the mechanism of divine grace (for their karma had been fairly well balanced) and they rose prematurely into the ascension only to ask, after having been given this tremendous gift, if they could not then go back down into human form and take care of a bit of unfinished business of which they were made aware. Would it not have been, then, a greater pleasure and joy unto God, as well as man, if those individuals had put first things first, reckoning with their earthly responsibilities and leaving the mechanics of the ascension up to their Divine Presence without seeking to ascend by what we may almost term "violence"? (For the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.{125}) There are those who say that the end justifies the means, and if they could receive their ascension by getting in an elevator they would do so. We wish to point out that whereas God has provided a very definite pattern for every lifestream and a universal pattern of Christ victory which is commendable to all, there are always exceptions to the rule and these serve only to prove the rule. Thus an individual, having free will, can continue to work and to serve for a given purpose which, while it may be within the keeping and province of the Law, may not necessarily have been the specific intent of the Law for his lifestream in the fulfillment of his mission. Yet because of man's importunity, God will grant that for which he prematurely asks. This exception in no way contradicts the statement that God knows the hour and the day of man's victory. Man can either thwart the divine plan or he can hasten its fulfillment. The cosmic timetable requires man's attention to process, for by cosmic process and service men are restored to the former state that they knew with God before the world was.{126} Having fulfilled this ritual, they have the added advantage of possessing their entire experience criteria gleaned from many embodiments upon earth which stands before them as an assistance for future service in cosmic realms. The kingdom of heaven is without end, and lifestreams who enter into their ascension are soon assigned to other tasks in the service of the light. The body of Christ upon earth needs both unascended masters whose very life is wholly dedicated to God and ascended masters who serve mankind without ceasing. There is room in this cosmic scheme for men to play many roles; and the sooner they recognize their need to conform to the divine idea, the quicker they can get on with the business of assisting all the evolutions of life upon this planet to their ultimate freedom. Heaven always desires to do things the gentle way, to produce the perfection of God into manifestation without the heavy hand of karma being lowered upon humanity. Yet the records clearly show that in many cases only the cosmic hammer was effective in awakening recalcitrant individuals who otherwise would have proceeded to while away their opportunities in indolent and vainglorious activities. I have covered in this dossier a host of subjects, and the subtleties I have placed between the lines are legion. I hope next week to conclude this dissertation on the ascension, but should I fail to include all that is required for your victory I am certain you will give me audience another week to talk to you about these blessed opportunities of a spiritual nature. In emulation of the Christ, man may recognize that in relative terms the mission of the Christ - which was thirty-three years of temporary life, thirty being devoted to his early training and three to his final service - created sweeping changes in the world of form and to the present hour has produced untold benefits to the earth. That these benefits are not greater is because of the hardness of men's hearts,{127} which resembles the attitude of Pharaoh in the days when the children of Israel were in bondage. The Mosaic plagues which were brought upon the land of Egypt ultimately shattered the heart of the Pharaoh until he at last relented and let the children go free.{128} There is much to be learned in the whole divine scheme, and a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.{129} Those who come to him and believe in him must also "believe in me,"{130} that is, they must believe in the ascended master consciousness which dwelt not only in Christ, in Jesus, but also abides in every ascended master and will raise thee also to thy mastery that where I AM ye may be also.{131} For the ages I remain Serapis ****** Chapter 31 Beloved Serapis Bey - July 30, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 31 - Beloved Serapis Bey - July 30, 1967 Dossier on the Ascension 19 The Destiny of Every Man Unto the Blessed Who Are Motivated by an Absolute Determination toward Godliness Is the Cosmic Honor Flame Fulfilled in the Descent and the Ascent of the Father/Mother God upon the Spinal Altar As the Victory of the Caduceus Becomes the Victory of the Ascension as the Destiny of Every Living Soul We have thought to convey in this dossier the understanding that spiritual exercise alone without obedience to karmic precepts and the divine plan for man may be of limited value to the aspirant. We have also pointed out that both approaches to salvation come to the shining apex of manifestation in man's glorious ascension in the light when all of the spiritual signets are set in place as God wills it. This includes the use of the cosmic honor flame from the heart of God whereby men in honor prefer one another and recognize the meaning of true brotherhood and service. Again and again we are amazed at the antics of mankind, how they seek spiritual study and spiritual deliverance while creating ever-new attitudes of imperfection and discord toward their brothers. God is never mocked{132} by these false human attitudes which usually attempt to justify themselves by some form of human provocation which may or may not have foundation in fact. When the honor flame of God is employed men's goals become God oriented, and thus there can be no possibility of deviation or shadow of turning{133} in the human monad who is motivated by an absolute determination toward Godliness. The world is filled with human beings and human creation, but it is to the Divine that men must turn for their freedom. The caduceus action will work twice as effectively in those lifestreams in whom the expression of honor, justice, and mercy go hand in hand with spiritual exercise. One of the strange little bits of information which I sometimes hesitate to pass on to students because it deals with a process that is almost mechanical is the conveyance of God's energy down to the base of the spinal column and the reversal of that energy back to the heart of the Presence. This process, which has sometimes been used haphazardly by those who are inept in the practice of that which is called kriya yoga, will operate perfectly automatically in those individuals whose devotion to God is great enough. In the past, many of the saints who levitated into the atmosphere did so by reason of the intensity of their magnetization of the energy of the God flame above. The floating into the air of these saints was an attest to their devout and intimate relationship with the God Presence. thus the winged God Self will raise man back to His own heart, and that which descended will also ascend. {134} The alchemical marriage (the union of the lower self with the Higher Self) will take place when the lower self has shown good faith and the willingness to fulfill all obligations set forth in the Covenant of Divine Reunion. Some may say that in the case of an ascension the flesh form will rise, leaving a pile of white ash upon the ground beneath the feet of the aspirant. This is true in some cases where the alchemy of the ascension is performed a bit prematurely and for cosmic reasons. In this instance the white ash is the untransmuted residue of the lifestream. In other cases this residue is absent from the spot where the individual ascended, having been transmuted by an intense caduceus action. It is true, although the form of an individual may show signs of age prior to his ascension, that all of these signs will change and that the physical appearance of the individual will be transformed into the glorified body. The individual ascends, then, not in an earthly body but in a glorified spiritual body into which the physical form is changed on the instant by total immersion in the great God flame. Thus man's consciousness of the physical body ceases and he achieves a state of weightlessness. This resurrection takes place as the great God flame envelops the shell of human creation that remains and transmutes, in a pattern of cosmic grids, all of the cell patterns of the individual - the bony structure, the blood vessels, and all bodily processes which go through a great metamorphosis. The blood in the veins changes to liquid golden light; the throat chakra glows with an intense blue-white light; the spiritual eye in the center of the forehead becomes an elongated God flame rising upward; the garments of the individual are completely consumed, and he takes on the appearance of being clothed in a white robe - the seamless garment of the Christ. Sometimes the long hair of the Higher Mental Body appears as pure gold on the ascending one; then again, eyes of any color may become a beautiful electric blue or a pale violet. These changes are permanent, and the ascended one is able to take his light body with him wherever he wishes or he may travel without the glorified spiritual body. Ascended beings can and occasionally do appear upon earth as ordinary mortals, putting on physical garments resembling the people of earth and moving among them for cosmic purposes. This Saint Germain did after his ascension when he was known as the Wonderman of Europe. Such an activity is a matter of dispensation received from the Karmic Board. Beloved Jesus' appearance before Paul on the road to Damascus is another case in point.{135} Merely to be carried by the Spirit, as was Philip, from one city to another, {136} or to be raised temporarily into the atmosphere in levitation is not the same as the ascension and should not be so construed. Elijah the prophet, in his ascension, was taken up into heaven in a "chariot of fire."{137} This chariot, so-called, may be actualized or symbolically qualified as the rumbling of the atomic densities of mankind turn as chariot wheels in the fiery substance of the ascension flame until every atom, cell, and electron is purified of all dross. Thus man is propelled into the ascension flame as these "wheels within wheels"{138} are stepped up in vibratory rate until they spin with the intensity of light itself and the divine tone sounds forth from within them the note of individual victory. Whether it be Zarathustra who ascended back to God in "the great flame," or Elijah who went into heaven in the "chariot of fire" - the flame of the ascension is the key which unlocks the door to immortality for every man. The flame is the vehicle which conveys the ascended one back to the heart of his Divine Presence. He retains full consciousness of this entire ritual and, once ascended, he becomes on the instant an emissary of the Great White Brotherhood in carrying out its various aims which always come under the direction of the Fatherhood of God. Life is a closed corporation. If God is the chairman of the board, then Christ is the president and the board of directiors are the ascended masters and the Karmic Board. Heaven can be justly said to be a closed union shop where no one can actually work against the divine aims. Although man has chosen to rebel against the will of God and has walked in darkness and in ignorance, although many have professed to be great souls, avatars, or spiritual beings of great power, the reality of that power is determined by the eternal Spirit of God, and illumination and grace are conveyed to every lifestream through the Spirit of the living Christ. The ascension is an inevitable part of the divine system. It consists of these initiations: the transfiguration into the divine configuration, the ritual of crucifixion upon the cross of Matter, the resurrection from dead substance, and, at last, that of the ascension flame itself which raises man out of the domain of his recalcitrant energies and all treacherous activities, mortal imperfection and error. The ascension is the beginning of the kingdom for each one; and when every soul is taken and none left, the world itself will ascend back to the heart of God, a planet victorious. To this end must we work and serve. the pyramid of cosmic truth, builded on lively stones,{139} must rise from the great plains of Mamre (Mam-?ray, symbolizing the Motherhood of God which endows the planes of Matter, Mater, as the launching platform of the soul's ascension).{140} The Eternal Mother must shield the Eternal Son. the shell of cosmic purity must trumpet forth the victory of man in accordance with the divine plan. The course of life may wend its way over a variegated terrain and under a multitude of circumstances, but when the stream becomes crystal clear and purified, it merges with the sea of glass - the cosmic cube of perfection, the white stone that signifies that purpose, ideal, and action have been purified in man.{141} The divine geometry, through the symbol of the pyramid, draws the aspiring consciousness of man into the idea of an ascendant life. To ascend is to blend in cosmic unity with the heart of the Eternal. It is the destiny of every man. Those who understand this will rejoice in the consolation of their own ultimate freedom from every earthly travail as cosmic purpose is enthroned in consciousness both now and forever. My hands will be extended in loving welcome to thee at the hour of thy victory. I remain your teacher and friend, Serapis Bey ****** Chapter 32 Beloved Kuthumi - August 6, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 32 - Beloved Kuthumi - August 6, 1967 The Mission of the Soul Must Be Understood The line from the familiar hymn "The Son of God goes forth to war" should be thought of in connection with the divine mission that is given to every man. To "overcome the world"{142} does not necessitate the surrender of true joy and happiness, of sweetness and light. To overcome the world is to understand the unnatural position of the traditional world order as it relates to man's spiritual identity. Wheat and tares growing side by side await the harvest sickle. God himself has tarried long and patiently awaited the manifestation of his created beauty, the perfection of the divine image on earth and in the individual lives of all mankind. In ignorance men despise many things that they do not understand, and the struggle that ensues is not the struggle of the Deity with the individual. It is the struggle of the divine seed implanted within themselves, their own individualized treasure of rightness, which seeks to push its way through the density of the traditional manifestation of the natural life as men have made it on earth. In the early days of planetary evolution when the former cycles were dominant, the beauty of perfection of the first golden ages was a joy to behold. All of the natural powers of Christ-manifestation, now so sadly lacking among mankind, were in evidence everywhere. Men, women, and children rejoiced together in the sunlight of perfect cosmic harmony. Nature outdid herself to lavish her perfection and beauty upon a joyous people. Communion with the angelic hosts and with the higher presences of life, the representatives of God and the lords of the flame from the very heart of God, was a process as natural as that which occurs today when men and women tune in their television screens and see familiar faces appear. It is very difficult, of course, for people to understand "how the all-powerful Creator could," as they phrase it, "permit the shadows of the world to obscure the beauty and perfection of the natural order of Godliness that is within every man." This turning upside down of human consciousness, this inversion of immortal principle into a mortal lack of truth and justice is a fog that occurred in the awful majesty of the will. But it was not the will of God that was perverted, but only the will of man.{143} Today people boast of their free will. They are proud of the fact that they can reject that which they find objectionable and that they have within their hearts the means (so they think) whereby they can make correct judgments concerning all things. This judgment is often based upon the accepted world order and the inner attunement which mankind have with one another. They do not seem to realize the effects of these mental and emotional ties and their influences upon one another. The almost hypnotic, purposeless flitting about of the people of the world in the vain search of pleasure taxes even the imaginations of their hearts. I do not as a World Teacher speak on this subject in order to condemn, but that I may bring to those who will read and understand an awareness of the need to peer behind the various religious ideas of mankind and see that the thread of truth which underlies many of them is just that, a thread; for the garment of religion which many men wear is a threadbare cloak that does not cover the nakedness of their soul personalities (instead of being a replica of Joseph's coat of many colors{144} representing the many facets of truth in which he achieved mastery and which becomes the seamless robe of the Christ when all initiations have been successfully passed).{145} It is in order to teach men how to enter into the first order of things that the Christ, Jesus, and I yearn to flood forth once again the light of truth to the masses of mankind so that they may reestablish their contact with God as it was held and maintained by men who lived in the golden ages. The world system of religious orders cannot survive or be a useful instrument for this purpose in its present form, for much pollution of the pure truth has occurred in doctrine. Such stratification of dogma and intense bigotry exists in the world hierarchy of religious thought that there is no longer peace and safety in drinking at the fountains of orthodoxy. Now the time has come when the mission of the soul must be understood. In order to bring about this understanding, I would ask you to think upon the early origins of the great spiritual avatars, of how they stood before the shining face of the Eternal One and pleaded for the opportunity to go into the world of form and render there a service in his name. It may seem to some to be a travesty to think of themselves in the role of the Divine. The natural man has truly become, as the early apostles said, an "enemy of God."{146} But this in itself is not natural! It is unfortunate. Consideration by the mind of man in this age must become objective as well as penetrating, expressing a willingness to seek new links of progress whereby a greater understanding of the universe comes to the person of each individual. We deal with individuals and individuals deal with the universe. But although the vastness of the universe may be almost overwhelming, the realm of the individual is the doorway to the comprehension of it all. For God has placed within the realm of his own Spirit in man the seeds of comprehension. This is the omniscience of God, the all-knowing Christ mind that possesses the infinite capacity to reach out into infinity and draw it down into a sane relationship with the manifestation. Why do you suppose God created the wonders of expansion and why do you suppose that some men say that he permitted evil to exist? I tell you, precious ones, that evil was never created nor acknowledged by the Deity, nor could it exist in the higher octaves of light, where it would be consumed on the instant.{147} It is a fact that the margins of humanity's octaves were once above the level of imperfection. These octaves themselves vibrated in consonance with the harmony of heaven. What has happened is that the sublevels or basements of life are now occupied as the strata within which men think and feel. However, it is true that they do from time to time rise out of those octaves into the Creator's realm, bringing forth thereby great achievements in the fields of art, drama, and music. Religion, too, is a trial balloon whereby men go up a little way into the beauty of the higher spheres but not far enough nor long enough; for no sooner do they rise high enough to enjoy the beautiful view and enter into that magnificent God-feeling than they begin to hunger for the more familiar octaves of mortal thought and feeling. Thus, pulled quickly down, they once again become a part of the mass miasma. We are dedicated to teaching men and women how to return safely to the Father's house. As long as they are wedded to dense dogma and to human bigotry, as long as they exhibit hostility toward one another and deem the attitude of those who think not as they do to be an anathema, so long will the world continue to be steeped in its own wars of religious conflict. The time has come, and it is overripe, when the life mission of men must be understood. They must recognize that one day they, too, asked to go forth into the realm of form in order to overcome that realm with all of its temptations and achieve the higher purpose of bringing God's kingdom into manifestation. Thus, in the hope of being a faithful servant, they looked forward to the day when God could truly say of such a one, "Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the Lord!"{148} In Wisdom's name, I remain a servant of illumination's flame, KUTHUMI ****** Chapter 33 Beloved Kuthumi - August 13, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 33 - Beloved Kuthumi - August 13, 1967 The Great Gathering of Souls As the year turns toward the harvest season and the fields of humanity are perceived as whitened to the harvest,{149} the great gathering of souls comes to our attention. The perennial mission of the Christ is one which is transmitted in the great command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give."{150} The Great White Brotherhood knows, owing to our firsthand investigations as well as the many reports coming to us from those freshly passed through the veil - including those who have ascended, never more to go out into the destructive octaves or become subject thereto - that as never before the conditions of the world are very grave and that an inquiry is in order. When a shining son stands before the Father charged with hope and the beauty of the dawn as he prepares to descend to the planet and its people, there is present what may almost be called an innocent naiveté that saturates the spirits even of the indomitable ones. These individuals who go forth into the world of form do not fully comprehend the nature of the vicious lions they will face, the wolves in sheep's clothing{151} and those who will trample upon their every effort. Nor are they aware of the incalculably unjust manner in which mankind will measure the fruit of their lives from concealed levels of the judges' own ungodly state. It is no wonder, then, that the Master Jesus uttered those poignant words in Gethsemane, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."{152} Yet on the morrow he said, "Weep not for me, ye daughters of Jerusalem, but weep for yourselves, and for your children." {153} The cycles of humanity's incarnations continue and dead error is born again and again, never to come to life until it comes to God's truth. If the things of the world could give men their freedom, you can be certain that the Father in heaven would have provided mankind with the immortality to enjoy them. The things which God has prepared for them that love him are far beyond the sense pleasures of earth that keep men bound to eating, drinking, and making merry. Oftentimes when individuals come to the feet of the masters, they face the truth and the reality of our endeavors, our releases, our thoughts, and our feelings. Then they make comparisons with the old and the familiar and they retreat back into the "known" realm of religious thought as an escape from the sharp two-edged sword of truth that would but cut them free, that they might be clothed with the fine linen of true righteousness and purity.{154} What a pity, you say, and yet in their ignorance so they have chosen. They do not perceive that they are ignorant and foolish as the virgins who did not keep their lamps oiled.{155} The march of progress that the ascended masters bring to the planet Earth is of inestimable value, and therefore it is utterly necessary here and now that reevaluation be made of past mortal thoughts and feelings which have been centered around religious beliefs. Only then will men be able to see clearly the errors of the centuries. Neither the past nor the present is wholly in error. Bright threads of hope are scattered through the motif of mortal weavings. Yet, betimes, as in days of yore even to the present hour, men decry the proclamation of Eternal Truth. It is as though they would calculate the status quo of the world to be of such value that they must at all costs preserve it. Dogma, too, they would preserve with almost open warfare. Hate and hate creations continue in the world of form and always oppose the great love tides of God. We who advocated the Divine Theosophia (the Theosophical Order), we who brought forth in hope the first workings of spiritualism (through Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others) in order to establish hope in the hearts of men for a better world to come, we have watched as degradation and misuse of principle have altered our purposes, and there has come to pass a sad state of affairs wherein trenchant forces of darkness have misused the divine principle. I want you to know that recent council meetings of the Great White Brotherhood, which are continuing for and on behalf of mankind almost daily, have directed mandates unto us whereby a great flood of spiritual wisdom shall issue forth, even as it has already this year from beloved Serapis Bey. This fresh hope, which will be engendered in the hearts of men who apply themselves to these precepts with the deepest of understanding, will be very great; and protection will come to the tiny infant seed of God that expands through these spiritual endeavors of the Great White Brotherhood as a great light to all mankind. There are none who have ever served our Cause in this endeavor or in any which we sponsor who shall not one day rejoice at inner levels, even as they do now in the outer domain of consciousness, over the fruit of the spiritual harvest that God is preparing. As his hands and feet and as ministers of his Presence, you may safely yield yourselves to the great love that God is and do good unto those that despitefully use you, knowing that your reward is indeed very great. {156} Yet there is no greater reward to the mind of the Christ than to see one soul who has embraced a path of darkness and shadow turn once again and serve the light. O precious ones, if you could see the influence of the light upon mankind from inner levels, if you could see how they are stripped free and clean of the awful enclosure of nihilism that seeks to vampirize their beings of all their great storehouse of light and leave them as outcasts upon the streets of the city, dead witnesses to truth and honor, you would determine as never before that nothing shall stand in the way of your victory. Keep on keeping on, gracious ones, in the garnering of the precious seed pearls of holy wisdom. Let the meditations of your hearts be upon the laws of God and your delight in the wisdom of his thoughts. None of us can abstain from care and consideration for a world steeped in delusion, but we can do only that which men, by their free wills, enable us to do. The greatest of avatars, even the Lord God himself, unless he would change his laws which are immutable, cannot interfere with mankind's free will. After all, free will was given to man as the key to Christhood and to the attainment of unity with the Father. Such unity will mean the restoration of the fullness of the light in every man which was referred to by Jesus when he said, "All power in heaven and earth is given unto me [unto the Christ-identity of everyone when the lower self surrenders completely unto the divine nature]." {157} One day this will be yours as you continue to pursue the path of Holy Wisdom. Exercise discrimination and discernment, that you may know the Lord's body ("For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother"{158}) and win your victory, step by step, fearing not to get up each time there is a setback. For the cycles roll on endlessly, and the little waves of human trembling are but a "slip `twixt the cup and the lip" which delay man's partaking of the water of life. But these can never eternally prevent the fullness of the manifestation of God within you. In the deepest love of our Father in heaven and of the Christ consciousness that is the Saviour of the World, I remain your teacher, KUTHUMI ****** Chapter 34 Beloved Lord Maitreya - August 20, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 34 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - August 20, 1967 Before the Moment of Darkness Is Too Tightly Secured and the Age Is Lost The subject of sensationalism and of the phenomenal comes before us. While the magnificence of the cosmos is paraded every moment before the consciousness of mankind through the avenue of the five senses and through the response mechanisms of an inner, aesthetic sense behind the physical senses, the world still hungers and thirsts after greater knowledge of universal law. Understandable though this may be, the megatons of divine energy foolishly invested by mankind in the pursuit of the unusual and as a result of an avid curiosity produce little more for those engaged in this pursuit than the poking around in old rubble where consumption is complete and false hopes continue to buoy up the sagging human energies of men. When great achievements are made, they are seldom the discoveries of the curious, the profane, or the ego-motivated. The dedicated scientist or researcher, the scientist of the Spirit who searches out the mysteries of God with humility and dedication, with understanding and necessary persistence, is the one to whom the reward is given. As Jesus long ago proclaimed of John the Baptist, saying, "What went ye out to see? A reed shaken with the wind? A man clothed in soft raiment? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet."{159} These same laws apply today to the researcher in the things of the Spirit. We cannot deny that there are in manifestation organizations whose tenets and expressions are immediately recognizable as being ego-motivated and error based; but when contacting the pure expressions of the Great White Brotherhood and their avant-garde endeavors for mankind, it is often true that behind the outer appearance that strives for the beauty of Christ-perfection there are the little, unredeemed pockets of energy yet awaiting purification. Men who seek to judge others must not judge them by their negatives but by the great positive tides of cosmic energy that stand behind every worthy organization as salutary purpose. Many have said, after coming directly under our radiation and the dawn of awareness that comes early or late in an individual's ministry of expression, that they are so grateful for the expansion of light into their worlds and that they only regret the many years they have wasted in fruitless striving. Carelessness often misdirects one's motives, for motive, too, requires its own molding factors. Thus the disciple must apply to the intelligence of the Christ mind for a release of divine assistance in creating the very matrices that will subsequently direct his thoughts and feelings in the formation of the divine character of man from the heavenly blueprint. Man, in the state of becoming, is an uncut and unfinished stone; the smoothening efforts required to complete the nobility of manifestation are very great, yet the heavenly grace freely given to him is sufficient to execute a noble work with both alacrity and craftsmanship. Responses stemming from the feeling of being alone may lack the easy precipitation of Christly nobility which is based on the understanding that all life is one, and those responses that come only from the brittleness of the human mind may lack the heart qualities of comfortable flexibility, of cosmic conformity, which so gently adhere to principle that the divine nature is breathed out with every breath. The painful sense of struggle that men establish all about themselves, either through indifference or a sense of unworthiness, often results in grey tones in the aura, a muddying of the cosmic stream as it passes through individualized form and consciousness, and a failure to externalize cosmic patterns. Inasmuch as the struggle of this age is very great and the crucible of life filled with poignant experiences, some enlightening and some destructive, men must seek to wend their way through the time-space barriers into the eternality of God by faith in right action. To seek to disprove cosmic law requires familiarity with it to the uttermost, and therefore the early aspirant for spirituality would do well not to condemn nor to seek to express negativity of thought and feeling toward his fellowman; for, after all, he is accountable for that which he releases. The records of the saints are often marked with their initial rejections of cosmic law and subsequent returns to the very rejected principles which, by their wholehearted acceptance of them, became to them a chasuble of righteousness. The adornment of the Spirit is very much involved in one's communication with the power of the infinite light that stands behind the screen of Matter. The opacity of human thought and feeling has successfully blocked this light of God that never fails from reaching individual men again and again, yet they fail to recognize it. To remove impediments is to incite progress, and there are no greater impediments in existence than those personal negative thoughts of judgment in men's hearts which thrive on personal egoism and the fact that men feel most capable of gazing upon our best servants with feelings of disrespect. It would be one thing if these feelings were warranted, but where they are not, there is also the judgment that must follow. The strategies of the brothers of darkness are entering now into the relationships of the young people, as well as those between the young and the supposedly more mature. Human rebellion is being fostered and resentment encouraged on all sides as a means of vampirizing mankind's energies. The youth need to search because the old matrices do not satisfy, but again and again they are being provided with false goals whose lures never give them the permanent satisfaction they crave. Now, a very real and ever-present danger threatens the world, and it is to counteract this threat that we would set true goals of respect and nobility before men. The breaking down of old systems of theology and even of science, in some cases, need be no excuse for a lowering of the standards of personal relationships between people. The standards of the golden rule are cosmic law, and mankind have no right to enter into an aura of obscenity. That which is done in the name of art and culture today that borders on the obscene or on abuses of life principles will one day produce a frightful karma in those whose psychicism is most of all a thing of hurt to themselves and to those whom they influence. Time is of the essence in this matter, and unless men are to change their ways, the harvest will indeed be frightful. Cosmic initiation looms before these young people if they will only understand that the means is not through LSD or erotic experience, but through the renaissance of a spiritual culture which they once rejected in the very times of life when Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was winning his victory; when Joseph stood in the highest honor at Pharaoh's court; when Solomon was building his temple; when Christ was walking in the corn fields;{160} when Saint Francis was counseling his disciples (1181-1226); and even when the brothers of light first began to acquaint the Western world with the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood (1875). As was spoken of by one of your poets: "And they, while their companions slept, / Were toiling upward in the night."{161} Thus shall the thrust for a purpose go forth again, and the cosmic court be enlarged to provide new offices for millions. "Feed my sheep,"{162} is today a cry for teachers who are willing to be taught, for disciples who are willing to be disciplined, for men who are willing to respect the order of the universe even as they have unduly respected the `chaos' from which it seemingly sprang. Let us lift men into the light before the moment of darkness is too tightly secured and the age is lost. In cosmic vigilance I remain LORD MAITREYA ****** Chapter 35 Beloved Archangel Michael - August 27, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 35 - Beloved Archangel Michael - August 27, 1967 As You Hum a Victory Tune Men ask in faith and they receive in faith. Love begets love and the pinions of the world are raised because men generate faith in love. Without faith God is not pleased, for men's motives must be elevated and the age perceived as the doorway of magnificent opportunity. Vulnerability is created by doubt, and every unclean spirit rushes in where doubt is, for there is an affinity between the vibratory action of doubt and that of the spirits who have thrust themselves from eternal purposes by reason of the doubt they entertain concerning their own purposes. And thus, the idle drift of their consciousness has closed the door to universal order and design. The harvest of reality springs from the actualization of life as God planned it. How carefully he has wrought all the elements of creation; how beautifully he has executed the designs of the cosmic arch in order that every child of the sun might have a place in the temple beautiful - a niche of consciousness that would, like the peal of a great organ, echo in the cathedral of humanity beautiful as the peal of foreverness which enhances the beauty of every moment. Life in faith is beautiful, and it is beautiful because it is representative of the summoning of endeavor. Without action, man lives not. With divine action and divine purpose, the thrust of mortal ideas is lessened and the way for transmutation of wrong effort and misdirection is opened. How we long to see the vibratory actions that have produced so much unhappiness in the world stripped of the power that men through carelessness have given them and changed in every way. For then we know that the great Christ-design of Universal Love will be perpetually enthroned in every heart and mind. Consciousness is the kingdom of heaven, and when it is filled with a realization of cosmic purpose, wedded to divine effort as God does work his purposes in man, there will come about an architecture of the Spirit whereby the nobility of soul will build new temples of righteousness upon a solid foundation of perfect order. How else shall the plan be executed? Every electron has a trajectory of purpose, and the arch of triumph is the victory of faith in the soul. Unless men believe that they can do a specific act, and, indeed, every act that the law requires that they must do, as an act of faith in order to produce their own doorway to freedom, they will be unable to cope with the long, entrenched, historical destinies of the present world order. Christendom reeks with the witchcraft of old records that have been sustained against the golden dawn of infinite purpose that presages a golden age. How, then, shall we build the new unless the old be self-destructing? But men have not neglected old evils; they have nourished them as Romulus and Remus were nourished upon the paps of a wolf, and the glories of worldly pomp have been enshrined against the magnificence of the living Christ. Yet, He liveth, and He will ultimately triumph over the destinies of men. He comes not to interfere with man's free will, but to educate and lead that free will away from the malignant forces that have for thousands of years executed almost complete dominance over the world order. As we lead men in the vanguard of righteousness, as we prepare for the victory of this moment and of those moments to come, it is in that supreme consciousness that the patterns of destiny that God has held in his great heart of faith for mankind shall be executed. This shall be done because the noble and great men of old, who have ascended into the octaves of light, are able to act as captains of the Lord's hosts in this day and age to do battle with those forces of evil that have now for far too long remained entrenched. Therefore, there is hope in heaven that the fruit of this age may not prove to be a golden apple filled with the bitterness of ash. It is our hope in this time of testing and striving by mankind that the fan that is in the hand of God will be perceived as the measurements of the heart - that the heart will be perceived as the seat of consciousness where repudiation of darkness can occur and the light can be invoked as the Shekinah glory upon the ark of the covenant of old.{163} It is the will of God to thrust from man the poisoned cup which he himself has created and to give to the earth a communion cup of universality which will show to each individual monad that his strength lies in union. Without union and the cosmic purposes from whence true union sprang, men would indeed be divergent in both thought and act. When union with light is recognized for what it can do for men, a convergence of ideas will create a confluence of spiritual power and energy, a reservoir of strength in which all who are engaged in the battle for the light may renew themselves. I stand together with my hosts of light today in an ever-intensifying effort for and on behalf of the children of this planet to secure for them and for their posterity that special blend of righteousness and justice that cannot be moved or swerved from its course. When the going seems to be difficult and contact with our octaves of light somewhat infrequent, remember that just as the sun is always shining behind clouds or horizon, so the power of our legions of light is ever in action, renewing day by day our allegiance to Christ's purposes for the illumination of mankind, and striving to free the earth from the old hates which men in their ignorance have perpetuated. We cannot do it alone, for the influences of mankind's own thoughts and feelings upon their children, upon their neighbors, and upon the earth itself is very great. The holy cause in which we are jointly engaged requires the enlistment of many sons of light to help in the battle to sweep the earth free of the hordes of shadow that have created so much sorrow and pain for this beautiful planet, whose very eyes are washed with tears of regret that the karmic circle must often return to the unrighteous the fruit of their sowings. Yet the righteous shall shine as the sun in his strength; for in these hours, when brother is set against brother by deliberate maldesign, the supremacy of the law of faith and divine love asserts itself again and again, bolstering the purposes of our diversified band and creating a new climate of hope for those whose hearts can respond to it. God is not mocked. Life is not mocked. You need not be mocked, for out of great faith is born great strength. Out of great strength comes the recognition of the need for attunement with our Temple of Faith at Banff. As you hum a victory tune, think of me - for I AM near you, even at the door of your heart, my energies yours. Lovingly, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL For Right Purpose ****** Chapter 36 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 3, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 36 - The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 3, 1967 An Acceleration of the Law of Return No amount of human thought or feeling has any power to change the pure charge of divine truth which is universal reality. Each nonconformist to divine ideals may deny in the world of effects those cosmic causes which are his own personal signature of the eternal, mystical reality of being. However, the closures thus induced by the arbitrary misuse of free will sometimes become totally obscuring. Is it any wonder that cosmic law, operating through the framework of individuality, was designed to be self-limiting? How could it be otherwise? For eternal conflict would never produce the peace and harmony which initiate and sustain true happiness forever. The rising sun of cosmic purpose, emerging in the East, has traveled to the West; and it is to Western man that the world must look for the lightning manifestation of divine love. This love, when it becomes a total manifestation in the world order, will be reflected back to the East, coming full cycle as it passes through the lands of the West unto the Sons of Han.{164} O stairway cycle to the stars - The path of joy I knew one day, Help me regain thy airy ways And rise above the fray. The garments of the world are wide - The path seems broad and long, But life outside the cosmic tide Is music without song. The masters fair, beyond compare, Their energies do burn In hope that men will learn to share And thus to God return. There is no hope we can invoke That's greater than the face Of God whose shining does evoke Great future for the race. The dark ones seek from cloistered shades To thwart eternal Life And, through vampire psychic raids, To drain the best of life. They say, "The key's in LSD And other violent means"; They speak of "brotherhood" and "love," Ignoring cosmic beams - Of purity and standard's oath That speak of Christ's great light: The measured justice of his law Will broken worlds unite. I AM the Goddess of the free Who dare to see and be A bearer of eternal Truth That shineth on the sea - Of form, creation, embryonic, Calling all to yield - All substance of the world atomic Hides behind Light's shield. And cause, effect, and circumstance Are names for law diverted. I AM the Mother of the World Where liberty converteth - Life to opportunity And love to golden union, Where light is true conformity That stymies all confusion And out of chaos bringeth rule Of ordered God-delight As sweetest purpose of the law That maketh right from might. As we review the great strengths that have been given to man as tangible gifts of God's love which could manifest as the sinews of divine ideals, we ask ourselves, as the question is posed to the Karmic Board, whether or not the planet can continue to receive its sustaining allotment of cosmic energy and whether or not hope should be abandoned because of the spread of mortal terror, warfare, hatred, and distress at a time in the history of man when every scientific blessing vouchsafed unto him could have prepared the way for a golden age of peace and enlightenment. The news of cosmic dispensation released by the Great Divine Director at Saint Germain's Class of Malta held in California last year{165} has been fully borne out in the strange outpicturing of new and varied weather patterns which reflect only a part of mankind's destructivity. The Karmic Board can promise nothing but an acceleration of the law of return unless there shall come about a greater awareness on the part of mankind of their need to pursue the truth of cosmic purpose in the field of their own lives. Continuing degradations which have invaded the halls of learning will surely bear the karmic fruit of bitterness for the world. And one of the principal problems of the times is the ubiquitous manifestation of commercialized advertising which, side by side with religious expressions, bob about upon the ocean of humanity's thoughts and feelings. Oh, there is no question but what people know that something is wrong with the world situation, for there is great fear in the hearts of many of the people. It is never our intent to capitalize upon fear, but rather, through the ministration of the law of Love between neighbor and neighbor, to spread abroad the light of truth. Therefore, the wave of the future must be borne to the world via the mass media of communication, and the way must be cleared so that living truth from the ascended masters' octaves can stand up and be counted, a trumpet call sounding clearly the golden tones of the golden-age law of Love. The time is now, and you cannot afford to wait longer, when the power of the press must be expanded by wider distribution of our instructions and material. This year, which has been one of great decision, is to be followed by one of greater decision, and it is during the harvest of nature that we make this proclamation as a means of assuring mankind that the coming year will be more fruitful in a spiritual way. If this is not done, even the Lords of Karma hesitate to think what will happen to mankind as the continual downward spiral of degradation in music is absorbed by the young souls now coming into embodiment or who came in under the dispensations permitting the rebellious Atlanteans to return to the world scene.{166} Surely this is a time for stock-taking, for an awareness that "one with God is a majority," for a renewal of all cosmic efforts made on behalf of the masters, for the manifestation and execution of mature judgment in one's conduct with one's fellowmen, and for the building up and nourishing of the body of God upon the planet as never before. Ye are his hands and feet and to you belongs the opportunity of this age. As much as we regret the necessity of the foregoing words in the totality of the concept they convey, we see that this edict can and will, as it manifests through acceptance in the feeling world of the precious students of the light, result in the renaissance of the good and the beautiful; and it is to this that we are dedicated for and on behalf of the world. Ours is no mere moral crusade but a cosmic one, dedicated to the highest scientific ideals and purposes that stem from the original creation of Universal Love. Obediently, I AM your Cosmic Mother, THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY ****** Chapter 37 Beloved Mighty Hercules - September 10, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 37 - Beloved Mighty Hercules - September 10, 1967 The Possible Victory over Impossible Odds The colossal tasks facing mankind today require equal courage to that of those heroes in the past who faced dragons, giants, and mythological monsters. The underground, boring action of the reverse spirals of egocentric ambitions have so complicated the maze of mortal destiny as to strike terror in the hearts of those who are unaccustomed to the deliverance of a planet. We urge an upward gaze to the Source of Life who is the sustaining strength of every cosmic emissary, of every ascended master, and every sun presence of immortal awareness. Thus will the strength, garnered from the untrammeled heights of beauty and cosmic purpose, be activated in the world of form. There is no solution to man's problems equal to the healing energies of heaven, and, precious ones, you cannot receive those energies from any outer sources by study, ambition, or entanglement in the psychic realm of blatant phenomena. The still small voice is the voice of victory. And though it be but a whisper in the inner recesses of being, saying silently, firmly, determinedly, "I AM God's son, To do his will I AM come!" it is enough to give the fervor which the moment requires, albeit we pray that men who seek the spiritual life will honor humility and feel no worldly sense of competition, rather paying homage to those ideals that will mean freedom to every man. To keep a constant, genuine vigil with God requires the drawing forth of the total resources of man's being. Yet this need not spell an end to one's active responsibilities involving those karmically accepted offices of service which enable our chelas to minister unto their fellowmen as friends of God and of men - as fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, children of the one Life, and devotees of the sacred fire. Man, illumined by the Spirit of Cosmic Intelligence, becomes central within his own domain, effacing where necessary the carnal will and replacing it by those magnificent bursts of cosmic joy, of cosmic determination, of cosmic recognition and service in order that no opposing factor may have any power to alter or deter the waves of divine intent from fulfilling their purpose in him. You do not know, precious ones, what it means to an Elohim gazing downward into the tangled, mortal affairs of mankind to know that there are hearts upturned and consecrated focuses into which the energies of one's cosmic life can be poured. Mankind have become so enmeshed in the spirit of asking help from heaven, as if heaven were aloof to the lifewaves below, that little is thought about the enormous effort and cosmic outreach that the sons of light actually exercise toward an emerging but sometimes unresponsive humanity. Our love is great enough to win the freedom of every man, woman, and child upon this planet and to do it now, if they will only summon the faith from within their own hearts to accept and believe that this is an ever-present possibility. Yet we are practical men and women of the Spirit. We have seen how human viciousness has daily and often hourly attacked the powers of the Light as these powers have sought to work through human avatars - those who are not yet free in the ascension but who are initiates of our holy cause. We have seen how these blessed ones have reeled again and again from attack after attack against their energies and persons. Yet they have continued to seek to do God's will and to help humanity escape from the entrenched forces of reaction to the message of peace and goodwill which heaven has sent to the world. Many today, shocked and amazed at the riots that have taken place in the cities of the United States and at the disturbances that have come to the surface elsewhere upon the planet, feel a mounting sense of gnawing frustration. Fear has entered into the world of some of the chelas as well. We therefore urge that all shall understand that while the world may rage in its awful madness, the calm center of life related to your own mighty I AM God Presence is the threefold flame of the Christ within your heart. You are the equipoise of cosmic power and energy. To you is given the sacred fire breath - the realization that the Word that became flesh can spring forth from the fountain of the Eternal Presence that beats your heart as you ask for and decree for the freedom of man as never before. Bearing fruit, then, in this age and for the ages to come, you are winning your freedom and the freedom of all mankind as you consistently maintain your divine position. In God's name, beloved ones, do you think that any mortal power whatsoever can affect the almighty purposes of the universal Christ consciousness? I tell you, no! For while many have wept for the sufferings brought upon the avatars and sons of God down through the ages, it is for the mass consciousness and its imprisoned sense that men ought to weep, for themselves and for their children, {167} for their posterity and all good works they have sought to do that have been thwarted by the Antichrist.{168} Without God in the world, without a resurgence of the Christ ideals and the Light that is victorious over the darkness, men can never know the Spirit of the Resurrection. They can never know the Spirit of immortal freedom from death as the last enemy{169} and from all other enemies that precede it, as the mighty onrush of cosmic purpose moves upon the waters of human consciousness to fulfill the Christ ideal in individual mankind as well as in the world order. I AM Hercules, the Elohim of the First Ray, and my outreach into the world of form is to empower every angel, every archangel, every elemental, every man, woman, and child to stand fast, unflinching, with high courage and faith in the manifestation and the victory of God's will on earth. For the high road of God's purpose is open to all who will accept it, who seek not the path of personal power and phenomena but the path of service to the Great White Brotherhood. Thus the Great White Lodge will be seen as the organization of the lodges of perfection which are the repositories of cosmic wisdom for the earth and whose members provide the means of intensifying the radiation of cosmic purpose upon the planet. The enormous tide of misunderstanding that has arisen in the world order is the result of direct manipulation by the powers of darkness that seek to deprive humanity of the great cosmic opportunities for the earth and its evolutions. This literal manifestation of Armageddon should not give rise to discouragement; on the contrary, it should be seen as the measured mark of the cosmic prophecies of old, of the desecration by the sons of Belial of the sacred order of spiritual purpose and, last but not least, as indicative of the time of emancipation for all. The thickening darkness in the world makes its presence felt and known, and men reach out as never before for the light of deliverance. This light is in the spiritual octaves; it can come forth from no other. Can darkness give birth to light? Can the grey membrane of mankind's egomania give rise to aught else but the mucus of decay? Ours is the resurrection of the possible victory over what men have termed "impossible odds." Repudiate darkness by embracing Light. Onward to your God-victory, O planet of Love! HERCULES Elohim of the First Ray ****** Chapter 38 Beloved Saint Germain - September 17, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 38 - Beloved Saint Germain - September 17, 1967 "Know God, Know Thyself, Know the Law of Thy Being" We have been asked to define prophecy. Those who lack discrimination, torn between the desire to believe all things and plagued by honest doubt, yearn for clarification from heavenly places. Remember that all of the sacred books that have ever been written, all of the knowledge that is esteemed by the many religions of the world, regardless of the claims of men to the contrary, have come into manifestation through individuals who were embodied upon the planet. In other words, they have all come forth through man. There is and has always been a tendency on the part of mankind to judge the accuracy and quality of spiritual material by the lives of those through whom the material came. We have said that men should not spend as much time as they do in the examination by mortal mind's measures of the lives or persons of spiritual teachers. We have said that thirsty travelers ought not to spurn a cup of cold water simply because the tin cup in which it is delivered has an imperfection in it. If the world of individuals is old, every individual on earth is old in the sense that myriad experiences have created encrusted concepts which it is difficult for men to relinquish. And thus, as in olden times even to the present hour, men do examine the sources of information rather than the teachings. And it is, blessed ones, the teaching, after all, that is everything. That which bears the earmark of cosmic authenticity registers within the "chords" of the heart. But how shall this be manifest in those whose attunement with their own hearts is sadly lacking, where the brittleness of the mind can analyze only the worded structure of our releases? Where, then, is the sounding board for authenticity? Men should understand that they themselves need perfectionment as well as attunement with the higher powers if they are to register the genuine perfection which they profess to seek. You see, frequently seekers for light maintain a very unprofessional attitude in their examination of the various teachings they encounter. But after all, they lack experience in that which they seek. Therefore, there is almost a blind struggle that occurs in the world of individuals on the path toward the light. Is it any wonder, then, that they are easily victimized by those blind leaders of the blind{170} who themselves have not attained what we could call one iota of God-realization? These are they who have studied all about the miraculous manifestations of the lives of the saints, yet who have permitted their brains to register - together with a more perfect admonishment - the fatuous ideas of mortal contempt for their compeers, for their brothers, and for one another. Heaven is not disdainful of honest men's search for truth, but we know that people are prone to be overly critical of those whose simplest thoughts they cannot yet understand. Human sophistry and wit do not of themselves produce a passport that leads to higher dimensions and accurate perceptions. On the contrary, many have excommunicated themselves from a movement of definite spiritual progress before they could take root or refuge in an onward-moving company of spiritual devotees. Surely this must pinpoint for the perceptive how very vital it is that men shall be as little children, trusting in the Infinite One and in the wisdom of heaven itself to perform judgment upon men whose hypocrisy they eschew. There is no need, blessed ones, for men to be constantly engaged in a witch-hunt, while they yet seek to find their way back home. Again and again individuals, steeped in tradition or in traditional concepts, attend one of our services only to turn away from the great opportunity which is given to them. For ere the door can be opened toward the light or valid explanations given, they have decided in their minds that the appearance of those who represent us or the expressions of their mouths are not pleasing to them. Arbiters of their own confusion are they, laying hold upon decaying substance and proclaiming it as real, while turning away from the real and the banner of freedom without ever knowing what its true value is. If there is, then, any admonishment that I would give to humanity in these troubled times it is: Be not hasty of judgment. I admit that some things are self-evident and cast their shadows before them, but truth is often subtly concealed beneath a crude exterior or a manifestation that belies its great content. The lives of the saints and the great men of old, as well as those of contemporary men of spiritual grandeur, are not always easily categorized. People come to our abode or they make contact with one or more of our chelas and they sometimes reject both the teacher and the teaching because these do not fit the stereotyped patterns of the seeker. Yet how many seekers for greater knowledge today are manifest tokens of the Father's love in the world of form? How many do openly raise the dead or perform miracles of healing? How many know the sacred initiatic mysteries and can without fail operate within the framework of magnificent cosmic law? I have seen sophistry and human pride. I have witnessed arrogance in kingly places throughout Europe and the Far East. I aided George Washington in the early days of the American Revolution, and I have stood guard over America to the best of my ability since that day. I have amplified the flames and winds of freedom everywhere, seeking to sustain and establish order and rule by law, that men may experience the freedom that order and law bring. Yet again and again, pride and prejudice have won the field, and the escutcheon of honor has deflected the arrows of the unrighteous, only to see the leaders slain by the calumny and viciousness of sinful men. In this day and age we have entrusted the teachings to no one man, but we have given finite portions of the Infinite, segments of reality to the planet, as cosmic cipher which the heart, when purified in any man, can readily decipher. In the Pearls of Wisdom, the Keepers of the Flame Lessons, and other expressions which comprise the teachings of The Summit Lighthouse, we have sought to integrate the wholeness of all genuine uplift movements that have ever existed upon the planet. Ours is the intent, as God wills it - if man wills it, too, and serves with God - to elucidate through the Keepers of the Flame Lessons such standards of elder beauty as have never before been known and experienced upon this planet. The day will come when those souls who are privileged to receive these communications will esteem them as the golden illumined light of the hand of heaven, reaching into the individual heart and saying, "Know God, know thyself, know the law of thy being." As never before we hope to open the ancient books, even the books of the Ancient of Days, to reveal that which has been kept secret since the foundation of the world. Even in the present we have made what amounts to preparatory revelations. We have revealed by our glyphs of form-expression blessed keys for the freedom of man. But no amount of revelation of truth can bring to the heart of heaven the assurance that the hearer will accept, heed, or do the work of the teacher. Each noble cosmic effort made on behalf of mankind is always energy fraught with the possibility of mortal rejection. The unpredictability of man's character through his continual immersion in a sense of sin and the sinful, as was the nefarious plan of the hordes of darkness, does not make him a conscious candidate for heaven's ministrations. Rather is he often chided and chiding. Again and again, he is adrift upon the restless sea of his own uncontrolled energies. These energies rage as the blind instincts of struggle. While the search for the crown of heaven goes on within the soul, he continually resists his own good by the weight of his criticism, condemnation, and judgment. The very hands that seek to feed him the heavenly manna are examined with distrust, and the fruit of wrong striving is always the ashes of his error. How many times we have sought some pathway into the soul, into the heart, into the person of a man, that we might restore the boundaries of the old temple of the Son of God. The Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth,{171} the magnificence of the Cosmic Christ, is God's gift to every man. Culminating in the life of Jesus two thousand years ago, this manifest example of divine grace, by the power of holy law, sought to give mankind the fullness of grace as an adjunct to the law that would supersede, in part, the ancient Mosaic codes. He sought to expand greater light in the world through the kingdom of Christendom in order to make the world safe for the manifestation of God. But the Communist hordes came and the fertile brain of Karl Marx expounded the philosophy of the damned that would ignore karmic law, the law of recompense that justly conveys to each lifestream the fruit of his own labors. Thus men sought to legislate against heaven and to provide in the world a form of social salvation - housing for bodies, food for bodies, dialectical materialism for minds, side by side with invective, maldesign, and social unrest which were intended to destroy the matrix of the invisible world, to destroy man's rights to spiritual freedom, to force him into a smothering state wherein the social order would take complete dominion over his life. Instead of being rid of this blight, the world today is even more steeped in it. The dogmas of Communism have invaded the Church as the powers of darkness have sought to spread a web of confusion over the minds of men, thus, in the name of brotherhood, to deprive them of their freedom. The cooperation of individuals in high places with the forces of darkness has imposed upon mankind today in the bookstalls of the world, in the theater, in the places of learning, through communication media of television and radio, the strange semantics of those who seek the control of the minds of men for whatever parcel of reality they deem worthy of their energies. Thus the voices of the damned proclaim a false freedom, and the innocent together with the guilty become carrion abominators - denying the Christ, denying the Light of the world, denying peace and goodwill to men. The warlords of the world, united with the financial interests, have made merchandise of true culture. The teachings of the great men of letters, of prophets, of minstrels of the Spirit, of the great musicians of old, of great painters and sculptors is in a state of decay; for the world has entered the madness of the spoilers and the sensuality of the purveyors of enervating and senseless thrill to the hurt of men. In the Book of Revelation allusion is made to the fact that the stingers are in their tails,{172} and veritably in the tails of men, in the lower order of their consciousness, have the forces sought to bring down this nation as fallen Pompeii. Freedom and democracy are less enshrined as the days pass, and the high-court decisions of the United States have defrauded men of the necessary protection of law and order in a land where men are not yet trained withal to understand the laws of karma and that they are indeed their brothers' keepers. Now, then, with all of this destructive manifestation and the resultant decisions made by the Lords of Karma, we say to every son of heaven, to everyone who loves freedom, who desires to see it sustained either in his own personal world or in the worlds of men: now is not the time to loll indolently and to say, "So what?" or "What can I do about it?" Now is the hour of reckoning when men must continue to plight their faith in the purposes of Almighty God, regardless of the world's madness. Take no example from the decadent. Pursue not with them the same "riots to destruction." Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by recognition of the seamless garment of universality, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. Be a Rock of Ages, be immovable in Christ, abound with the joie de vivre that always rests in faith in Godly ideals. Lot joyed not in the doings of the men of Sodom.{173} Therefore, you need not rejoice in the doings of men, nor should you be moved by them; but remain steadfast, immovable to the perfection of your Presence. These tests that we have said would come, have come; and even if they worsen, the power of heaven is able to summon the invincible, God-victorious cosmic honor flame that precedes the manifestation of cosmic purpose because it sustains cosmic purpose in mind and heart. The light of God never fails, and therefore the Great White Brotherhood will continue to espouse those ideals for mankind which in moments of weakness they cannot express for themselves. The tendency on the part of humanity to mimic one another has lowered standards of conduct as the infection of sensual disorder and carelessness in dress reduces the hopes of men for heaven in this age. What need have they for heaven? Are they not in communion with the sensuality which they crave, which reeks of a depravity they know not of, but in which they are content as unperceived error? When it is too late they will glimpse it. But we are concerned for those who are able to see it and shun it today, who are reaching out and up for the energy that can yet save the age - that can yet deliver the world. Not by an individual Messianic concept do we seek to heal the breach, but by recognition that many sons of light serving together as invokers of the Cosmic Presence, serving with hierarchy and with the Karmic Board, can yet put a finger in the dike of world karma and produce a spiritual renaissance through the teachings which must be carefully formed, preserved, exhibited in a proper setting, and extended as a chalice of hope to a waiting world. The sunlight of God's love is the sunlight of God's freedom. Into the dimensionless, limitless world of the Spirit man must come, bearing in his hand the cup of his desire for God's wonderful revelation, for God's wonderful work to be made known unto him. There is so much that is hidden, waiting to be revealed, that we can scarcely contain ourselves as we work under higher guidance to raise the consciousness of the aspirant toward the Light and away from the shadows that life has sought to impose upon him. It is altogether just that you be raised into the perception of the Light and to shun the darkness, and thus have I lengthened this epistle in the hope that greater perception might come to those whom we love so dearly. Devotedly, I AM SAINT GERMAIN ****** Chapter 39 Beloved Lanto - September 24, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 39 - Beloved Lanto - September 24, 1967 OUR BROTHERHOOD by Lord Lanto I "The Eyes of God Are upon You" To increase the perspective of mankind and to provide for an extension of his powers of vision is God's will. The vastness of the universe in the relative sense shows clearly to the discerning one that the minds of the men of the present age - and I refer herein to the mass consciousness - are not capable of grasping universal principles at this period of their evolution; for their every whim is gratified in preference to the expansion of the invisible but tangible nature of the soul within. We have searched through the stream of embodied individuals, hoping to find those receptive ones whom we can employ in the service of the Light. In our council meetings, again and again, we ourselves (albeit we came from the evolutions of the Earth) are struck with the trivial decoys which the sinister forces and the entrenched social systems employ, often unwittingly, in order to produce profit for their coffers and attractions to enthrall the attention of men. Releases such as this one could be most efficacious in altering the trend of mankind's decadent consciousness if we could secure the attention of enough individuals upon the planetary body. But after all, those who are bound and enslaved, like poor yoked animals with blinders on their eyes, content with the fodder of passing satisfactions, are scarcely ready to receive the illumination of the brothers of light. Those who have received it, who are fortunate enough to esteem the teaching, are the few; but it would seem that every arrow of earthly sensuality is flung against their endeavors. In one sense, it is as though the age were a microspeck upon the balance wheel of the great cosmic clock. Moving to and fro in accordance with the yin and yang of cosmic epochs themselves, mankind's attention to diversions seems to keep him wedded exclusively to the consciousness of his contemporaries and to a round of life and death that is subject to mortal frames of reference. In this glorious Temple of Illumination - now visited by so many tourists each year who are drawn by the magnetic tides of our holy temple, yet only the few being conscious of their significance - it is our wish that we might, through the outer kingdom of nature, the great mountain ranges, and vast cosmic dioramas of the universe, magnetize man's attention to the invisible powers resident within nature and in the laboratory of the individual consciousness. Gazing upon the miracles of the trees, the four seasons, the reproductive systems of nature, the galactic and star systems, the myriad birds of the air, with their multicolored plumages, the subtle nature of the individual, the psyche of man, the powers of the mind within - extrasensory perception as men call it, intuition as women call it, a hunch as gamblers call it, and the natural extension and involvement of the individual with the universe as we would call it - it would seem so natural out of all of this visible miracle of creation for men to see, sense, and search for the glories of the invisible world, the world of primeval cause, of limitless beauty just behind the screen of nature. Men ask, "Which way is the age going, up or down?" But the power of one man or woman to influence the age is seldom sensed. And when it is, this power is too frequently used as the doorway for egoistic opportunity whereby one or more individuals can secure the attention that is often captioned, "The eyes of the world are upon you." The difference between the teachings of our brotherhood and the concepts of mankind which revolve around the ego is quite simple - simple enough for a child to understand. "The eyes of God are upon you" is the motto of our temple and the significant order of the day in our brotherhood. We who understand the meaning of illumination are not so much concerned with rote - with the memorizing of earthly formulae, flights of fancy or poetry, a grasp of flora and fauna, or even an understanding of history itself. Unless the motive behind the acquisition of knowledge be an exercise in the expansion of consciousness and memory in order that the finer and more subtle senses of the individual may become God-attuned for the purpose of cosmic revelation, the real purpose of academics is not fulfilled. Without cosmic revelation all men would be ultimately dead, for the goals of men (artificial and superimposed by society as they are in most cases) which they esteem so highly are played out in threescore and ten plus. To create the fineness of mind and spirit which God has done, to create the glorious opportunities he has fashioned, would have but little meaning if life were but a merry-go-round whirl, its purpose lost among vast cosmic cycles, and the goal coming to a close as "terminus" is written on each individual chapter. The beauty of infinite life was captured in the Psalms of David and in his statement "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." 1EN Thus all of the beauty of life without end was created for the joy and glory of the manifest son; and the eternal brotherhood serves only to release infinite directions to finite man as a means to effect his permanent liberation from the cycles of birth and death. Here in the Grand Teton Ranges the high and holy vibratory action of the sacred fire pulsates within our temple. The pulsations of that flame of golden illumination are beamed every moment into the world atmosphere, and what we do here is done in every retreat of the Great White Brotherhood. Outwardly our temple represents the Rock of Ages; within it represents the golden flame of illumination which the Rock of Ages really is. It has been said that "no man is an island." 2EN Yet every man is his own gatekeeper. At the gateway of the eternal temple he must free himself by knowing his real nature. Just as man knows his outward nature and can psychoanalyze himself, giving a host of names to various situations in which he finds himself, so must he learn to know the man that is within, the man of the Spirit, the Infinite One who guides the outer man into the temple of divine experience and immortality. Without immortality, life has little meaning. With it, life has all meaning. The greatest problem in the world, then, is that men seek outer knowledge, motivated by the desire to outshine one another. Inner knowledge, vouchsafed to man in the stillness of his own heart, does not expand the sense of self-importance which mankind in this era of mass effluvia crave. All of these conditions are but lies of the carnal mind; they create wretchedness and unhappiness where beauty and security ought to manifest. We urge, therefore, that the youth of this time shall examine the old temples, built to the eternal consciousness; for their wisdom is ageless. For the glory of God in man, I remain for the brotherhood in the Royal Teton, LANTO This Pearl of Wisdom was dictated near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, at the foot of the Grand Teton Range. Note: On page 15 of the Harvest Class program reference is made to the dictation of the Goddess of Liberty given at the July conference and the dispensation for bringing the masters' teachings to the world via radio and television. As the spokesman for the Karmic Board, the Goddess of Liberty gave the official release of this dispensation at inner levels. However, it was beloved Lanto who, in his dictation given later in the class, gave this information to the students. The triune focus established by beloved Helios and Vesta together with beloved Liberty was intended to serve as the foundation stone for the entire expansion program outlined to the students by beloved Lanto from the Grand Teton Retreat. Although all of the ascended masters are one, we wish to give proper credit for the services of each one which combine to make up the total activity of the Great White Brotherhood. ****** Chapter 40 Beloved Lanto - October 1, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 40 - Beloved Lanto - October 1, 1967 OUR BROTHERHOOD by Lord Lanto II The Star of Universality When you play the ode to the "Evening Star" from the opera Tannhauser think of me and of the brothers here in the Tetons and know that far above the towering peaks and our range of light does shine the star of universality. Men say that they are brothers; and if they are, their deeds will stand behind their words. The impetus for action through illumination is captured in the rays that we seek now to disseminate. We desire to see the unification of a world maddened by strife, nationalism, and egoistic individualism, a world of vicious power complexes controlled by men whose pitiful lives became distraught early in childhood by age-old oppressions. Their reactions to these oppressions made them vow to control the environment which they found to be not to their liking. And because they are more numerous than the babe in Bethlehem, the world is filled with old tyrannies, hatreds, and clashes of violence. The Prince of Peace in his great outreach to mankind continues the supplication of his unseen but often heartfelt presence, "Come unto me, all ye who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." 1EN The inscrutable face of the world order, seized upon by fanatics, one facet at a time, is itself unknown to the masses who accept things as they find them and seldom attempt to change them. Those who would control men - the advertising hypnotists, the owners and directors of mass media of communication, the planners of scholastic systems, even those who would lead men toward a form of Godliness - all work in the direction of confinement rather than limitless expression. Man is a spirit, even as God is a Spirit. And in the depths of himself, man seeks to know the real that is within. His heart grows weary with the struggle for existence, for he knows that unaided he cannot win the game of life. He senses the decay in the world order, just as he recognizes the transitory nature of himself in an outward sense. Many of our servants upon earth become temporarily discouraged as they gaze upon the outer world (dis)order and the frightful forces that now have so much of society in their grips. Each chela, regardless of how long he has served our cause, must be aware that this discouragement, too, is intended by the dark ones. He must also realize that the mass consciousness of mankind is completely controlled by astral forces and that only through the united efforts of the minds and hearts of the chelas of freedom, the disciples of limitless expression, can there be found hope to change the world and to produce some semblance of order out of world chaos. Let men continue to have faith; for if it is frustrating to mankind embodied to cope with these situations, Consider for a moment what it is like at our level, where we are forbidden to interfere with the doings of men except when invoked by you or others among mankind. As a part of the Godhead, as a part of hierarchy, as a part of the brothers, we must conform to the laws of God regarding himself and we must answer only when called upon. Because the relatively few know us and call upon us, there is therefore little that can be done at times when great need exists. The key to it all lies in the expansion in the world of form of the knowledge about the brothers of light, about the spiritual hierarchy, about the ascended masters, about the natural unfoldment of the individual through his own beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Unless this be done, the world will not suddenly turn to the light. It has never been enough simply to produce great lights in the world. Some of these go down in the halls of fame and are remembered in the annals of every age. But deeds are more important than names, and the face of pure truth is more important than to speak about it. We urge upon those of you today with whom We have contact to understand that al ofthe glory that is held focused on all of Our Retreats in the world has little meaning for embodided mankiknd unless We can accomplish in your time one of two things: either (1) the broad expansion of the knowledge of Our Work, or (2) the laying of a foundation for that Work to be expanded in succeeding generations. We hope to do both, but unless there is a preservation of the ideals of democracy, a reemployment of constitutional fervor, and a reinstitution of great understanding concerning the nature of Liberty as a timeless Gift of God, We fear lest the last trace of idealism-such as that which has been embodied in America from its inception, thanks to the splendid work of Saint Getmain-will be all but wiped out by the juxtaposition of opposing forces and the non-agreement of those who are supposedly working for the same purposes. For those who are in Reality on the same team, battling for world and individual Freedom, actually permit side issues to interfere with basic goals while personality problems and the egotistical advancement of their own spectacular aims obscure the purposes of Universal Brotherhood and the spread in the world of God Dominion everywhere. You say, "What a pity!' But it is you who are among embodied mankind who must in these forthcoming decades bear the brunt of the effluvic weight - for layer upon layer, man has piled up gross sense perceptions, weights of opposition and complaint, and guileful protestations which appear to ridicule even the Children of the Light. Now, because the time is truly very short, We urge upon everyone who reads this epistle to recognize that the Brothers of the Royal Teton from the date of this release, this year, until the close of the Seven Holy Weeks which culminate in the Messianic celebration of Christ-Mass, will make every effort to spur mankind to awaken from the lethargy of the ages and the sense of delusion which holds him bound. I believe, as do Our Brothers of Light, that the Golden Flame of Christ Illumination can be magnified this season in a limitless way if everyone will give Me his attention and then turn with Me as We together face the Cosmic Christ with all of His Beauty and Magnificence. Let us, then, project this Image into all religions and movements upon the planet, toward all people, throughout the manifestation of Nature, into our bodies, minds and beings, and call for the expansion of that projected Image by the Cosmic Christ Himself, by the forcefield of the Mighty "I AM' Presence from the Heart of Alpha and Omega, in order that We might produce the effect of a burning Flame, a brilliant Star in the consciousness of mankind. Set against the backdrop of the black velvet of human allure and sensuality will be seen the Nova of God Magnificence, and this true Polestar of Divine Magnetism will attract mankind and be the Hope of Illumination to the world, of Freedom from fear and oppression, of the Transmutation of violence by the magnification of Christ Love and the steadying of the vessel that now moves midst seas of turbulence created down through the centuries by mankind's karma. In the Name of the Prince of Peace may We daily radiate out into the world the Call for Transmutation and Hope, "Peace be still and know that I AM God." For the Brotherhood in the Royal Teton, I AM LANTO ****** Chapter 41 Beloved God Meru - October 8, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 41 - Beloved God Meru - October 8, 1967 A GOLDEN AGE STANDARD BY GOD AND GODDESS MERU I The Gentle Seeds of Brotherhood Because knowledge commands respect and monetary compensation, the youth flock to the colleges in search of recognition and stature that they may compete in the marketplaces of life. Seldom, with all their getting of knowledge, do they understand the power of the manipulators. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the manipulators are behind current trends in education which prepare the young people not for an understanding of the science of soul and the goal of life, but for a competitive, materialistic economy. Those who manipulate the masses as puppets on strings are far too shortsighted to understand the inevitability of cosmic law: That which hurts one hurts all. Thus the ultimate end of their efforts of control is the return of the cycles of energies misused to their point of origin. The nefarious plots hatched by the powers of darkness continue to trap the unwary; and the masses are traditionally enslaved by political and religious snares together with an infestation of destructive energies that in the last days of this age have sought the total disorganization of man. There is always the danger, frankly, that mankind will consider our admonishments as a broken record; and this, of course, is the fondest desire of the evil ones - that men should fail to heed our warnings which are born of the necessities of the hour. It must be remembered by every keen observer that to go against an entrenched system or a commonly accepted tradition is to incur the displeasure of one's fellowmen and to make such a brave one a target for the opposition of the world. Without a doubt there are times when individuals lack the courage to take a stand contrary to mass opinion. This often results in social and political trends that are not welcomed by many among the masses who, themselves lacking the courage to do something about the "state of affairs" in which they find the world, continue to wag their tongues in dismay even as the shifting sands of mortal opinion stifle their voices of protest. Through the ages the few have been in the vanguard in the material as well as the spiritual sciences; these have sought to preserve for their fellowmen tenets of truth of great worth and to assist all in adapting to those necessary conceptual rephrasings that outline progress for the future. The crying need of every hour, then, is for men to perceive their lives, not as chips tossed to and fro by the weight of mortal opinion and the flood tides of commerced tradition, but to assert the potential of the individual to make his mark upon the sands of life, hollowing out a way in which the children of the future can safely walk. Universal knowledge is intended to be a multifaceted monolith. Inherent within the unity of its structure, provision was made for the needs of each social segment. Out of the stellar luminaries in the field of education, not chaos and diversity, but order and unity will best preserve for all time to come a steady rate of progress to the world. A civilization divided against itself cannot ultimately stand, for the interplay of forces in all past ages has ever created out of the brew of tyranny those internal dissatisfactions which have shaped the destruction of societies. To disregard the tomes of prophecy, while heeding the strident voices of variegated human opinion, is utter foolishness. The powers of darkness know, even as the apostle of hatred, Adolf Hitler, knew, that the key to the future is in the youth. As the decades pass, so pass the centuries, and with the flowering maturity and falling bloom, the best fruits become traditional markings which posterity may disregard or enhance. In the days of golden-age Atlantis so much emphasis was placed upon the education of the youth that society en masse, regardless of the differences emphasized in individual attainment, was moving constantly toward a golden-age standard of Christlike beauty. Certainly in stability and order there is security in heart and mind. When human viciousness is allowed to spread and, in fact, is encouraged, when integrity is disregarded and men feel a sense of great personal power that is in no way subject to cosmic law, this gives rise to a code of ethics based on the philosophy that the end justifies the means and that to the victor belongs the spoils. In the current racial crises that have been festering as a boil across America and other parts of the world, there seems to be a disregard on all sides for the justice of God. Nothing won without merit can be long retained. To legislate equality is one thing, but to evolve it within the personal equation of the individual is another. By the reeducation of values and the assessment of personal goals as these relate to the total progress of society as a whole, men can produce both knowledge and understanding. When a sense of values is lost and the carnal wages of sin are reaped, death is the fruit. Life and love are synonymous with justice, and divine justice will always produce good fruit on the vine when the Lord of the harvest is consulted and his precepts followed. The tendency on the part of mankind today to legislate equality on one hand and to deny opportunity to men on the other is a fraud of first proportions. All of the governments of the world, whether they are totalitarian or democratic have a responsibility to all of the people of the world. To rob people of freedom in the name of social interest or to give them excess freedom in name only when robbing them of economic and social opportunities - such imbalance produces a yin and yang in human affairs that always results in strife. Divine economics requires the employment of the efforts of all men toward the promotion of understanding and unity. The inroads of centuries of unrest and strife are not usually removed in a moment, but noble beginnings can be made by man and the more critical evils relieved. The Brotherhood desires to see, together with the fruit of striving for a better world, the creation of a climate of understanding among all peoples which will relieve the stresses that a false science has produced in the world of form as the antithesis of a false religion. Religion and science are opposite poles of the same rod. Without science, religion cannot flourish; for true science produces the fruit of divine intelligence to relieve drudgery and provide all with the opportunity to pursue happiness in the onward march of man's spiritual progress. Yet, true religion affords the means whereby the mind is freed to sense the blessedness of becoming one's brother's keeper, not as a mogul of power to rule over one's fellowmen but as a member of the same human family, not so much dedicated to defend one's nationalistic and racial differences as to draw close to the strands of immortal brightness held ever within the tenets of the brotherhood. One of the great founding strengths of America was her Constitution. The more the inalienable rights of man can be regarded and freedom enhanced for the people of the world, the more quickly the discordant manifestations that are so unappetizing to men of perception can be eliminated. Thought precedes action, and thus there must be released into the world of form a greater measure of understanding in order for the fruit of right knowledge to manifest. The harvest of brotherhood, beloved ones, comes from the sowing first of the gentle seeds of brotherhood. Toward the illumination of the age, I AM MERU Temple of Illumination Lake Titicaca ****** Chapter 42 Beloved Goddess Meru - October 15, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 42 - Beloved Goddess Meru - October 15, 1967 A GOLDEN AGE STANDARD BY GOD AND GODDESS MERU II A Cosmic Sense of the Unity of Life One of the frustrations of the times is the sense that men have of being unable to effect changes in the world order - changes, that is, to their own liking. The individual has the best chance to change himself and; therefore, those who would see change initiated in the world can best commence with the sweeping of their own blessed doorsteps. The ancient admonishment of the Master to remove the beam from one's eye that he might clearly see the mote in his brother's eye, is just as applicable today as it was two thousand years ago as an effective measure for individual progress. To purify the world, then, begin with the self. Above all, understand that right knowledge, cleansing the self, will overflow the banks of your own world and assist the universal stream of consciousness that flows through the world channels to produce the fruit of goodness to all life. The borders of man's perceptions can be enlarged in greater measure as the burrs of traditional bigotry are removed from the manifold religious and political persuasions of the world. Because men express opinions that are either loved or hated, the persons expressing them are often either loved or hated. "Certainly we find no fault with love," you say, "but a great deal of fault with hatred." I tell you that today there is as much danger in the wrong kind of love or loyalty as there is in hatred itself. Many of the world's hatreds are founded upon mankind's intolerance of others' intolerance; and a great deal of the world's loves, so-called, are really expressions of loyalty to principles that people have come to accept through habit rather than an objective analysis of available information. True love is not dependent upon mankind's expressions any more than the shining of the sun is partial to the just. People would be most wise, then, if they desire to draw others to a higher way of life, to learn to express that higher way of life themselves. This can best be done through a cosmic sense of the unity of life. The compartmentalization of the world into circles based on pride in family, community, race, nation, or educational background has resulted in a dangerous division within the world community. Those who cannot identify with one or more of these social compartments are found to be in total rebellion against society as a whole. Such schisms produce emotional disorders of the gravest kind and eventually result in the outbreak of violence, either organized or sporadic; the fragmentation which ensues weakens the national fiber even though comparatively few are involved. There are, of course, cultural ties whereby those of goodly persuasion and comely manner seem to gravitate toward those of a like nature; whereas those lacking in grace who manifest coarseness in demeanor and concepts feel more comfortable with those of a comparable development. It is impossible for the Godhead to regard one segment of society or of his creation above another. His love, like the sun shining in its strength, goeth out equally unto all. This is the attitude that the teacher of righteousness should employ. People have already placed themselves into very fixed categories and, thus, only by their acceptance of the power of change and the will to embrace a higher form of consciousness can they change their present course. Then, through the acceptance of that form of consciousness and the noble effort to walk in it, they will be found to rise progressively in the social order even as they increase in Godliness and the ways of a true son of God. The teacher of righteousness together with the political representative of universal law should always consider the definition of the great Master Jesus to be paramount in their callings. He that will be great among you, let him be the servant of all. It is to serve men's needs, their spiritual hungers as well as their hunger for bread, that the true public servant must strive. When a sense of caste or division, either real or imagined, exists in the individual and is fed, the soul becomes landlocked as a sea with no outlet. "Flow" can only be preserved, as cosmic law defines it, through the maintenance of clear channels, permitting both ingress and egress of communication with one's fellowmen and communion with one's God. Men find it easy to love those conditions that they can equate with their own personal goals and methods of achievement. They ought, rather, to understand that out of the long night of struggle that has involved all of humanity, there have been so many different sets of experience patterns as molding factors to the various segments of society that it is highly unlikely that individuals will react in the same manner to the same stimuli. We encourage the employment of consideration and understanding by all who deal with social injustice, for these qualities are paramount and necessary at this time. To heal the problems of race and creed, to prevent the dissolution of society by internally destructive tendencies that set brother against brother, is to outsmart the purposes of the princes of darkness. In the matter of prayer in the schools of America, in their desire to serve the equitable needs of a secular society the Supreme Court has literally thrown out all prayer, all religion, and all teachings pertaining to God. And thus, learning has been reduced to the simple expression of stereotyped academics. The moral fiber of the country has deteriorated under this misapplication of the Law. In their desire to turn to that which they thought was right, the planners of educational curricula have left behind essential ingredients so necessary in the building of character and understanding among people of all walks of life. The God Meru and I, as servants of the hierarchy and devotees of the needs of a planet, are suggesting that deep consideration and pondering of mind and heart shall be given to some of these aspects of life which are so often not brought to the fore because men are shortsighted. Often individuals feel compelled to articulate on a subject before they have thought out a sensible solution to a given problem. In other cases, those who have workable solutions of value to mankind hesitate to speak out, fearing to suffer the censure of others who may not agree with them. Early forms of practical democracy thrust upon the citizenry of the United States the need to make decisions and to participate in them (e.g., the New England town meeting). Today men have accepted their traditions as a dried branch, a staff to learn upon which they seek to preserve without enhancing. The opportunities of this day are greater than those of the past. Labor-saving devices have given men freedom, and the middle classes enjoy a prosperity that once was for the privileged few. Yet, unfair advantage has been taken again and again of these situations and pleasure seeking has replaced man's joy of providing for his posterity through preserving his heritage and the opportunities inherent within it. With the advent in America and the world of greater and greater destructivity as the vicious forces of violence and unrest continue to manifest as the fruit of discord in the youth of the world, we advocate the formation of vigilantes of the spirit who recognize that they must start right where they are to do something to reverse the downward course of the world order. Where is the spine and spunk of mankind? As Saint Paul said long ago, " ... whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame ..." With new emphasis upon the getting of knowledge, I implore men to seek for understanding. This is your world, even as it is God's, and I think your safety lies also in helping to bring in the kingdom of peace and order through the teaching of the young. I remain THE GODDESS MERU A teacher mindful of the needs of her many children. ****** Chapter 43 Beloved Lord Gautama - October 22, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 43 - Beloved Lord Gautama - October 22, 1967 Universal Brotherhood Must Be Lived The potential of world destruction must be measured by thinking men everywhere. Countermeasures may be too late if the bulwarks of freedom are not reinforced today. The preservation of peace is dependent upon the sanity of the leaders of the world and upon the maintenance by mankind en masse of a spirit of universal harmony that promotes world understanding. True though it may be that the power of destruction and the unleashment of that destruction is in the hands of a few, there are safeguards that can be utilized by the many in effecting the preservation of world peace. One of the greatest problems in the world today is that of inertia and division amongst the good people and the tendency on the part of the progressive elements of society to underestimate the destructive intent of the darkened factions ruled by the malcontents. Because their own motives are kindly and benign, they find it difficult to understand that there is a strong undercurrent of unrest in the world which is marshaling the forces of darkness that have bred a new face of violence, rearing its ugly head through various potholes in the world community. To meet force with force, anger with anger, intolerance with intolerance, and reaction with reaction is not an effective deterrent to disunity. You may understand what specific quality of unrest is behind a given situation, you may agree with it or you may disagree with it, but you cannot heal it in the world of the rebellious ones by any process whatsoever; for the bulk of those who are behind the current uprisings have sworn to defeat every segment of society that represents law and order. They have an ally of great strength in the karmic situation that has denied to the masses in many parts of the world the very necessities of daily living. They have an ally in the fact that the dollars of the world are, in the main, in the hands of a few who are often unwilling to relinquish their control of the destiny and economics of the world, failing to foresee that their very clutching, grasping, and hoarding of the supply of mankind will ultimately produce their own downfall. Already today they are forced to reckon not just with an infant beginning to face, but a full-grown youth ready to take his place in challenging all of the old established systems that have for many decades ruled in the world community. Now is not the time for men to feel that either the withholding or the giving is going to provide a solution to the problems of the age. What is essential is the banding together in the world community of those who can support the traditional elements of society that have proven themselves to be efficacious in the administration of mankind's needs. Then, when the banding together is more or less completed, this segment of society must determine that it will dedicate itself anew to the providing of educational facilities for the people of the world with an accent upon moral values that cannot be equivocated. The awful stress and strain that have come to manifest in increasing and ever widening circles provide no field of hope to the incoming children and youth, but only a steadfast promise of a gradually deteriorating social structure. I assure you, if this trend is allowed to continue, its present downward course will ultimately result in the complete socialization of mankind under a group of tyrants who will sweep away the very foundations of world freedom and the individual rights of man. Here in Shamballa where our every desire is to express the nature of the Divine among men, where our every thought is the preservation of world peace and the making possible at an early date of the glories of the golden age, it is unthinkable that the trends now manifesting as the signs of the times, whose every portent is toward greater destructivity, should continue. There are principal problems which must be met. One of the most destructive of all is the amplification of the base elements of human nature in the youth of the world and the frightful attacks upon their sanity by the widespread use of psychedelic drugs. The combination of drugs and destructive rhythms creates a two-pronged attack that bids to dominate the minds of the future by disorder and chaos that will not be able to combat effectively the trends of those times to come, and will, therefore, yield to those who are able to manipulate mankind into their own clutches. The making of pawns out of people in the social order, including entertainers, politicians, advertising executives, and many others whose every measure of value seems to be based on the question "Does it pay?" does not assure mankind any degree of comfortability concerning the future. The cigarette industry has sought to suppress at every opportunity the facts concerning the harmful inroads made into the human body by the tar within tobacco compounds. If mankind knew how far they have gone in this area alone they would be greatly shocked. There is a type of music that is being played constantly today, through which, by the power of amplification within transistors and vacuum tubes, coupled with huge sound-producing speakers, the psychic world is permitted direct ingress into the four lower bodies of the youth, thus tending to break down their every moral code and wedding them to darkness. The topless bathing-suit craze, "go-go" and "key" clubs that have been popularized across America and the world cater to the decadent elements in man; and while they may be titillating to the flesh, they erode every fine facet of the soul. There is now, then, no longer any need to pull punches. The hierarchy of light has taken off its gloves, and we are determined that mankind shall be apprised of these many insupportable situations. You do not know how much law and order have already broken down in the world community. The citizenry today fear even to take a stand to protect those who are attacked by the depredations of isolated individuals as well as gangs. Many men and women fear for their lives and therefore they continue to live in the flesh according to the lusts thereof while their spiritual lives are being snuffed out and devoured by the denizens of darkness. Can we here in Shamballa, basking in the light of God that never fails, remain content while child-man is continually subjected to the awful attacks upon his divine opportunity that exist in the world of form today? There is no hope, blessed ones, anywhere else except in the thought and action of hierarchy. True brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God, the linking of hearts to promote world destiny as God intended, is the only countermeasure that will abate the unprecedented assaults upon common decency and cosmic law in the world community. There are so many treacherous tricks that are employed by the powers of darkness that it has become difficult for us to reach the masses successfully. The mass media of the world are controlled. Our messengers, such as those who serve in this activity of light, are ridiculed by those who cannot comprehend that the powers of heaven are able to reach mankind in this age of man-made communication and the power of electronics to ring the world. What a pity that they so limit the Deity while acknowledging human supremacy in the field of communication. We have no bitterness in this matter except that we deplore the denial by mankind of their own immortal, God-given birthright. We deplore the fact that they must abide in unhappiness when divine happiness is waiting to bestow upon them the fruit of striving. We are not purveyors of gloom, and our purpose in revealing this knowledge in this Pearl of Wisdom is to institute in the thoughts of mankind some awareness of the need to reinforce the bulwarks of light and to counteract the tides of human aggression against the eternal purposes. Divine grace is not spawned in human darkness; but the fruit of that which is created in the minds of the unperceptive and limited is often full of rotten energy, corrupting the entire field of human endeavor. The plea entertained in this release is for an awakening of mankind on a world scale to the dangers of division. The Lutherans deny confession, even as the Catholics affirm it; but what difference does this disagreement make in the field of honesty and decency among men? Cannot men learn to work together regardless of doctrinal differences and can they not strive for that better world which they know within their hearts ought to manifest? Why do they spend so much time in religious competition? Why is there such a sense of loyalty to mere facets of truth when, as has been said, the great monolith of devotion to Almighty God ought to be raised beneath the sun and point heavenward to show the incoming children and youth the integrity and value that God himself has embodied within nature. I have spoken much, but much has been left unsaid. I seek to alert, I seek to quicken, I seek to preserve the schoolrooms of Earth as places of opportunity where men can yet learn. When the day comes that man is no longer able to learn the lessons that God has intended him to do, as an embryonic God - made a little lower than the angels, yet crowned with more glory and honor - there will be no further excuse for the preservation of life upon this blessed planet. Destroy the opportunities in the world for freedom of expression, destroy the opportunities for conformity to the individuality of the self as expressed in the noble Shakespearean statement, "This above all: to thine own self be true, and ... thou canst not then be false to any man," and you have removed the raison d'etre of life from the field of man's consciousness; and the pinch of cosmic dust that the Earth is had better fall into the heart of the sun and be absorbed by the cleansing flame thereof. The meaning and purpose of life in its totality is to express that peace and good will which was the message of the angels long ago at the birth of the Christ in Bethlehem. Both the Arab and the Jewish communities, the Gentile community, the East and the West, the North and the South, men of learning and men without learning - all men ought to understand within themselves that universal brotherhood must be lived! They must employ every force that is representative of justice and perfection in the service of the world order that divine purpose be served and that disease, inharmony, struggle, pain, and hopelessness shall vanish from the earth in the sunburst of that eternal reality for which the world waiteth now centuries without end. I am forthrightly raising the banner of Shamballa to the waiting world. To East and West in full view I say, long may it wave as the banner of God's hope for man. GAUTAMA ****** Chapter 44 Beloved El Morya - October 29, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 44 - Beloved El Morya - October 29, 1967 "By Thy Grace I AM Love" The Presence of Life removes the dust of little things from the garments. The Presence of Love infuses the soul with a new thought: "By Thy grace I AM Love." Thus does the self stand aside and the Eternal Presence consummate the mystical union between souls. Purpose is not conspiracy. Purpose is fulfillment of the nature of Love - service. To love is to serve. He that is great in service is perfected in love. The saints gathered small stones until their strength grew, and then they carried the larger stones to build the temple. From the base of the mountain we have seen them rise, and it is a joyous occasion as the light upon the face of the shining ones shows that hope has been fulfilled in purpose. Sorrow for the masses who remain on the plain is glue. They have made their choices, and opportunity lives on within its cycle phases. Those who choose the Spirit will, like a flashing arrow of light, penetrate the substance of darkness and part its curtained veil. There can be no continual compromise with destructivity. The world lingers now in her cups, and the bar of justice is crowded. The stars fall to the earth in a shower, and these other men of light are ignored with their messages of hope and regeneration. Heaven is stirred to renew the conflict of the ages in the battle for the minds and souls of men; and if the children of Belial are wiser in their own generation than the children of light, we shall not endure it. In the councils of light we shall produce an alteration this hour. God has spoken and flourished a planet, a verdant home of wondrous natural cycles. The magnetism of his thought, as a keenly whetted blade, flashes to cut down the weeds of purposeless nonsense. The man with the hoe aerates the earth and the latter rain falleth. There is no darkness that the light cannot penetrate save the loosely knit perceptions of men whose free will weaves a wall of rejection around itself. Those who reject the power of the Spirit, those who by reason of insensitivity and perdition say to the power of light, "You are of the power of darkness," shall have that recompense within themselves. For the glory of God belongs unto man and for this reason did God create man that he might endow him with the divine nature. The best things in life are truly free, and freedom is the best thing in life. Freedom to us is the freedom to create and to fan liberty until in the blaze the imaginings and vanity of the people is shown up in retrospect as a viper to be consumed, to be burned, to be no more! How long would men carelessly seek to preserve those values which are meaningless, destructive, purposeless and rebellious, carnal in their origin and leading to the ashes of bitterness in futility? Let all men, then, perceive that God has created a magnificent opportunity for all. There are no men and women upon the planet who cannot raise their heads in hope and face their God, saying at any age in the tenderness of the reaffirmation of the covenant, "By thy leave, O God." Such humility and assignation returns to the Father the right hand of purpose. Surely it is his will, as soon as the son has demonstrated proficiency with the bow, to hand to him the quiver and the arrow and say, "The universe is thine." It is simply a matter of mastery. Demonstrate proficiency in spiritual things and unify the wholeness of your life expression. If you have talent, employ it in the salvation of men. Let those in art seek those art forms That ennoble the Spirit, That inspire mothers with child Until their dreams can be of finer things That, floating softly in the air, Do tell of man's command of prayer, To speak the Word and see it be A thing of joy for all to see, A radiant form of happiness A child could press onto his breast And feel a surge of comfort there Because it spoke eternal care. God loves you here and loves you there, The universe is now your home - Where'er you go, where'er you roam Your God is there, you are his son - A spark of light he made - well done. No more is tarnish on your soul A plan unfolds: it is the goal Be still, my child, and fret no more - Your heart is now forevermore God's open door. Then step right through And see the world he'd have you view - A passport to great majesty A mantle wear; your freedom be, And go or come beneath his hand Your life's secure; then by God stand! Creator-son and master of The world below and up above - He made you then and loves you still But you must find his holy will. The key to Being is thine own - You asked for bread, he gives no stone - Save Rock of ages, Christ the Light, Through him who vanishes our night. The day eternal shows the way - The game of life to play As we uphold the Law of Good We'll understand life as we should And fear will go and all that's bad That caused us to be sometimes sad: The light will raise us from the sod And seat us on the throne of God. I AM is Being all secure - I AM is Being, all that's pure, I AM is Life as perfect plan - I AM is God who dwells in man. Beloved ones, see in this poem from my heart the ideals that are sometimes put aside and forgotten at the moment when they are most needed. Meditate on these things and may you ever remain, in the harvest of your life or in the springtime, one who seeks to serve without the mania of egotism that so often hurts one's brothers needlessly. Be the comfort of good will to men, and in thy being witness the staunchness of God, rising and raising thy life into the folds of its spiritual identity, into regenerative effort. In the tenderness of the Infinite, I remain EL MORYA ****** Chapter 45 Beloved Archangel Raphael - November 5, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 45 - Beloved Archangel Raphael - November 5, 1967 Blessed Mother-to-Be In the matter of motherhood, blessed ones, few understand the law of creation. The soul, a tender thing in all its burning reality, came forth from God as plastic substance upon which could be inscribed phrasings of the higher law. The very nature of God was the design by which the soul was wrought. In great hope did the soul go forth into manifestation only to find a bad example dwelling among men which marred its true light and caused it to retreat farther and father from the surface of the flesh form. Thus, as the light withdrew, the soul remained as a pulsation behind the rhythm of the heart but separated in ever increasing degree from the outer manifestation of man's thoughts and feelings. By and by the beautiful soul which God had created in his own image became a thing independent of the nature of God until it seemed as though man dwelled in the uttermost part of the universe, so far was he from awareness of the eternal light, the realm of the angels, and the realm of beauty. Because the role of the mother is vital in the creation of opportunity for the incoming soul, there is a particular desire in my heart to place in the hands of all prospective mothers, and those who have among their friends mothers who desire to behold good rather than evil, information of a scientific nature concerning the bearing of God's children, in order that they might live in the essence of good and remain uninfluenced by the evils of the world, of the separate man, withdrawn from his Divine Self. Men wear callouses upon their consciences; they no longer feel the old responses that in times past sustained an attitude of noblesse oblige in the consciousness of man. Courtesy has been replaced by suaveness of disposition and a desire to possess rather than be possessed by God. Thus the fashion of the times has moved farther and farther away from the divine nature. But the laws of the Spirit which were employed so beautifully by Mary when she carried the founding Christ in her womb remain as new as time and eternity. Today, as always, the application of these laws can draw, unto mothers who wish to learn to love that full measure of devotion which will provide an avenue of comfort to the incoming child as well as the resurgence of its latent spiritual nature, its benign intelligence, and its emotional control. In order to achieve such results, the thoughts of the young mother must be directed into our octaves of light. For every cable of thought that is sent to God, to myself, and the heavenly hosts, we will reach down and establish in the consciousness of the mother who desires the best gifts for her child a cable of contact between our level and her own. Over this cable of light God will direct the energies of his heart, the sense of beauty, of illumination, of love, of understanding, of gratitude, of greatness of heart, and those specific endowments which heaven can find in the records of the lifestream that is taking form within her. Thus virtue and nobility can be traced upon the fabric of his soul in a manner that you can scarcely imagine or hold in the thought of your dreams. Remember that every brutal denial by mankind should but reinforce the God-determination within your heart, O blessed mother-to-be, to see outpictured in your child that strength of character that the world cannot touch. It is as the stone cut out without hands which the builders rejected; this was the image that I gave unto Mary when she carried Jesus in her womb. It was the image of an untouchable individual whose dominant virtues would be concerned with the strength of the nature of the Divine. How great is the need today for all to hold an immaculate concept for the incoming children and youth; for so many coarse souls are returning to embodiment through parents who have no concern for the heavenly hosts or the eternal realm, e'en though that realm is an ocean before the drop of their lives. Thus we urge both mother and father to contemplate the beautiful in art, in literature, in drama, in nature, and in relationships between peoples so that the young child that is growing within may be imbued with the best gifts of life. It is not enough to let him inherit your bones or the chemistry of your blood, nor would it be enough, though you were charged with spirituality, to give him but your own measure thereof. Seek, rather, to draw from the Godhead, from the star of the soul that shines above, awaiting the moment of birth, the substance that only the angel that dwells in the Presence of God can give; for each child, each man-ifestation, does have an angel Presence which is the God-individualized star of perfection whose radiant light source will ultimately ascend to become the master of life, the co-preserver, creator, and sustainer of the web of the universe which God has created as a home for all of his many manifestations. How vast the universe is, for the Infinite is all that the name implies. The strands of his love can be woven through your thoughts and feelings; his wisdom, his power can become the forte of your child to prepare him for his mission and enable him to come under our direction; for to be watched over by the angels is an honor which God has prepared for them who love him. To be the Mother of all living is well, and this is the sense of womankind today. But we prefer to say, "Farewell, Eve," and "Hail, Mary"; for not unto the children of the flesh, which can never inherit the divine kingdom, is the fulfillment of the mystery of life given, but to the son of God, to the children of the light, to those who are willing to weave garments of the Spirit, to these is given the eternal paradise of reality. Dwell not, then, in the world of illusion, in the jungle of tangled emotions, in the sense barrier of separation from the invisible realm. Let thy thoughts, the thoughts of thy heart and mind, reach right through; for we will smile through every cloud of worldly substance if you will aspire in your heart to be that wonderful mother that Mary was. This is a potential for all who can accept it in the same good faith in which I give it, as the visitant who often came and dwelled with Mary. May I offer to you during this Christmas season and always the ministry of my service and my love? Devotedly, I remain dedicated to the beautiful incoming children who shall produce for all mankind the golden age of hope and enlightenment. ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL ****** Chapter 46 Beloved Archangel Chamuel - November 12, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 46 - Beloved Archangel Chamuel - November 12, 1967 A Valiant Love: To Endure and to Overcome The nature of love, beloved ones, it seems, is misunderstood by many upon Earth. Love of the finite self is not divine love unless the divine will be joyously embraced. To adore cosmic purpose is to love. To adore human purpose, when that purpose is set apart from the Divine, is to presuppose that the will of man and the mastery of man exceeds the will and mastery of God. The higher order is always best able, by the expanse of its vision and purpose, to see just what is best for child-man. The planet earth in its present warlike state is still far from manifesting the ecstasy of the divine will and divine love. Wedded still to the sluggish ideas that conform to barbarism, men seldom express the beautiful purposes which the science of this age could well herald. There is a reason why the Masters of Wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood and the angelic hosts reiterate so frequently their appeals to those who are attuned enough to sense our purpose. This continual rephrasing of the law creates a bond between the higher octaves of light and the world order of the avant-garde spiritual family upon earth. When through attunement with the heavenly hosts the cords of divine love become substantial enough it will enable the "mental belt" of mankind's thoughts to be saturated with the radiation of our cosmic level as it pours through every one of our chelas - those who can accept our reality as well as the divine purposes of God together with their own existence. Thus we will be enabled to make the world aware of that which it has as yet but dimly perceived. Let men cognize that it is in the strata of human thought and feeling that the battle for divine reality must be waged and won. The schoolrooms of earth are intended to be places of divine harmony, but it is necessary that the children of God upon earth should understand that they have a very real responsibility to endure all things on behalf of the light and to overcome. Men must show forth the victorious sense of a valiant love. It is not enough to submit to the world order and its patterns: where necessary the disciple must break those patterns and make men aware, by a forthrightness of attitude without hatred or despair, that their course of action is contrary to harmony and pure reason. The statement made by the angelic hosts, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men," sounded forth the fortifying idea that for two thousand years has amply echoed in the consciousness of mankind as an ideal to be desired. Yet the message of the Prince of Peace has been proclaimed by angels and men right while the instruments of war were being forged and plans drawn for military conquest. At the present time it is a most unfortunate fact that all of the hard-won struggles of mankind for their basic freedoms are being challenged by what may be termed a hydra-headed monster of socialistic sprawl whose very nature threatens to engulf the freedom that some men enjoy and others still seek - the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. There are many today who have demonstrated in the interest of peace; they have marched, carrying banners of peace, when in reality the activities which they support are contrary to peace and to freedom and would ultimately dominate their own right to express good will toward all men religiously as well as secularly. In the world order there are two forces at work. One is the force of light marshaled under the dictum of the Cosmic Christ which would evoke among mankind not only a sense of peace but also the reality of peace. The other is that of the antichrist which expresses the mouthings of "good will toward men" while it subtly prepares to enslave the people of the world in a socialistic scheme that resembles a spider's web. Those who support its ideas in the interest of temporary peace may very well have failed to understand the Master Jesus' statement, I came not to send peace on earth but a sword. The sword, blessed ones, is the discriminating intelligence of the Christ mind that is able to determine what is of value, what is true, what is real, and what is a wolf masquerading in sheep's clothing. Yes, peace must come to the world because God wills it, because the angelic hosts will it, and because mankind will it. But the victory of peace must be under the banner of the Prince of Peace with all truth enshrined within it. This is that peace with honor which permits individual freedom of expression so that the soul of its own free will can be carefully led over the various pitfalls and illusions of life to a place of safety (the sea of glass spoken of in the Book of Revelation) where the smoothness of the divine ideal is manifest in the soul consciousness of the individual. As long as tumultuous feelings of struggle are entertained in consciousness, the peace of the Divine does not really manifest in the world of the disciple of Christ. Let all understand, then, that harmony with the angelic hosts and with God, a sensing of the reality of the invisible world, and a denial of the enslaving conditions created by mankind in the outer domain are essential if life is to survive from a spiritual standpoint - the standpoint of the soul. The soul was breathed upon by the breath of the Almighty and it is this same breath of cosmic reality that expands the sphere of consciousness, ring upon ring, until it passes the realm of the mortal into the transcendence of the Divine. This expansion requires nourishment, it requires recognition. The outer realm of mankind's thoughts and feelings weaves a curtain of increasing opacity which only serves to intensify the strife of chaos and confusion midst all of their seeking for deliverance. The angelic hosts desire in the name of divine love that God's will shall be enshrined by mankind in their pursuit of happiness so that here and now in this Christmas season, as the cycles have rolled once again to this mark, mankind may rejoice in the passion of the infant Messiah taking form within civilization. Let mankind deny the power of Caesar or of Herod's legions to take from the young child his precious life; and let them see to it that he is enabled to fly, if necessary, into Egypt where his life may be preserved within the domain of the sacred, Divine Self. Let the babe be hid from the world by concealing where necessary one's real thoughts and feelings from the profane and nourishing that young child because he represents the reality of each individual man. His hope as the redeemer of the world is not alone in the forgiving of men's sins, as it has been misrepresented, but rather in oneness with him through identification with the Christ and total immersion in its individual expression. Thus the power of the Christ as the leavening factor of light itself shall act in the personal worlds of men to free them forever from mortal doings and mortal opinions. The mind of God and the mind of Christ harbor infinite concepts of joy and peace to all peoples; and in the world of the individual these are the bonds that enable him to sense, to feel, and to be that oneness which the angelic hosts enjoy and disseminate. Here and now, by their love, I, Chamuel, say, in the name of God and the heaven of light that surrounds the earth, Peace and good will to people everywhere! In His holy name I AM ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL ****** Chapter 47 Beloved Paul the Venetian - November 19, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 47 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - November 19, 1967 Beauty Is As Beauty Does The way of order and beauty continues to be sought. The anomalies of thought and feeling that plague mankind, denying to them the beauty of actual contact with the Great White Brotherhood, with the order eternal, must be smoothened by action as well as by intent. Although there are those who say that action without intent will draw the substance of benign intent into manifestation (which is a fallacy in itself) it is true that intent without action may wither away upon the vine. There are so many beautiful concepts that come to mind with the advent of the Christ consciousness - the emergence of the brilliance of the Star of the East, flooding the heaven-world with such a soft expanse of light-beauty as to attract the shepherds in the fields, to draw the presence of the Magi, and to stir the hearts of all generations unto the present hour. The sacred mysteries surrounding the birth of the Christ, the legends of the holly and the mistletoe, the Christmas stories that are told not only to children, can be known and enjoyed by all. We condemn not those who do not yet understand the mystery of the Divine, who hide behind the facade of agnosticism, who say, "to be or not to be," thus questioning their own identity and all reality in their unfirm worlds and questing consciousness. We condemn not the atheists who, in denying the existence of God, deny their own existence. We spread abroad the raiment of his garment, we expand the mantle of light upon the planet in song, in legend, and in intangible feelings that flow forth from light sources through every ascended master and angelic being. We seek to penetrate the veil of illusion, the sophistry of faint worldly wit and the mockings of self-condemnation which create feelings of inferiority in myriad individuals. We seek to draw aside the veil from every eye, from every consciousness, and to let each mind receive the floodlighting of divine beauty. For in reality, O mankind, all beauty is divine, and the Beautiful is another name for the Divine, whose symmetry and form are a matrix to draw man's thoughts upward. And what of art forms created not out of reverence for the Creator but in competition, whose ugliness would distort the divine design and draw men by the lure of worldly prize into a competitive cult? What of those art forms and what of the individuals influenced by them? Do not the Karmic Lords keep the record of each man's defection from justice and truth, of each man's sale of his soul for the sake of mortal opinion? Would it not be well, then, for all the world to seek to be constructors of the higher spirals, gathering as workmen in the divine temple to make each stairstep safe for the feet of succeeding generations to tread ever upward on the path that leads to God? The babe of Bethlehem is the carpenter of Nazareth, the Cosmic Christ, who frames the world order while he shapes the destinies of individual souls. There are not many upon the planet whom the hands of the Master Builder may serve, for they are not ready to receive him. However, he is able to divide and to subdivide, infinitely to touch the fingers of a groping humanity and to charge them with his victorious hope. While the world remains at its cups of violence, filled to the brim and overflowing with the works it has wrought in the darkness of blind struggle, the ascended ones and the legions of light move onward into the arena of action through every son of heaven who will lend his hands and feet to the Divine. You are God's instruments, beloved ones, and by the flow of your energy into the world you do outpicture upon the moving canvas of life's experiences your portion of the eternal drama. We doubt not the outcome; but when frustrating delays ensue and new lows of chaos and violence fill the world with the message of destroyed hopes, we can but admonish that if you had done your part, perhaps the light would be shining more brilliantly, the curtain of opacity drawn back, and the openings into the higher realms widened. Men under the inspiration of higher law can see the hand of God in all nature and in themselves; but when they are caught in the net of personal delusion, they fail - because of the involvement of mind and feeling in dire confusion - to recognize and see that life is one. What harms one harms all. What raises one raises all; and thus by a sense of life mission, drawn around the flame of Self, coalescing as higher purpose, men do manifest a greater measure of adroitness in the execution of manifest beauty to the world. The world hungers and thirsts after righteousness. It longs to be filled with the water of life which "I shall give." The wellspring of the Invisible springing up within men is the manifestation of the Christ-law, the golden rule tool which shapes the temple of my God, of thy God, of our God. Call Him by any name, He is the same flame That you must keep, He is the One That you must seek. And so the message God does write Moves onward, And it is a lesson For each day; And so the vision of the Christ Shines outward - It is the shining Of the true and living way. I AM is being, God has given, Flowing from the wounds That men have made. In the soul of cosmic purpose They have muttered Shadow, blight, and tears: They are afraid. Perfect love as star of brilliant wonder Shines within the star of being bright, Perfect love casts out all fear and blunder, Perfect love makes all things right. The Christ was born in Bethlehem of eld And Magi, angels, men did come to him - The light of Cosmic Christ shines ever outward, Seeking of the many to make one by cosmic meld. "Beauty is as beauty does," The law of gold proclaims. Sweet frankincense of adoration reigns While myrrh of untransmuted substance Shows to all the need to overcome. The banner of the Christ moves onward - In the darkened purpose of mankind, it all is lost: We must raise the light on high, move onward - Open eyes of blind mankind at any cost. There's no need to fear the dark if souls remember, I AM the light of all the earth - I AM God's own Son - My hopes for all the world the course of men reverse - The lightning of my love forever sunders, Gives to all mankind a new and cosmic birth. Let the passions of thy souls, O men of good will, Pursue the beauty of the divine goal, pursue it still Until all can say together, "I AM made whole." PAUL THE VENETIAN ****** Chapter 48 Beloved Archangel Jophiel - November 26, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 48 - Beloved Archangel Jophiel - November 26, 1967 A New Sense of Christ-Reality I will meditate upon Thy law day and night. Men of good will, the Christ-image is often observed as a thing apart from the self. The frame of its identity seems to belong to another. In our proclamations to men this Holy Season, we advocate that a new sense of Christ-reality be born in each individual as the best part of holy wisdom. In order to evoke the radiance of the Divine in the universe, one must first invoke it within oneself. There is no lever of spiritual power or grace that is capable of exercising any degree of control in the world of form that is not first evolved out of the consciousness of the individual. Here is the part of holy wisdom: It is to see that it is not enough merely to observe the pageant of the times; on the contrary, the requirements of heaven are that men shall embark upon a spiritual quest and that they shall not be satisfied until they achieve a complete reeducation of consciousness and a reidentification with the masterful, radiant manifestation of the light that of old framed the world. Nightfall and the long shadows of twilight create in man's consciousness a nostalgia for the greater light. With the passing of the physical sun from view, men's hopes reach out in the darkness of the night and evoke, through the hidden hungers of the soul, the guidance of the Invisible. The response of the angelic hosts and the reality of their ministrations unto men must be reaffirmed. It is a travesty and a source of great sadness to many among embodied mankind who know of the reality of the angels, even as it is regrettable to many of the great Masters of Wisdom who serve mankind's needs, to behold that by ridicule and the sowing of the seeds of doubt, men in the outer world deny the existence of the angelic hosts, relegating us to the convenient category of "mythological personalities." We desire no undue honor from men, but we understand full well that where there is no recognition of the heaven above by the earth beneath it is difficult to establish that bond of cosmic assistance whereby greater good can flow into the world of mankind. We welcome, therefore, in the name of holy illumination, the service of those who can understand the need to create a bond with our octave so that individuals among mankind may become radiating focuses of the love of the angelic hosts. During the Christmas season and throughout the year, those capable of maintaining contact with higher octaves of light and of acting as antennae for the angelic hosts must keep their consciousness high and in accord with the mind of the angels, which is in truth the pure, unsullied reflection of the radiance of the mind of God. Thus can the individual become an antenna as well as a chalice in which the ascended hosts can store the residual spiritual magnetism of cosmic adoration, illumination, and power to flow out into the world and render such assistance as the moment may require. You perhaps have heard of the expression used by some among men, "We are all prayed up." This reference to the requirement for man to store the radiance of higher levels in his four lower bodies as well as in his three higher bodies is best brought out in the account of the woman who touched the hem of the garment of the Master Jesus and thus received of the residual magnetism of healing and illumination from his blessed consciousness. The loss of virtue was known by the Master and he recognized the need to replenish it. It is indeed a pity and the cause for deep concern to us that many among mankind are so self-sufficient in their ever so limited expression of life that they have no real sense of the need to contact our octave. When the stream of time moves sufficiently onward, swiftly flowing as it does, they will soon find, although it may be too late, that their lack of attunement with the higher octaves of light will not enable them to meet their needs in the invisible world or to function with that freedom of soul-movement which is ever the forte of the god-realized man who knows the meaning of angelic assistance. In the story of the Master Jesus in the garden, the angelic hosts come into prominence also, and throughout the scriptures the records of the angels' contacts with mankind are well established. We are a very real part of the cosmic creation and we desire, in the brotherhood of angels, men, and elementals, to establish that bond of higher communion with man and nature that will enable the temple of God truly to descend into the forcefield of men and elevate the whole creation. With the approach of the advent of celebrations, as the hearts of men and little children everywhere are turning more and more to the greater light, we urge mankind to determine that the love potential that they will invoke from the heart of God will be greater in the world order than ever before because the need is so very great. The violent outbursts of hatred that have raged in the past year have been legion; and, therefore, mankind's greatest source of protection during the coming year shall be in the establishment of greater measures of Cosmic Christ love that shall beam to all people. One of the most unfortunate manifestations in all relationships between peoples is the desire for vengeance and the attitude of unforgivingness which denies to one's "enemies" the blessing of forgiveness. This the angels deplore, for there is nothing that corrodes the life opportunity of the individual as much as hardness of heart - the failure to forgive. Such failure opaques the pathway that would connect the individual with the God Presence of the one whose debts he is unwilling to cancel from the records of memory and consciousness. And, inasmuch as life is one, this withholding aborts a portion of the divine current which would flow back into his own world as abundant blessing and prevents him from becoming a whole, self-realized man. When scientific law is understood, men, although they may not forgive for the sake of the one against whom they may have hardened their hearts, will at least forgive that one for their own sakes. Here is the part of greater wisdom. Let forgiveness, then, as an ointment, as an anointing to the body of Christ upon earth, flow between all religions and all creeds. Let the voice of the archangels as holy wisdom be heard, echoing down the corridors of centuries of old, encrusted hates, dispersing those hates into the temple of forgiveness where the flame of his mercy consumes all - even the memory of supposed wrongs - and the Christ can be glorified in the newly established harmony of hearts. What joy there will be in heaven as repentance among mankind becomes universal. For every hatred and every lack of forgiveness stems from ignorance of cosmic law and overemphasis upon the importance of the individual as opposed to the supremacy of the Universal. The individual is truly important only when he serves the needs of the Universal. When he seeks merely to be served by the Universal, he denies to himself the return of infinite potential and renders himself most finite. The lines of cosmic effort move ever in the direction of universal good will and thus the cry "Good will toward men" was unqualified, flowing to all the world even as the quality of mercy is not strained as it descends to enfold the imperfect manifestation. With the simplicity of a little child we seek to lead the manifold intelligences of a crystallized humanity into the sea of universal acceptance of the reality of God to his entire kingdom. The beauty of the Christ is in the universality of his light, of his mission, of his wisdom eternally to be the saving fount of God-magnificent expression to all the earth. Truly the light shines in the darkness; truly the light that shines has not been comprehended, truly it may be known. Truly I AM for the spread of holy Christ-illumination to all the earth, ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL ****** Chapter 49 Beloved Archangel Zadkiel - December 3, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 49 - Beloved Archangel Zadkiel - December 3, 1967 Hierarchy in a Cause Célčbre The desire for self-improvement within man can best be realized by turning to the original pattern of perfection which the Godhead held and still holds permanently for every individual. When the fires of transmutation are kindled in the soul of man, they regenerate in him the inherent longing for progress along the line of divine identification that originated within the creation of cosmos. A universe is born and it is one but is composed of many parts. Man himself is one, yet he is a multifaceted being. The traps laid for mankind are many and insidious; subtle and invisible, they turn the seeker into a hedge of sharp briars that he may be diverted to silken couches. To hold to a steadfast course in the middle of the road while calling to heaven for greater wisdom and an understanding of universal law as well as the law of man's own being is desirable. Unfortunately, however, individuals on the Path are so frequently swayed from the course which leads to Christ-magnificence that onlookers are amazed by their acts which belie their professed faith and betray the shallowness of their understanding. The heavenly hosts and the archangels are familiar with the lying wait of subtle forces which seek to obscure in man the image of the Christ. We allow that the best defenses are to be found in that balanced state of consciousness that can always affirm, "I shall not be moved!" The plight of the victims of human trivia, who alter the course of their lives for a mere trifle of the human mind and its fanciful notions, is never a cause for rejoicing. But the stability of the mind of Christ which abides both within and above in the Divine Presence is to be relied upon as the indwelling intelligence, the blessed tie that binds each man to the heavenly regents. Unfortunately, men and women today, wedded as they are to a cult of materialism, in the short span of their years seldom invoke the Christ-image for others much less for themselves; they seek instead to acquire every imagined good that they consider life to hold. But the greatest good of all, held within the heart of the Christ Universal has not been glimpsed by them at all and therefore, it is altogether absent from the desire of their minds, their consciousness, and thought. This year the archangels and the heavenly hosts, seeing the degradations into which men have drawn one another, have aspired to create a great pool of transmutative effort. This focus that we have established as a solar magnet shall draw together every God-loving person on the planet in a valiant effort to stem the aggressive flow of senseless dogma and materialism and to replace them with oceans of the invincible flaming reality of hope in the advent of the Christ for every man. Millions sit in darkness and observe the glitter and tinsel of human celebration as though they were a miracle of material profits, gain, and transient joy. But these go the way of all vain imaginings - they flit into the dark as the ghosts of a moment while hearts bow low to the pressures that each day return to men the recompense of their own karmic flow. The magnificent words of the Lord Christ, "My burden is light," should shine over the world as the dawn of man's opportunity to live in the consciousness of permanent reality. The star that draws nigh shall become a sun, And the darkness of a planet shall yield To the face of the incoming One. The guardian spirits who have kept the watch with the Lord Christ through all the centuries of the darkened machinations of the human mind remain steadfast still. The stirring in upper quarters of the hierarchy bespeaks of the cosmic necessity for action that will arouse the earth from its awful state of lethargy and the miasma of sense-longing. These subtleties have caused men to neglect the kingdom of God for a mess of pottage, and thus they have paid almost total heed to the outer garments of the flesh while they have carelessly handled the things of the Spirit from which life is always derived. As the hierarchy in all of the great cosmic centers - the Cave of Symbols, the Grand Teton Retreat, the focus of the God and Goddess Meru in South America, the radiance of Shamballa that from the Gobi Desert covers the earth, the Resurrection Temple of beloved Jesus and Mary over the Holy Land, the beauty of Surya's retreat near Suva - joins with the magnificent temple at Banff, the focus of Archangel Michael, in a cause célčbre, we call for the amplification of all the benign intents and prayers of the children of God which have been borne down through the centuries to produce a miracle of stimulation that will penetrate through the darkness of men's minds and show them the image of the stirring Christ radiance in the manger of the world. A star is born, a miracle is renewed, a covenant is reaffirmed; the archangels descend through the darkness and the light is reborn. This is no will-o'-the-wisp, flitting to and fro sporadically over the earth: It is a great God flame focalized, descending, penetrating the darkness as a shaft of Christ-radiance in order that men may trace the light to the heavenly interior. Finding there the pattern of perfection, they may gather the remnants of a lost heritage, garnering out of weakness the strength of purpose to change the world now before the causes of the Spirit are lost to an age and many go down into the dark where hope is not. Since the days of Eden the children of men have longed to see blunted both thorn and thistle, to eat of the Tree of Life and to shun the knowledge of good and evil. Transmutation is the pathway that enables each soul to rise above human enfeeblement into the polished strength of the divine image. We cannot alter heavenly goals in response to mankind's sullen calls for help when the energies we release are consumed upon their own lusts. We can only answer the calls of the soul for the bread of heaven, for the substance of Christ-nourishment, for the strengthening in the world domain of divine ideals and the registering in mortal consciousness of the impact of the radiance of the Holy Family. In an age when innocence seems to have flown out the window, the archangels reaffirm the covenant of transmutation that was made of old to restore innocence and virtue to their rightful place, to uphold in the eyes of the children of joyful expectancy the miracle vision that is not a mere bauble or bubble but a cosmic epic, glowing and expanding through the cycle of the years. Suffering no neglect by mankind to mar its supreme purpose, this covenant bestows in the sanctuary of soul-realization the comfort of God's concern for his creation. The universe glows and burns with the ineffable majesty of myriad lights, twinkling on and off in the pulsation of the magnification of cosmic principle that became the Magnificat of Mary, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. ..." As the star burns in the world community today, the archangels call for a renewal of faith in the power of God to transmute, to change the earthly nature into the golden nature of the golden-age man. Born as the babe, Christ the light within the soul, He goeth as the lad to Nazareth To frame a world community, A congregation of the Spirit. He is the conquering image That towers in every man, Raising eyes to God, To hope and the renewal thereof, Laying the mantle of anointing Upon each mission Of which God is sponsor. Valiantly in Christ, ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL ****** Chapter 50 Beloved El Morya - December 10, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 50 - Beloved El Morya - December 10, 1967 The Round Table Dust settles but to rise. Fanned by the winds of opposition, ungoverned energies seethe in the world and disquiet the strength of divine purpose even as precious stones are covered by the settling dust. The waters of emotion, as human wiles in play, combine to produce the impediment of mud. The bane of mortal struggle can be stopped; the law of infinite love can be employed by many; and the few who inspire can draw from cosmic treasuries the energies that for ages have been held in escrow awaiting the pledge of sincere unities. Nothing has changed in the eternal purposes, but the weariness of mortal custom betrays the glow of heaven's continual ministrations. From whence cometh this perpetuation of dullness that blunts penetration by the seeker whose heart as a grail retains faith in universal purpose? Now we draw nigh to the cyclic fashion of celebration when the rectangular concept is discarded for the old image that flowered in ancient knighthood, the image of the Round Table where every man may participate in the glow of the Central Cosmic Sun. Was not the comfort of the Christ born for all parts of life? And were not all intended to bask in the supernal radiance of cosmic intent? Behind the visible and in the realm of symbol, simile, metaphor, folktale, myth, and drama lies the effortful intent of the cosmic hierarchy to bring about the dawn of greater light upon the path that shall awaken in man the sense of his own mission. Each mystical conception that emanates through the many spiritual organizations and shines upon both just and unjust has its noble purpose. But the carnal lies take their toll and many men prefer to swat gnats upon a camel's back rather than to steer toward a salutary goal. As I bring forth in this blessed season my reminders to the sincere, it is to assure you that the efforts of heaven to stimulate mankind and provide new hopes to a waiting world continue and will always do so. We are not moved by human discord and senseless disunity. We are moved neither by mortal ignorance nor by the elements of decay that sit as vultures upon mankind's consciousness. We have sought the Holy Grail. We have heard the strains of consuming passion and felt the thrill of ecstasy that heralds the approach of the Christ-image forming within the soul. Effort is required on our part to penetrate the shard of mankind's recalcitrance, to assist him in an hour when his doings are ever turned away from the face of the light. But God in his infinite mercy, as we have sought him, has also shed the brilliance of his light within our souls and the flow of mercy he has not staunched. During the coming year mercy will cause the light to increase even in the teeth of a greedy ignorance that yields no promise to mankind of even reasonable security in the world domain, that provides no full measure of hope to the hearts of the mothers of the world, nor any approach of the glowing reality of cosmic purpose in the world chalice. World brotherhood is the means whereby men can through noble efforts carve out of the world order the tangible body of Christ that unites all hearts in one grand design. Men wish to reap that which they have not sown - They wish to take that which is not their own; They wish to shun that which could atone. My beloved brethren, the wall of human substance encasing the world has never been so dense nor has it ever been composed of less of the substance of reality. The trivial nature of most of the divisionary problems between individuals, families, nations, and ideologies is a ridiculous price to pay for world disharmony. Multiplied soul by soul across the faces of many nations, mankind's problems become a blight upon nature and a despot enthroned as a many-headed beast in the world community. Is it any wonder, then, that heaven feels the passionate need to exhort you who are our beloved friends enlisted in the cause of service to mankind - you who seek your own renewal in the heavenly covenant and escape from mortal thralldom - that you will not grow weary in prayer or in well doing, that you will not forsake our word of old, "Thou shalt ... decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee"? For it is our earnest prayer that you will not neglect in the joy of Christmas and the joy of the angels to support the strong framework that must undergird the spiritual community of the earth and that you will prepare to endure the hard brunt of psychic attacks that are leveled against our best warriors. Remember that after the birth of the young child it was necessary to secrete him out of the land of his birth and into Egypt. In the darkness of Egypt the great light shone and the call of the prophet of old, "Out of Egypt have I called my son," was prophetic of the Christ even as it is today prophetic of the emerging soul who comes forth from the bondage of Egypt, from the bondage of sense consciousness, from a sense of struggle and restlessness into the calm, steadfast light of the mind of God that contemplates eternal virtue and value as supreme within the domain of the individual. The Great Emancipator is the star of His wonder: It is the sense of God's magnificence, the understanding that must clothe man as a mantle, the virtue of true purity, and the realization that eternity which may live in a moment is not always born in a moment. The travail of effort spans time and when the fullness of that time cometh, it bursts as a new star into view. That which you have called spadework, that which seems to be vain effort is never in vain if the goal is held in view; and there is no time like the present hour to intensify and intensify and intensify the fervor of the soul that the law requires in the consciousness of every pledged brother of our Table Round. As of old, the knights of the Spirit hold high their shining lances of light. We cannot let the flower of divine idealism become a mere fanciful idea or even an uttered word unacted upon. The alchemy of action must be our cry, for the Christ Militant, as in the vision of John of Revelator, must ride forth on a white charger. The purity of the Christ in the consciousness of the children and youth must be surpassed in the adult community by the passions of Christ-example. This should be extended in hope to the rising youth who still retain in consciousness the image of the bad examples that they have seen in the past as blight upon the glowing escutcheon of righteous armor. The world community needs a renewal of integrity, of virtue, of purity, that His star may renew itself in each individual. The past is prologue; the future glows as a sun of hope. Let us magnify it, let us sustain it, let us expand it, let us become it. God wills it and awaits our will to join his own. I love you as you love God's will, EL MORYA ****** Chapter 51 Beloved Archangel Uriel - December 17, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 51 - Beloved Archangel Uriel - December 17, 1967 Children of men, the Science of the Soul cannot be captured in a thimble. The semantics of progress have been imprisoned within a mortal cage of words and seek release in a new language of the Spirit. The science of word knowledge is as little understood by the masses of mankind as are the tongues of Angels or Cosmic Tongues of unknown worlds. And thus the Love of God that shines forth so clearly to those who have eyes to see appears to some as the underscoring of the clouds whose darkened surfaces, haloed by a golden radiance, bid promise of the Sun. Great men have come and gone. Their entrances and exits upon the stages of Life leave impact but this is far too frequently surpassed by the whimsy of rising meteoric flashings, signifying pride and the desire for fame as mortal hopes for personal gain rise and wane. Each Soul has its inherent worth. The Father of Universal Life did not create any individual bereft of purpose or magnificence; therefore, a willingness to perceive the gleams of the Christ in the darkness of personal manifestation will invoke a breakthrough. The Angels of Ministration Who serve with Me desire to assist the lifestreams of Earth and every individual who searches and hungers For greater Love, for greater Understanding, for greater Manifestation, in the achievement of that magnification of the original Cosmic Purpose that constitutes Truth and Reality. It is not enough, precious ones, to desire. Desire must be fanned by the God-Flame into some radius of action. An expanding orbit is desirable, but men must claim that which they invoke. The hopper of the mind must maintain flow, but if it become filled with a jargon of undigested material, it will reject the product of its own greedy search only to be left to feed starvingly upon that substance of questionable "truth" which it has predigested. The need of the Soul, then, in contemplation of the Magnificent Purpose of the Godhead for each lifestream, is to court the Beauty of Perspective by asking the Eternal Father to unfold the Drama of Dominion over the sphere of personal identity. Thus the hallowed Circle of God's Infinite Purpose shall descend in proportionate measure to overlay the individual Life Purpose of Man as it was outlined "in the beginning." The borders of that Purpose, together with the understanding of its ultimate fulfillment, shall then be seen to widen day by day in a safe and sane manner, and the promised Dominion will become a field of secure Reality to each child-seeker for the God Domain. The Angels of Our Band are Ministers Who seek to assist mankind in the Harvest of Eternal Reality. We do not deny that the Father has often sent Us on a Mission of Mercy to wing Our Way to the most unsuspecting heart at a moment even when human desires were active. There, in some small measure, it was Our Service to comfort men in the satiation of their little needs while, as with a penciled sunbeam, We sought to penetrate the grossness of mortal thought and feeling with the ethereal Reality of the great continents of the air, the Heavenly Realm, the Kingdom of God. It is not that Heaven seeks to provide mere creature comforts to men, but We understand that without some measure of sanity and balance which these often bring, individuals would lose their way in the dark and fail utterly to regain that perspective by which the Law of Love, Justice and Universal Being becomes known to each one. One of the dearest desires of the Lord Christ Jesus, often expressed to many of Us in the Angelic Realms, is that men should make an effort to understand themselves. The Christ of each man is the Saviour of that man, and unless he is able to make contact with the Christ of his own Being, the Redemption of the Universal Christ into which the Master Jesus entered in consciousness must remain, for all intents and purposes, a garment of such large proportions as to ill fit the emerging child-man. Mankind should understand that through attunement with the Gift of Light that is their own individualized Holy Christ Self, they are able to attain to a state of being wherein consciousness can expand into its own Reality, its own Relativity, and thus achieve universal Reality, universal relativity - the ability to expand and contract form, the ability to disseminate consciousness through the world ring and out into the domain of spiral nebulae and starry distances beyond comprehension. The reach must always exceed the grasp, but the domain of the field of the Lord must be understood as having an appointed habitation or boundary circumscribed by Cosmic Law and sacrosanct to the Soul of each individual. It is when they begin to sense the Christ Mission as it pertains to the unfoldment of individual purpose that men are chosen for a higher field of action. In the magnificence of these Christ Ideas, in the magnificence of this season of rejoicing between Heaven and Earth, and even in the midst of current world turmoil, We must continue to serve for the expansion of Divine Reality in the individual domain. Sense dogma and sense theology are the ways that seemeth right unto men, the end of which are the ways of death (Proverbs 16:25); for God is not confined to dogma or to a blind theology: His Laws are consistent and whole. He is free and as the Author of Freedom for all, He is never the Author of confusion, but always of Revelation. The curtains of opacity are raised day by day for those whose Faith permits them to see beyond the veil and the cycle of the years to the place where the Lord of Universal Habitation layeth out the Blueprints of First Cause for each individual. Ain-Soph,{174} the Holy Wisdom, the Divine Theosophia, the Virgin of Perfect Perception, Perfection - Perfection-Perception - as diastole and systole of Universal Purpose beat out the Life pulses that renew, redeem, revivify, encourage and raise the boundaries of personal Vision until the whole Cosmos is seen in the Flame of the Heart, a Doorway through which the Soul may plunge into an Infinite River of Light-Reality and make his way back to the Heart of God. Thence cometh the Soul as the Lord of Life and Death, the Renewer of the Energies of the "quick and the dead" who raiseth up (as Moses raised up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, Exodus 4:3) the Cross of Light and Hope that shines in His Star. This is the Star of every Man who believeth and cometh into the world where God is as an ever-expanding Sphere of Light that ring upon ring enduringly IS Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Him. We have seen His Star in the East and are come to worship Devotedly, URIEL ARCHANGEL OF MINISTRATION ****** Chapter 52 Jesus Christ - December 24, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 52 - Jesus Christ - December 24, 1967 The Mission A baby's low cry is the wail of the future. Our Father in heaven has vested in humanity a sovereign responsibility which was captured in the command, "Take dominion over the earth." Let the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing; they reap what they sow, but the strength of Zion as the illumined city of God captures the vision of the future. Except the New Jerusalem descend into manifestation, the world shall remain a cage filled with the living dead and the weeping and gnashing of teeth. The constructive spirals have been released and souls garner in hope the substance of reseeding. When the long night of winter is broken, the fallow fields of the world will yield to the springtime sun; and the descending warmth of new hope to succeeding generations will carry the dreams that are spun of time to come. Shall those dreams follow the ever-new pattern of divine progression, of orderly overcoming of the dismal past; or shall they unleash upon mankind the sudden destruction which it is now within his capacity to produce? Devious and ingenious are the ways of the purveyors of destruction who continue to create a battery of conflicting mortal opinions that assure mankind there will be no end of struggle. Yet in the realm of the Father, in the realm of the ascended masters, in the heavenly realms, joy without end resounds; and the fair magnitude of that city continues to draw the heads of men upward from the destructive elements that appear upon the mortal screen to the new hope that beams from the sky. What shall we say, then, unto those who await a renewal of their strength? What shall we say to those who utter the Macedonian cry, "Come over into Macedonia, and help us," to which Paul responded with diligence? The world today, surfeited in internal conflicts within and between nations, abominable in its financial struggles and decaying in its culture, has lost much of the ability to read the akashic releases of the Brotherhood of Light. The words, "We have seen his star in the east ...," spoken by the Magi who journeyed to my place of birth at Bethlehem, denote their ability to read the signs of the times and to understand the sign of reality that is always present in the individual stream of life and in each succeeding heartbeat. Thus, probing the secrets of the universe with which every man is endowed, wise men in every age are able to reach out into a future domain, letting the past bury its dead while exploring in the universe and in the mind of God the supernal reality of a hope that is continually renewed. Seldom do men realize that each act of an individual or of a group of individuals has its own peculiar impact upon world thought and action. Thus, they reason that their own thoughts and opinions are relatively unimportant and without influence. If this were so then the law itself would be broken, for the law of the circle that returns to each beginning its own ending clearly reveals that impulse is sent out moment by moment by every individual. The need to qualify these impulses with divine attributes necessitates man's contact with his God. Man does not stand alone, but he is a very real part of a vast cosmic whole. When the collective hands of a seeking humanity are viewed from higher levels, it is easy to see that the Deity cannot resist response to mankind's pleas, sending forth, then, the best sons of heaven into the arena of world turmoil in order that they, perchance, may point the way upward and provide a margin of great security for those who aspire to proclaim the goodness of God. Those who say, "There is no God," put out the light of Life that is within and the lilt of divine joy that, wavelike, should flow thrillingly through the world community. As such qualities are transcendent they are noticed only by those whose sense perception of things divine is affinitized with heavenly vibrations. These stand on the qui vive, awaiting some sign from the "Commander" to move forward in obedience to his will, thus instituting in the world a greater onrush of freedom for all. Midst the cycles of the passing years again and again the arm of the Almighty has employed those upon earth together with those in heaven in a united service to raise the level of mankind's consciousness. We can proclaim from the battlements neither a bulletin of victory nor one of defeat; for many small victories have created a sustaining action whereby the seed of God has brought forth much fruit, yet in the world of appalling appearances this at times seems insignificant. Those who see inwardly and enduringly, those who possess the capacity to reach across the span of the years, are well aware of the trends of heaven and the directions thereof; but these also know full well that to embodied mankind who think along human lines, despair and discouragement may go hand in hand with their lack of perspective concerning the promises of the future. We refuse absolutely to give power to mortal consciousness that has for so long defrauded mankind of the Christ consciousness, each succeeding generation perpetuating this disenfranchisement among men. We assert that the gift of love that descended from God's heart and embodied itself in my person is that same beautiful spark of divine sonship which in Adam sought to raise divine genius into manifestation upon the cross of life. Where God is, I AM; and with this thought in heart each victorious son of the cross may seize upon the vital essence of each cosmic germ of life as the contents of a grail cup infired with liquid living light. As men partake of this substance which is the body of God, it will instill in them a unity of purpose with our Father who dwelleth in the heavens. Spatial explorations by mankind constitute but a superficial scratch which for practical purposes has made no real penetration into the inscrutable heavens whose story the angels are telling. Veritably, "Peace on earth, good will to men" continues to be the seemingly unattainable goal of a planet and its people. There are those who attain segments of peace in a relative sense and then lose it when challenged. There are others who in pride of person seek to be honored for spiritual attainment when they are yet in an infancy of initiatic manifestation. My call of old, "He that will be great among you let him be the servant of all," is still the key to mastery; and it always will be. To serve is to live; for by the stripes men gather in service they are healed, and the world is made to feel and know the thoughts of the Eternal Creator. And oh, how magnificent are his thoughts! With what joy he has released into manifestation the components of the higher kingdom! The jangle of the world does not reach unto the throne of God, but the power of the throne of God penetrates even the depths of worldly thought and disperses its chaff as a mighty whirlwind. I cannot fail to respond to the calls of embodied mankind who search out as to how they may be raised in service. Their calls do compel the cosmic answer, and each time they read my words or become imbued with my sense of service and spirit they are partaking of my body of incorporeal substance. As the divine fire falls upon the altar of each individual heart until it becomes a new heart of flesh, yielding to the ministrations of the thoughts of God, a new strand of hope connects heaven with earth. Each individual who walks the way of regeneration, the way in which I have walked, becomes an outpost of our Father and a miniature focus of regeneration which can be expanded to become of such ultimate service as was my own mission. Did I not say, "Greater things shall ye do because I go unto my Father," and shall my words fall to the earth and remain unfulfilled? Let not your hearts be troubled over all of the problems of the world or your own personal afflictions. It is veritably true that whom God loveth he chasteneth and 'tis done that men might bear greater fruit. Many seek the bane of material gain alone and would turn to spurn our cause if they thought that no profit existed in it for them. Yet long ago I said, What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and be a castaway? In my Christmas message this year I desire to make known to those who are beginning the quest for soul reality that there is no higher mission than the mission of cosmic service. Truly, those in every walk of life who seek to serve mankind's needs in cosmic legitimacy can also serve the kingdom of heaven by carrying forth the ideals of the heavenly realm in all mortal doings. When I spake long ago exhorting men to be their brothers' keepers, it was to record for time immemorial the ritual of radiant cosmic brotherhood that prompted the enactment of the cosmic drama of the nativity. How joyous it is to contemplate these universal events - universal in the sense that they are reenacted on the heart's altar of every soul who is striving to become the Christ - and the glorious fact that they circle round about mankind as the swiftly moving ages roll, reappearing again and again, a project memorial to the divine idea that first initiated them. What joyous expectancy of heart, then, ought to be felt by every sincere seeker for truth as he realizes that the wonders of spiritually scientific discovery can be his today. Each one of you who desires to follow in the footsteps of the elder masters, in the footsteps of your God, may do so without fear of retreat. The need for truly dedicated followers of truth is greater today than ever before, for there are so many lifestreams on earth. As the population has grown, resistance to the light has also mounted. With the coming of modern laborsaving devices into manifestation, mankind have found their problems multiplied. Dalliance and discouragement go hand in hand. Is there anyone among you who can hold with us the vision of God's purpose through the year without end? Yet it must be done, for the vision cannot be lost. I caution all, then, to esteem the power of faith, the power of hope, and the power of charity as coequal manifestations of the triunity of God. Without faith it is impossible to please God and hope is the regenerative power that unveils the future in concept preceding action; whereas charity is the abounding activity of life, pursuing cosmic ideals and overriding every discouraging factor. What shall we say, then, to the little children who are coming into the world today whose renewed opportunity is in the hands of an elder generation, neither ascended nor always abounding in good works? How shall we release a spirit of unity into a body of disunited brethren? How shall we enfold all in light while jealousy and hatred as arrows shot out of the dark and into the dark are aimed at suppressing the light? What shall we say that shall shatter discordant manifestations and produce the harmony of higher spheres "as above so below"? Without renewal and redetermination, without the continued effort to do well and to overcome, man must stand idly by while the ages pass. With renewed determination, with faith, hope, and charity, by holding our hands and doing God's will, man becomes involved in the flow of the cosmic stream. His energies dance with cosmic effort as he buoyantly seeks to enliven the consciousness of both the quick and the dead, he blesses those already quickened with a greater quickening as aspiration toward Infinity transcends itself; and he raises the sons of Adam from the stupor of mortal senselessness in order that they may become Christ-manifestations who shall spread the light of that star and contribute to its magnification. Then its beams shall spread over the field of the whole wide world and the song of the angels shall be heard over the great mountains and plains as a planet resounding in harmony resolves to cast its future in the divine matrix of brotherhood, of cosmic outreach, of individual assignation to the sign of the God without in the universe who is also the God within, defining identity and refining being in manifestation. The souls I know who progress the most each year Are they who by perfect love cast out all fear - Are they who see the need to be A Christ-manifestation eternally. Each test that comes they pass with glee, For life to them is meant to free From every every cord that binds and slows; As fetters break soul consciousness glows - And man is healed, the dead are raised, The soul sings out, "O God be praised For life, I AM, resurrection, too -" I call to many and the few: Oh, hear my voice and make your choice That God and angels may rejoice For peace does come by word well done Fulfilling purpose from the sun. Ye are my brethren, those I love, My comfort manifest: Be my dove - My peace I give you, live within it, My peace portrtay, Oh now begin it. Let's keep it up and raise it high - Good-will anthem from the sky Opens doors as Spirit soars To join the chorus of the Lord: Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will to men. Lovingly, in the fashion of the heaven which to you I AM telling, JESUS ****** Chapter 53 Beloved Lord Gautama - December 31, 1967 ****** Vol. 10 No. 53 - Beloved Lord Gautama - December 31, 1967 A Circle of Spiral Out of cosmic excellence has natural manifestation proceeded. The composition of natural substance provides mankind with a chalice to house the flame of being. Few think upon the need to regenerate consciousness, to renew hope, to expand manifestation. Yet the example of expansion in nature is ever before men. The statement, "Having eyes they see not," equates the need to repel the darkness of inertia, to purify the strata of the senses, and to imbue consciousness with the flaming identity of the Creator. Man, cocreator with God, is charged with great responsibility in the development and refinement of the subtle principles of being. Again and again we have noted that in the East, where the art of meditation is often taught, men have been diverted from spiritual goals by material yearnings which have intruded themselves subtly into the consciousness. Conversely, we have noted that in the West, where materialism exists as a constant temptation to the eyes and being of man, there is a gnawing yearning for the attainment of that which cannot be defined. In the growth of the mind, as the capacities of consciousness are enlarged, men seek to understand themselves and to reduce to written form or artistic animation their concepts about themselves. Just as man cannot pull himself aloft by his own bootstraps so, although it were turned inside out, the separate mind can never find its way to permanent achievement, deliverance, or peace. A `guru' or mentor is truly the requirement of the hour, for the teaching must emanate from the hands of the teacher. When the cry of the mystic East went forth, "Behold the banner of Maitreya," it was to proclaim the age of the Christ, the age of the coming of the light, as God by contrast proclaimed him when the beams of the Christ penetrated the darkness that is mortal mind and feeling. Refinement of the feelings, refinement of the consciousness, and even refinement of the mind presents the opportunity for a renewed appraisal of ideas and possibilities. When the doorway of the heart is kept open for the introduction of a new approach to reality, the seeker retains an effective means whereby the Creator can introduce to the cocreator the renewing concepts that constitute the covenants of heaven. These covenants that were made with the soul before it had yet achieved its own individuality have lain dormant in the race consciousness these many years, a treasured inheritance of such infinite glowing glory as would inspire those steeped in the misapplications of dogma and sense consciousness to break the bonds of their imprisoned identity. When a penetrating glimmer of God's purpose in reestablishing these sacred covenants can at last be rightly evaluated, even the honor and beauty of evaluation itself must seep into the soul from higher levels and promote that understanding for which men hunger and thirst even while they know not the object of their longings. Lucidity of expression is the definition of the penetrating light that shines in the darkness in order that the darkness may comprehend the light. We cannot, we dare not, out of the depths of our love, leave mankind alone, an infant, a child-manifestation of a multifaceted civilization which has become a monolithic society. A gargantuan Babylonian Empire spans the globe and multitudinous conflicts are the daily fare on which the masses dine. They feast upon the acidity of competitive passion and reuse the dross that has cloaked reality from them for centuries. In the city of Shamballa, in the city of light, the designs and ideas that shall break the old patterns are being formulated by the ascended masters. New attempts are being made to reach the perceptive among the avant-garde in the arts and sciences in order that the culture of heaven may be introduced to mankind via these avenues while they still retain some vestige of the patterns of perfection. There are among the men of the cloth (including those who see me only as a heathen who lived long ago) those whose hearts yearn to be fathers and brothers to mankind, to serve to stimulate the fond lispings of those who would have men draw together into a body of universal brotherhood. Many of these, trapped in the confining nets of their own delusions, beat their heads against the stubborn walls of a blind alley that ultimately will close in upon them. In the revelation of the Cosmic Christ, in the revelation of the Mother of the World, in the revelation of the banner of Maitreya, in the revelation of the lightning glimmer of truth and reality that cometh from the East and goeth unto the West is the conveyance of true Christ-I-AM-ity. "I AM," as symbol of being or be-ness, constitutes the ocean of composite actuality of which the individual streams of life are but droplets. With the advent on the morrow of the coming year, we see at the midnight hour the crossroads of mankind's own machinations; we see the web of dire confusion that has been spun about them, and we hope that out of it all men will realize the need to touch the stars, to have higher goals, to want to produce, even in seemingly hopeless states, the miracle that always flashes out in the dark when the cosmic touchstone is struck and the blazing phenomenon of effort bursts in the pan of the moment, a hopeful externalization of a dream that may become the glory of the future. What a noble hour it is when men understand the need to commit themselves to the charter of their identity, to be captains of their individual fates, to pursue joint goals of an extravagant reality that would lavish upon them all of the love, wisdom, and strength of eternity and to place it in a moment of opportunity that they may seize it. The new year waits and it is "A Circle of Spiral" Spiral may undulate, Spiral may rise, Or spiral may fall, But ultimately The light within you Must answer the call. Identity echoes Far over the sea, It calls unto you And it calls unto me: Be your own Self The God of all truth - Live your own life In the youth of real proof. I AM is identity The world to enflame The Spirit of God The gift of his name -The Wonderful Counsellor The Prince of all Peace By God-registration Let vanity cease! Reveal then the hidden And uphold the right We view now ahead A release of God's might. For union must live In the deeds men will do That shall stand as real proof In the hearts of the few -Who become then the many As the kingdom reborn In that day of Christ hope That blest golden morn. Sweet sons of the Father God's banner uphold - By thought, word, and deed This great law unfold. In all peace and love, from the heart of Shamballa, in the name of the Mother of the World and Lord Maitreya, I remain GAUTAMA =============================================================================== **** Footnotes: **** {1} Rasputin was the black magician who betrayed the Czarina and engineered the chaos of the Russian Revolution. {2} II Pet. 3:8 {3} Luke 21:19 {4} John 3:17 {5} Matt. 6:6; 14:23 {6} Heb. 13:16 {7} I Pet. 4:18 {8} Rev. 3:8 {9} Prana: Vital Sacred Fire Breath; Fohat: the Infinite Supreme Force behind all subsidiary forces. {10} Will-i-am Shake-speare. (Saint Germain was embodied as Francis Bacon, writer of the Shakespearean plays.) {11} The Holy City of God {12} Pss. 14:1; 53:1 {13} "Man proposes, but God disposes." Thomas a` Kempis, Imitation of Christ, bk. 1, chap. 19 {14} Luke 23:34 {15} Phil. 4:8. {16} "Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;/ Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Retribution," in Poetic Aphorisms, translated from Friedrich von Logau's Deutsche Sinngedichte; the original is by an unknown Greek poet: "The mills of the gods grind late, but they grind fine"). {17} akasha: Sanskrit word meaning space or ether. Primordial substance; the subtlest, supersensuous, ethereal substance which fills the whole of space. Energy vibrating at a certain frequency so as to absorb, or record, without fail all the happenings of mankind. These recordings can be read by those whose soul faculties are developed. {18} II Cor. 3:18 {19} Isa. 8:19 {20} Phil. 3:14 {21} John 1:5 {22} Rev. 6:16 {23} Matt. 10:26; Luke 8:17; 12:2; Pss. 138:8 {24} Pss. 1:1, 2. {25} Hebrew term for Sacred Breath {26} Lord Maitreya holds the office of the Cosmic Christ in the spiritual hierarchy of this system (otherwise known as planetary Buddha). He is also known as the Great Initiator to whom students may apply for instruction on the pathway of initiation. He overshadowed beloved Jesus throughout his ministry, imparting to him the essence of the pattern of Christhood and giving to him the tests he was required to pass prior to his ascension. All who would progress to a more advanced degree of spiritual attainment should daily apply themselves to their own individual Holy Christ Selves and to Lord Maitreya for illumination and the strength to pass each test as it is given. Thus can each disciple move forward according to his own self-determined pace, winning the fruits of each succeeding victory in the race. {27} Matt. 28:6. {28} John 1:14 {29} Pss. 51:5 {30} I Cor. 15:47, 49 {31} Rev. 22:17 {32} Mark 6:41 {33} Matt. 28:20 {34} Luke 19:10 {35} Matt. 18:11-13 {36} I John 4:16 {37} Matt. 26:26; I Cor. 11:24 {38} John 13:8, 16 {39} Rev. 21:2 {40} I Sam. 17:50. {41} Isa. 40:3; Matt. 3:3. {42} Prov. 22:6. {43} (Dan. 7:9) The name "Ancient of Days" refers to Sanat Kumara, who came to the Earth millions of years ago when the planet was at her darkest hour. He volunteered to hold the focus of the flame of life until her evolutions would once again draw forth enough energy from God to sustain life. On January 1, 1956, Gautama Buddha, his first disciple, assumed the office of Lord of the World. {44} I Cor. 15:31. {45} Rev. 22:2. {46} Mark 8:24. {47} Matt. 22:11, 12. {48} Exod. 3:14. {49} Matt. 7:15, 16. {50} I Cor. 13:1. {51} Eph. 5:26. {52} Matt. 18:10. {53} I Cor. 15:52. {54} Rom. 12:9. {55} Gen. 1:2. {56} John 10:30. {57} Matt. 19:28. {58} Matt. 6:23. {59} II Tim. 2:15. {60} I Cor. 15:26. {61} Rom. 12:19. {62} Rom. 8:7. {63} Gen. 25:29-34. {64} Matt. 6:24. {65} I Cor. 2:9. {66} Matt. 22:21. {67} Gen. 15:1. {68} John 18:36. {69} II Tim. 3:5. {70} Acts 16:31. {71} John 3:16. {72} Luke 17:21. {73} II Tim. 2:15 {74} Rev. 10:9, 10 {75} Num. 22 {76} John 20:25, 29 {77} Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17 {78} I Cor. 3:13 {79} Luke 23:34 {80} Pss. 23:1-3 {81} Ezek. 12:2. {82} Matt. 7:2; I Chron. 16:34. {83} I Cor. 15:52. {84} Pss. 52:1. {85} Matt. 7:13, 14. {86} Matt. 8:12; 22:13; 25:30. {87} Gen. 1:27, 28. {88} Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (trans. Edward FitzGerald, 5th ed.), quatrain 71. Note "O Mark, I AM!" {89} Heb. 11:6. {90} I Tim. 6:10. {91} Matt. 10:28. {92} Matt. 24:35; 5:18. {93} Heb. 12:29. {94} Heb. 6:1; 9:14. {95} I Cor. 3:16; 6:19. {96} I Cor. 15:50. {97} Matt. 13:35. {98} Pss. 1:1. {99} These meditations are spoken in the first person by the seraphim on behalf of the children of God - they are the observations which supposedly would be made by man if he were to attain the level of the seraphic consciousness. They are intended to be given in prayer form by all who aspire to these heights of glory. {100} Matt. 5:8. {101} I Cor. 15:26, 55. {102} Luke 15:11-32. {103} Rev. 15:2; 21:18-21. {104} This meditation, which contrasts the purity of God with mankind's abortion of the divine plan, is intended to show how mankind's misdeeds affect one another. Planned obsolescence and the measuring of the economic standards by the profit motive instead of the gold rule "I AM my brother's keeper" are major factors which have contributed to the retardation of spiritual progress on the planet. {105} Gen. 4:9. {106} This is a reference to the law of octaves which gives the evolutions that abide in the physical octave complete dominion in the world of form, even as the ascended masters are the authority in their octave. Through the use of their free will, in the name of God, mankind can invoke and immediately receive the assistance of the ascended masters in their domain. Without this invitation the masters are not permitted, by cosmic law, to intervene in the affairs of men: One of the problems which modern theology has not been able to answer satisfactorily is the question posed by many sincere seekers: "Why does God allow so much evil in the world?" The answer is that the children of God as a whole have not asked for help enough - they have not invoked the assistance of the heavenly hosts in enough numbers to counteract the forces of evil that have been allowed (by humanity's misuse of their free will) to run rampant on the world scene. {107} Heb. 10:7. {108} Hab. 2:2. {109} Matt. 18:3. {110} The "Prince of the Realm" is your own beloved Holy Christ Self who, when given (by the correct application of your own free will) the "reign" of authority to govern the realm of the lower consciousness, will unlock the door to a cornucopia of divine blessings from on high. {111} "There is no weapon more deadly than the will." F. Max Muller, ed., The Sacred Books of the East (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879-1910), vol. 40, "The Writings of Kwang-Tze," The Texts of Taoism, trans. James Legge (1891), p. 84. {112} Luke 2:14. {113} Mark 4:39. {114} Matt. 22:11-14. {115} Matt. 22:11-14. {116} See the Chart of Your Divine Self for a more vivid understanding of this process. {117} A herald's wand, and hence the staff used by messengers. The caduceus of Hermes is a familiar example. In its oldest form, it was a rod ending in two prongs (probably an olive branch with two shoots, adorned with ribbons or garlands) for which, later, two serpents with heads meeting at the top were substituted. A pair of wings was sometimes attached to the top of the staff. In historical times, the caduceus was the attribute of Hermes as the god of commerce and peace; and among the Greeks, it was the distinctive mark of heralds and ambassadors, whose persons it rendered inviolable. Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. "caduceus." {118} The Hindu Trinity - Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Preserver; and Shiva, the Destroyer. {119} I Cor. 15:26. {120} Acts 1:9. {121} II Kings 2:11. {122} 1 Cor. 15:35, 36. Paul's reference is clarified in Jesus' own words as recorded by John: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal" (John 12:24, 25). {123} Gal. 3:1, 3. {124} Phil. 3:14. {125} Matt. 11:12. {126} John 17:5. {127} Mark 16:14. {128} Exod. 7:12. {129} Pss. 51:17. {130} This statement clarifies the following Biblical passages: John 6:29-40; 10:9; 11:25-27; 14:1; Acts 8:37; 16:31: 19:4; Rom. 10:9-13; I John 3:23-24. {131} John 14:3. {132} Gal. 6:7. {133} James 1:17. {134} Eph. 4:9, 10. {135} Acts 9:3-5. {136} Act 8:26-39. {137} II Kings 2:11. {138} Ezek. 1:16. {139} I Pet. 2:5. {140} Gen. 18:1. {141} Rev. 15:2; 22:1; 2:17. {142} John 16:33. {143} John 8:44. {144} Gen. 37:3. {145} Rev. 3:17. {146} I Cor. 2:14; James 4:4. {147} Hab. 1:13. {148} Matt. 25:21. {149} John 4:35. {150} Mark 16:15; Matt. 10:8. {151} Matt. 7:15. {152} Luke 22:42. {153} Luke 23:28. {154} Heb. 4:12. {155} Matt. 25:1-13. {156} Matt. 5:11, 12, 44. {157} Matt. 28:18. {158} Mark 3:35. {159} Luke 7:24-26. {160} Gen. 5:22-24; 41:38-46; II Chron. 3-7; Matt. 12:1. {161} Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Ladder of St. Augustine," stanza 10 (1858). {162} John 21:15-17. {163} Heb. 9. {164} The Chinese. {165} On November 5, 1966, the Great Divine Director announced that "for a certain period of time, a dispensation has been granted at the request, the righteous request, of both the Darjeeling and Indian Council for the will of God to be made known." He explained that "conditions in the world today have reached a point where the Karmic Board has withdrawn all restraint from the beings of the elements. ... We sound forth tonight the edict that unless mankind shall change and correct and mend some of the terrible flaws now existent in society, certainly the elementals will be unable to hold back the tide of human creation which now stands behind them, held in the name of cosmic mercy." {166} "The earth is now passing through the Gethsemane of playing host to some of the most destructive youth ever to be assembled at one time upon the planet in all of her history. The waves of juvenile delinquency and human recalcitrance, the contagious and sorrowful disrespect of children for parents and even parents for children, is not a spiritual component to assist the unfoldment of the golden age, but rather a crucifixion of Divine Love upon the planetary body, given in the name of mercy, in order to once again afford those lifestreams - reembodied from past ages of human infamy - the opportunity of finding their freedom and way back home." The Goddess of Liberty, June 28, 1963, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 6, no. 26. See also the Goddess of Liberty, May 22, 1966, Liberty Proclaims, pp. 34-35. {167} Luke 23:28. {168} I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; II John 7. {169} I Cor. 15:26. {170} Matt. 15:14. {171} John 1:14. {172} Rev. 9:10. {173} Gen. 19:1-29. {174} `En-Soph': The Limitless Deity of early Hebrew metaphysicists interpreted as the 'Supreme God' of the modern Kabalists.